Bytten - 92% (gold star) Depths of Peril is a delicious fusion of a few styles of games and has hit a brilliant balance between tactical decision making, strategic gameplay and plain old button mashing mayhem. ... Roguelike fans rejoice! Nearly everything in each game is randomly (yet intelligently) generated, and no two games will be the same. ... brilliant in-game fiction ... clever skill system for character development ... Go buy the game already! Read more at Bytten GameTunnel - buy (highest rating) ... for a game that is at once familiar and incredibly fresh and exciting for veteran RPG fans. ... quite simply an incredibly fun game that pushes the envelope of what a computer role-playing game can be. ... This is the thinking-persons action-RPG, and the answer to the demands of genre fans craving deeper fare. ... The dynamic world and competition / rivalry / cooperation between the covenants adds a new dimension to the traditional action-RPG formula. Read more at GameTunnel Game Tunnel - call in sick (highest score possible) I really liked Depths of Peril ... is a very singularly enjoyable experience ... due to how entranced I was with the game. Great game! Read more at Game Tunnel (it's the 5th mini-review down) Generation: Gamerz - 89% This game does very well all around. Plus it's addictive as all hell. I mean the reason this review has taken me so long is I would simply just get wrapped up in the game, a game which I have now been playing for several weeks and told Mr. Peeler I would have reviewed in a week. Read more at Generation: Gamerz The Sacramento Bee - 3 1/2 stars It sounds like an unlikely mix, but in practice, it's a great fit and well-executed here. Quibbles aside, "Depths of Peril" could teach Blizzard a thing or two. There's nothing else like it. Read more at The Sacramento Bee - 8.5 Depths Of Peril is the first “Diablo clone” I’ve seen that takes the design and adds so much to it that future designers may be taking ideas from Depths, rather than Diablo. ... I could go on to list all the features, but they’re so extensive that suffice to say, there’s a lot to like here – a ridiculous lot to like. Read more at Out of Eight - 7/8: Buy it Depths of Peril is a highly recommended title that seamlessly blends two genres into a unique and compelling gaming experience. Read more at Out of Eight RPGFan - 84% ...they've managed to build a game of epic size and scale. How'd they do it? Basically, by borrowing some of the greatest gameplay innovations of the last decade and harmonizing them in ways that no other developer, small or large, has yet attempted. Read more at RPGFan RPG Watch - 4/5 excellent background lore ... All this adds up to a wealth of decisions and different tactical approaches for the player. ... Depths of Peril is addictive, frantic, challenging - and unique. I thoroughly enjoyed it and couldn't resist seeing just one more area, finishing one more raid, searching for that last piece of armour to finish the set. Read more at RPG Watch GamesRadar (also in PC Gamer UK) - 8 (great) Depths of Peril does exactly what you want from a Diablo clone, and then does a whole lot more as well. ... it’s Diablo meets STALKER - and that’s a STALKER that’s far more alive than GSC’s world ended up being. Read more at GamesRadar Gamepyre - 80% Being the head of a household is not easy; especially when other houses are one step away from raiding, pillaging and trying to end your game. This is what makes Depths of Peril so much fun to play Read more at Gamepyre Twenty Sided - no score, but very positive This isn’t just something thrown together by fans who wanted “Diablo, but with more better graphics”, this is a step forward for a genre that has been running in place for a decade. Twenty Sided - no score, but very positive Depths of Peril is an interesting combination of a role playing, hack n' slash and strategy. ... A very rich background of lore and a series of quests that continue along a main storyline really fill out the game. ... Depths of Peril is a unique and addicting little game that I've played for many hours already and intend to keep on playing. Read more at Gaming's Edge - no score, but very positive The dynamism is a refreshing change of pace... One thing I'm finding out about the game is that it's just as much fun to "win" and then go through the storyline as it is to mess with the other covenants. ... Seriously, you guys. You gotta try this thing. And with a free demo, there's really no excuse. Get to playing! Read more at Gaming's Edge Rampant Games - no score, but very positive But what makes Depths of Peril so fascinating is that it goes well outside the comfort zone of traditional RPGs, and incorporates elements that might sound like a mash-up on paper, but really work extremely well as a unified whole. ... This is a game with some real depth to it. ... In my opinion, every good RPG is part strategy game (or at least a tactics game), and Depths of Peril simply extends that idea outside the box and into some really fun, less-explored territory. Read more at Rampant Games guttersnipe - no score, but positive For the teen to adult, Depths of Peril—which I have pretty well been playing non-stop for weeks now—is definitely my pick of the month. Read more at guttersnipe Casual Gameplay - no score, but positive "Ugh, another isometric RPG," I thought as I set up my character and game options. But after just 20 minutes in, I could tell that my assumption was wrong, and that I'd stumbled onto something special. Read more at Casual Gameplay Assistive Gaming - no score, but positive But Depths of Peril has some unique features that really set it apart from other Diablo clones and put it into a category all by itself. ... How accessible is Depths of Peril? I’m happy to say it’s very accessible. Read more at Assistive Gaming Fidgit - no score, but positive But the really cool part is that while you're out adventuring, so too are heroes from other clans. ... There's diplomacy system here like you'd expect to find in an epic strategy game. Read more at Fidgit Fuyoh! - no score, but positive Depths of Peril may be no Diablo III but it’s much more interesting than Blizzard’s polished, safe and bland designs. Read more at Fuyoh! PC Gameplay magazine - 82 No links for a change because it's a magazine and it's in Dutch. :) According to them a 82/100 score translates to: "An excellent game, definitely worth having in your collection." GamingXP - 82% I would put a quote here, but the review is in German. Read more at GamingXP - 8/10 Again I would put a quote, but the review is in German. Read more at Gas Bandit Gaming - B- ...under the modest exterior the game has an interesting hook that, if it is your particular cup of tea, will keep you tussling at it long past your bed time. ... Novel concepts in combining action RPG play with political intrigue... Read more at Gas Bandit Gaming GameZone - 7.8 ...the game scores well where it truly counts – in the gameplay itself. ...what Depths of Peril offers is right there in the title – depth. ... The looks and sound hold it back slightly, but if you are looking for deep gameplay, Depths of Peril fits that bill. Read more at GameZone Inside Mac Games - 7.75 Part of the joy is discovering for yourself. How many games have claimed that and delivered? To fans of the genre, this is definitely a perilous journey worth taking. Read more at Inside Mac Games Jolt - 7.7 The fun and rewarding action-oriented gameplay will certainly be what makes you sit down and play for a while, but it’s this constantly changing, replayable game of strategy that gives you a reason to come back. Read more at Jolt Gamer Node - 7.5 It's a mix between Diablo and Civilization, and it's pulled off surprisingly well. ... With the Covenant gameplay and the political nuances, though, Depths of Peril is anything but a Diablo clone. Read more at Gamer Node gameSlave - 7.5 Through a clever combat and skills system, whatever class of character you chose can lever up fairly quickly, unlocking higher skills, more powerful attacks... Overall, Depths of Peril is definitely worth a try, graphics and learning curve aside, the game offers plenty of depth and the diplomatic aspect of the game gives it a lot more punch than other RPGs on the market at the moment. Read more at gameSlave GamesWeb - 75% The review is in Slovak, but they were kind enough to give me some quotes: Dozens of options, a handfull of tactics and of course loads of fun. ... Where tactics and fun collide. ... A brain-teaser for the beginners and a masterpiece for the skilled. Read more at GamesWeb GrrlGamer - no score, but it's a very positive review Depths of Peril caught my eye for its similarities to Siege of Avalon and Civilization. "What the heck?", you may ask. The simple point-and-click action RPG system, fighting, getting experience and loot gameplay is nicely incorporated in the entire diplomacy and aspiration to conquer the world, just like in Civilization. Curious? Keep on reading. Read more at GrrlGamer Mana Pool - 7 The game is incredibly interesting and does some things in a way that other games in the genre can take a lesson from. Read more at Mana Pool Your Local Guardian - 7 This game, however, is more like the bastard son of the Diablo-clone family, taking the best of that genre and evolving into an entirely different type of RPG. Read more at Your Local Guardian DarkZero - 7 Thankfully, although Depths of Peril makes generous use of ideas from the past, it uses them well enough to gain respect in its own right. ... unlike a few of the other games in the genre, particularly the one mentioned earlier, Depths of Peril seems to have a greater basis in tactical combat than you would initially expect. ... The hack and slash action, regardless of its familiarity, is very satisfying. Read more at DarkZero Gaming Nexus - 7 The 3D isometric view is familiar to the Diablo lineage, although the downright panic-inducing real-time strategy elements categorize Depths of Peril as a different kind of animal. ... But Depths of Peril also adds political ingredients to the stew. Negotiating with your fellow barbarians is a fully-realized scenario that takes its cue from Rome: Total War. Money shifts hands, trade routes open and close, equipment is hauled back and forth, all in the name of temporary peace. Read more at Gaming Nexus Games32 - 69 They managed to created a game that, if you just give it a shot, it will captivate you for its unique gameplay that many other BIG titles lack. ... But what make the game unique is the relations with enemy factions. Read more at Games32