Buying FAQ
Here's a short FAQ to answer our commonly asked questions about the buying process.  Don't worry it's easy, but look here first if you have any questions.

1) Why does the purchase link go to BMT Micro?

Well, we make games for a living and would like to keep it that way.  We have no interest in making a secure, easy to use e-commerce site with lots of payment options.  BMT Micro already does this and has been around since 1992.  So we let them do what they are good at and we stick to what we are good at.

2) I bought Depths of Peril or Kivi's Underworld, installed it, and now it is asking for a name and key, what do I enter?

The name that the game expects is the name you used in the licensed to field (if you filled it out) or your first and last name exactly how you entered it when you bought the game.

The key is the really long alpha-numeric key with the dashes that should have been sent to you in an email from BMT that looks like XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX but will have other letters and numbers.

3) I don't have a credit card, can I still buy the game?

Yes, BMT has many payment methods other than credit cards like Paypal, Deutsche Bank, checks, and cash.  For the last 3 options you might want to check out BMT's ordering options page.  You can even order by phone if you want.

4) I bought Din's Curse or Demon War, where is my key?

The key should be in the email that has your download link in it. Since it has links in it this email might get caught in your spam filter. Look there first. You can contact our support email to get this information resent to you.

5) The price seems high when I buy in a foreign currency, why is that?

BMT only processes orders in USD, GBP and EUR directly. Other currencies are simply an estimate of what your credit card is going to charge you. BMT just charges you the USD amount. The estimate shown is the current interbank rate plus 8% which is the highest conversion rate a card would charge. The actual amount you will pay is almost always lower, but that is controlled by your credit card company.

6) Can I buy your games for a friend or family member?

You sure can. Our e-commerce provider now has a gift option. Just order as usual and when you are on the BMT buy page, hit the little present icon and fill in the other person's email address in the Recipient Email field.

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