Even more alpha screenshots

These were taken during alpha testing.

In this shot, the player is standing near 2 new houses that they have built. Pic details - 1920x1080, 407KB

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player has discovered a structure deep below the surface and is getting attacked from behind by a giant spider. Pic details - 1920x1080, 345KB

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, it shows a bunch of apartments built so that NPCs could join our town. NPCs provide lots of bonuses to crafting, help protect the town, and even create items for the player occasionally. Pic details - 1920x1080, 496KB

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is exploring an underground cave. Pic details - 1920x1080, 364KB

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is getting attacked by some Torvas on top of a small flooded, wood house in an ice cavern. Pic details - 1920x1080, 388KB

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, I'm hidden in a little nook, while another player digs for iron between pools of acid. Pic details - 1920x1080, 479KB

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player has found a dark, scary inferno biome. Pic details - 1920x1080, 452KB

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, we see the new roof specific blocks that make houses look a bit better. Pic details - 1920x1080, 422KB

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, I found what's left of a house underground. It's flooded with pollution and there's lots of smoke, so I don't know what happened to it. Pic details - 1920x1080, 492KB

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is getting hit by a fireball from an evil looking fire trap. Please wishlist on Steam! Pic details - 1920x1080, 441KB

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, I started right next to this peaceful cabin in the jungle. I don't see any owners, so I'm moving in. :) Pic details - 1920x1080, 433KB

Din's Champion screenshot
More alpha screenshots

These were taken during alpha testing and for a change have some of the UI in them.

In this shot, the player is standing near 2 houses that they have built. Pic details - 1920x1080, 665KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is running away from a few stalkers, but unfortunately into a dead end. Pic details - 1920x1080, 537KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is about to be hit by a poisonous projectile from a source shrouded in darkness. Pic details - 1920x1080, 405KB.

Din's Champion screenshot
Alpha screenshots

These were taken during alpha testing. Tell us which ones you like best and we'll use those on places like Steam!

In this shot, the player is being attacked by a Lightning Cone Trap in an inferno biome. Pic details - 1920x1080, 469KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is blocking an attack from a scree and trying to not to fall in the lava. Pic details - 1920x1080, 565KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is standing in a small house that they built. Pic details - 1920x1080, 550KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is in an underground jungle with a few incoming zombies. Pic details - 1920x1080, 631KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is figuring out how to get to the gems past the lava and death knight. Pic details - 1920x1080, 519KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, there is a torva shaman and 2 stalkers fighting above ground and what looks like a bunch of silver ore. Pic details - 1920x1080, 489KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is between a few targs and pools of acid, pollution, and water nearby. Pic details - 1920x1080, 578KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is avoiding a bunch of fire and some hellhounds. Pic details - 1920x1080, 620KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is blocking an incoming skeleton archer attack. Pic details - 1920x1080, 503KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is being attacked by several orc shaman while trying to get to a bunch of tin. Pic details - 1920x1080, 601KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is enjoying a bunch of underground vegetation. Pic details - 1920x1080, 457KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is being attacked by a saurian mage and a torva. Pic details - 1920x1080, 563KB.

Din's Champion screenshot

In this shot, the player is backed into a corner by a krall. There is a least some gold and kenaf to gather. Pic details - 1920x1080, 603KB.

Din's Champion screenshot


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