More new screenshots

Here are a few more screenshots that show more variety in locations.  All 3 are at night again.

This shot is in Barrenlands and shows a bunch of stalkers and a couple amorphs roaming around.  Pic details - 1016x734, 132KB, bloom off.

Depths of Peril - Barrenlands


This shot is in Freya Meadows and shows a wandering NPC mage fighting with some stalkers.  Pic details - 1016x734, 136KB, bloom off.

Depths of Peril - Freya Meadows


This shot is also in Freya Meadows and shows the results of the NPC mage battle with the stalkers.  At least he managed to take one of the stalkers with him.  Pic details - 1016x734, 136KB, bloom off.

Depths of Peril - Freya Meadows

New screenshots

Here are a few more screenshots that show a little more variety in locations.  All 3 are at night.

This shot is in Amber Plains and shows the player getting attacked by a lich.  Pic details - 1016x734, 146KB, bloom off.

Depths of Peril - Amber Plains


This shot is in High Desert.  The player is getting attack by a pair of lightning elementals, but what is more interesting is there are 2 orcs and 2 zombies off to right fighting each other.  Pic details - 1016x734, 127KB, bloom off.

Depths of Peril - High Desert


This shot is in Hinterland Forest and shows the player surrounded by giant spiders.  Pic details - 1016x734, 123KB, bloom off.

Depths of Peril - Hinterland Forest

Bloom comparison shots

Here's 2 more screenshots from Depths of Peril.  Both of these are the same screenshot but one has bloom on and the other has it off.  Since bloom is an option in the game that changes the looks of the graphics quite a bit, we thought we would show everyone the difference.

These screenshots are all from an alpha build of the game.

This shot is at the very edge of town going into the wilderness and is showing the aftermath of a battle with a small group of orcs.  Pic details - 1024x768, 268KB, bloom on.

Depths of Peril - Orcs with bloom


This is the same shot as above with the bloom off.  Pic details - 1024x768, 247KB, bloom off.

Depths of Peril - Orcs without bloom

First Screenshots

Here's the first screenshots that we have released for Depths of Peril.  All three of these actually take place within the town of Jorvik.  You can see from these shots that we are going for a bright, colorful art style instead of the typical realistic style.  Click on any thumbnail to see a larger version.

These screenshots are all from an alpha build of the game.

In the first shot the town is under attack by Dread Warriors.  Notice the dead npc in the grass by the hut, that used to be the town's Warmaster.  Pic details - 1272x926, 301KB, bloom on.

Depths of Peril - Town Attack


The town is also under attack again in the second screenshot but this time it is from torva shaman and imps.  Pic details - 640x480, 154KB, bloom on.

Depths of Peril - Town Attack


In the last shot, two of the covenants are having a minor conflict in the middle of town and as always barbarians resolve their conflicts through combat.  Pic details - 640x480, 205KB, bloom on.

Depths of Peril - Minor Conflict



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