Manual related stuff

On this page are the system requirements, manual, and EULA for Din's Legacy.

System Requirements

These are all educated guesses on our part. Try the demo to see the performance on your specific system.

Windows Minimum specs:
  Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/Win7
  2.0 GHz Core Duo (or other equivalent)
  512MB RAM
  GeForce 2 (or other equivalent)
  500MB of hard drive space
  DSL or better for multiplayer on internet

Windows Recommended specs:
  2.5 GHz I3 (or other equivalent)
  GeForce 3 or better (or other equivalent)

Mac Minimum specs:
  OS X 10.4 (Tiger) to 10.14 (Mojave)
  2.0 GHz Core Duo (or other equivalent, PowerPC or Intel)
  512MB RAM
  GeForce 2 (or other equivalent)
  500MB of hard drive space
  DSL or better for multiplayer on internet
  OS must support 32 bit applications!

Mac Recommended specs:
  2.5 GHz I3 (or other equivalent, PowerPC or Intel)
  GeForce 3 or better (or other equivalent)

Linux Minimum specs:
  Not sure yet on minimum Linux distribution
  2.0 GHz Core Duo (or other equivalent)
  512MB RAM
  GeForce 2 (or other equivalent)
  500MB of hard drive space
  DSL or better for multiplayer on internet

Linux Recommended specs:
  2.5 GHz Core Duo (or other equivalent)
  GeForce 3 or better (or other equivalent)

Mac OS X 10.3.9 should also run Zombasite fine, but you need OpenAL
installed first.  You can download the OpenAL installer from Creative.


Din's Legacy

User Manual


Thank you for purchasing Din's Legacy.

During the Orc Schism, the entire Orc race was violently split into Dark Orcs, Zombielords, and the Mutated. The Mutated are tainted with Orc blood, a zombie parasite, and necromancer magic. This makes people seriously mistrust and even ear them. The fact that they slowly mutate over time makes it even worse. Who is going to trust you when you grow horns overnight?

Despite all of this, the Mutated are actually more closely related to the Elves, both their behavior and physically. They want to prove this to the world, but they are facing a tremendous uphill battle.

The trickster god Din was intrigued by their chaotic mutations and burning desire to prove themselves to the world. Always in need of champions, he made a pact with the Mutated. Each volunteer would become one of his champions trying to save the world wherever Din sends them. In return, each time they die in his service he resurrects them to continue their service.

Din's Legacy, as well as the Mutated's and yours, are all in your hands! Can you be the Champion that is needed?

Getting Started
To start a new character choose Play and then choose New Character.

Choose the specialty you want this character to start as. At the beginning, you can choose to be a Weaponmaster, Assassin, Healer, Fire Mage, Hunter, Necromancer, and Minstrel. Many more specialties will unlock as you play. The description for each of these specialties are below:

Weaponmaster: This bruiser goes straight for the kill, an expert in various weapons.

Assassin: This vanquisher is a lethal killer, racking up huge amounts of damage.

Healer: This protector uses the healing gift to sustain themselves and sometimes others during battle.

Fire Mage: This flame specialist burns foes to ash using scorching fire magic.

Hunter: This defender lays deadly traps, catching their foes off guard and insuring success.

Necromancer: This death reveler commands diseases and raises the dead to do its master’s bidding.

Minstrel: Minstrels use music to manipulate the emotions of friends and enemies.

Pick your gender.

Name your character whatever you like.  You can also use the random name generator to generate names or just to give you some ideas.

After naming your character, picking a gender, and choosing a specialty, click the Ok button to continue.

On the next screen, you can create a new area or load an old character. Since this is likely your first character, choose Create New Area.

When creating a new area, you can select some basic options on how difficult you want the game to be.

Select the starting monster level. This will normally default to the nearest choice to your character's level. You can set this lower if you want the game to be easier or higher if you want more of a challenge. For your first character, you should probably leave it at 0.

When you get to higher levels, you will eventually be able to choose higher world difficulties (Champion, Elite, Legendary, and Ultimate).

There are also more advanced options to determine the pacing of the game, the area size, and a bunch of others. For your first game, you should probably keep the defaults.

When you are done selecting these options, click Create New Area to start the game.

Most of the tips in this manual also show up in the game in the form of help topics. To read a help topic, click on the blinking question mark icons. You can also hit the H key to get context sensitive help on most screens.

Please also take some time to read the tool tips. These tell you a lot of useful information.

Movement: Click on the ground or hold down the left mouse button

Attacking: Press a hot key (default to the number keys) corresponding to one of the hotkeyed skills, left click on an enemy, or right click on an enemy if there is an attack skill in the right click slot.

Left clicking with the mouse is context sensitive and does the most common action (move, pick up, etc.) whereas right click does the more rare actions like equipping an item.

By default, items on the ground show text above them for easy identification. You can press the ALT key to toggle this feature on and off. You can click on the text to pick up an item. This is usually easier than clicking on the item itself.

Holding the CTRL key down will prevent your character from moving when left clicking and thus make it safer to select, shoot at, or cast spells on enemies. You can change the CTRL key to work as a toggle instead in the game options, if that is easier for you. Right clicking does much of this be default.

There are 3 ways to attack an enemy.

1) Left clicking on an enemy will do a basic melee attack.
2) Pressing a number key will use whatever skill is in the corresponding hotkey slot (row of slots at the bottom of the main game screen) on the enemy nearest to the mouse cursor.
3) Finally, right clicking will use the skill (defaults to basic attack) in your right click slot on the nearest enemy to your mouse cursor.

You will continue to attack if you hold down the button or key used.

Much of your targeting is automatic, but you still have a lot of control if you wish to use it. Targeting priorities:

1) Selecting - if you attack or use a skill and you have the mouse cursor on top of an enemy, it will use that enemy as the target.
2) Locked on - if you already have an enemy targeted, it will continue to target that enemy.
3) Auto target - you will automatically target the nearest enemy to your mouse cursor.

Your objective as one of the new Mutated race is to prove to the world that the Mutated are good souls like the Elves and not evil like the Orcs, especially the Dark Orcs. In order to accomplish this, you, along with other like-minded Mutated, are adventuring around Aleria trying to save the world, one adventure at a time. Each of these adventures are very different and have different win and lose conditions.

You have 10 minutes to fix a losing scenario.

When you have won an area, you can finish up whatever you need to and can then start a new area. Once you are done, you can start a new area by clicking on the blinking won game icon. Don't worry; your characters, items, and recruit all carry over into the new area.

Each character that you create shares some basic attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Intelligence, and Spirit. How important each of these is to your specific character really depends on your specific character and how you want to play them.

Strength is a measure of how physically strong your character is. The stronger you are the more damage you will do in melee and the higher your chance of getting a crushing blow. Some weapons and most heavier armor also have minimum strength requirements that you must meet to equip them.

Dexterity deals with how agile your character is. The more dexterity you have the harder it is for monsters to hit you, the easier it is for you to hit them with melee attacks, and the higher your chance of getting a deep wounds hit. Some of the weapons with a little more finesse (like daggers and swords) have minimum dexterity requirements that you must meet to equip them.

Vitality is a measure of your overall health. The more vitality you have the more health and stamina you will have. With a higher vitality you also regenerate health faster.

Intelligence determines how smart your character is. More intelligence provides your character with more mana, a higher chance to get critical hits, faster mana regeneration, and higher perception.

Spirit is basically a measure of your will and faith. More spirit grants you more mana, faster mana regeneration, and more resistances from elemental and magic attacks.

For the most part, all of the attributes are useful to every character. Some will be more important than others depending on your specific character though.

There are many different stats in Din's Legacy. They are pretty simple to learn though.

Health is a measure of how much life you have. This is split into max and current health. Your max health is how much health you will have when completely healthy. Your current health is how much you have right now and is also a measure of how much health left before you die. If you get to zero health, you will die. If you find that you run out of health too fast, put more of your attribute points into vitality or use more magic items that increase health or vitality.

Mana determines how many skills (special moves or spells) that you can use in a short period of time. Each skill uses up a specific amount of mana. If you don't have enough for that skill, you won't be able to use it until you have enough mana again. If you run out of mana too fast, you can put more of your attribute points into intelligence or spirit.

Attack is how likely a non-magic attack will hit an enemy. This number is relative to the enemy's defense.

Defense is how likely you are to avoid a non-magic attack. This number is relative to the enemy's attack.

Armor is a measure of how much armor you are wearing. Heavier types of armors provide more armor value. The armor types in order of how much armor they provide is cloth, leather, mail, and plate. All classes can wear cloth armor. Some classes can wear the heavier armors either all the time or after they purchase the appropriate skill. Armor absorbs physical damage, so the more you have the less physical damage you will take.

Resistances are similar to armor except they work with elemental and magic damage. For example, the more fire resistance you have, the less damage you will take from something like a fireball spell.

Perception controls how likely you will notice traps on things like doors and chests. Characters with higher intelligence or the rogue skills disarm traps and pick lock skills will generally have good perception.

Find Extra Money is a measure of how well you notice extra money lying around. This is mostly granted from magic items.

Find Items Chance gives you better chances to find items. This is mostly granted from magic items.

Magic Find Chance gives you higher chances to find better magic item types. This will never give you a 100% chance to skip any of the item rarity types since there is a cap per rarity type. However, since the bonus carries over into the next type, huge Magic Find Chances are still extremely useful.

Light Intensity is a matter of how much light your character produces. All characters start with some light. Since it can get really dark in the dungeons this can be useful even though you might think of it as useless. When you find a dark dungeon in a world with a horror modifier and there is a darkness machine running somewhere, you will wish you had some extra light.

Your character has multiple layers of damage mitigation: defenses, resistances, armor, and health.

If a physical attack, your defenses try to avoid the attack altogether. Then, if the attack hits, your resistances and armor will reduce the damage taken. Finally, the reduced damage decreases your health. If your health gets down to zero, your character will die (only permanent in hardcore).

Each time your Mutation Progress bar fills up, you automatically and randomly mutate. This Minor Mutation can be a random skill level, a mutation to a skill you already have, a positive mutation, a negative mutation, a random skill, or even a unique skill (normal skill, plus 1 or 2 set skill mutations).

While these random mutations will pull your character in unexpected directions, you can fight against this if you want to by using skill points to remove unwanted mutations and skills. You can do this by hitting the - icon next to the mutation/skill in question.

Each time you gain a Minor Mutation, you also get a Mutation Point that allows you the opportunity to do a Major Mutation which you control.

Once you have a Mutation Point available, you can use them (one at a time) to mutate with another character or a class specialty to change your skills towards the other character or specialty.

* Will use 1 Mutation point
* Skills with skill levels (normal or mutated) will not change
* Armor/weapon skills used by equipped items will not change
* For each other skill:
   45% chance to keep
   45% to come from other character/specialty
   10% chance to be completely random
* Mutated level - gets recalculated = # extra skills, plus mutated skill level
* Regain any skill points used to get rid of unwanted mutated skills

Clan Relations
A potentially important (it depends on the scenario) aspect in Din's Legacy is Clan Relations. During a game, you will need to keep track of your relationships with other clans that you discover during the course of play. In addition, you will need to pay attention to how the different clans are responding to one another. You will need to make your decisions based on all the different clan relationships and standings, so discovering as many of the clans as you can is important! Explore the region to find them all, if possible.

The clan relations screen (default hotkey: R) shows how much everyone likes or dislikes each other and the treaties between all of the clans.

You can talk to individual clans on the clan relations screen to negotiate treaties, trade for things like items, get or solve quests, or interact with the clans in many other ways.

Consider carefully how you interact with the clans. Establishing good relationships with the most powerful clans can be helpful.

Ways to improve relations:
1) Solve a quest for them
2) Trade with them (items, contacts, etc)
3) Destroy an enemy monster near their people or area
4) Solve a quest for a friend

Ways to hurt relations:
1) Solve a quest for an enemy
2) Refusing demands
3) Attacking them or demanding stuff from them

The most important thing to remember is: Check the Relations screen often to see how you are faring with the other clans.

Use the context sensitive help for more details.

Special Types of Hits
There are 4 types of special hits that have a chance of happening on every melee hit (2 can also happen on magic attacks).

A Crushing Blow is a hit that automatically causes the maximum damage possible for that hit. These can also happen on magic attacks.

A Stunning Blow is a hit that stuns the enemy for a short period of time.

A Critical Hit is a hit that does double damage. These can also happen on magic attacks.

Deep Wounds is a special hit that along with the normal damage does another 200% damage over the next 5 seconds.

You can get multiple special hits at once but it will only show you one of them.

Dynamic World
Unlike most games, Din's Legacy has a very dynamic world. Each and every scenario will be very different.

Without giving away any spoilers, when an NPC says do this quick or something might happen, it will probably happen if you don't do something about it. When an NPC says hurry, they really do mean it. The game will change depending on what is going on in the area when you arrive, what you do, what you don't do, and even what the monsters and other clans do. So keep on your toes and solve the problems as quick as you can. You are the hero after all.

Interactions with the world
Many objects in the world can be used and/or destroyed so keep a lookout for different types of objects. Many times these are useful, but not always. For example, some things are poisonous or are holding up the ceiling. Causing large explosions near the support beams isn't the smartest of actions to take. Also beware, some types of monsters know how to use some of the objects in the game.

Sometimes doors and chests are locked or stuck. If something is locked and you use it, you will use up one skeleton key automatically and it will unlock. If you don't have a key though, you can use your the Lock Pick skill if you have that skill or you will have to bash down the door or bash open the chest. Bashing is some times the only way to open a stuck door. To bash something, simply click on it to select it and then attack it with any damage type skill you have, including your main attack skill (default 1 key). Beware though, bashing things open makes a lot of noise which will alert nearby monsters and give you a surprise penalty for a few seconds. Bashing also tends to damage your weapons faster than hitting enemies.

Be very wary of pools of acid and acid-based attacks. Acid does way more durability damage to your items than anything else. Acid pools look like small pools of green liquid.

Caves and dungeons are fairly fragile. Large explosions can cause cave-ins which will damage anything underneath them and can block paths. If they get in the way you can attack and destroy them though, just like if they were a monster. Beware though, bashing on rocks with your weapons wears them down faster.

Beware: things are not always as they seem. Sometimes sections of walls are really illusions which are secret doors leading to secret areas. Usually there will be some subtle clue that marks them as different somehow. Click on a secret door and it will fade away.

Note: every once in a while an object will be in the way of your progress through the dungeon. Don't worry though, every object like this can be attacked and destroyed or you can use it and it will fade away.

Ways Around
At first your only real option is to walk to areas you want to go to. However, every level has a gate somewhere in it. Once you have activated a level's gate, you can gate to and from that level instantly using your base gate.

There are a few different ways back to your base area. You can always walk back, but that's slow. In general, the best way is to use the nearest gate. Each level of the world has a gate. These gates allow instant travel to and from your base area once you have activated them. You also have a teleport stone (on the bottom left of the main game screen), but that can only be used once per world. The only other option is dying and resurrecting, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Your base gate allows you to quickly teleport to places around the world where you have found gates. To activate a gate in the world, simply left click on it. Once it is activated you can return to it from your base gate whenever you want.

Main UI Screens
Here is a list of the main UI screens and their default hotkeys. These screens can be accessed through the small buttons at the bottom of the screen or their hotkeys.

Character - C
Relations - R
Inventory - I
Quests - Q
Skills - S
Journal - J
Bestiary - B
Map - M
Main menu - Esc
Help - H

The character screen shows the basic stats of your character. Place the mouse cursor over anything that you want more information about. Use the context sensitive help for more details.

Skills Screen
The skill screen shows all of the skills currently available to your character. A gold border around the skill icon means that you have that skill. Notice that there are multiple tabs at the bottom (basics, mutations, and skills).

To use a skill, it needs to be in one of your slots at the bottom of the screen. To place a skill in one of these slots, click on the skill in the skill screen and then click on the slot you want it to go into. To actually use the skill, either press the hotkey for the slot or right click it.

The skills are not arranged in a skill tree. All of the skills are available at the very beginning, but they each have a different point cost. In general, the lower the skill is on the screen the more points it costs. For each skill level, the point cost increases by one compared to the last skill level.

There are three types of skills: passive, active, and support

Passive skills are skills that automatically work with no input needed from the player, assuming you have the skill of course.

Active skills only work when the player uses them in the appropriate way. The easiest way to use a skill is to add it to your hotkey bar and press the associated hotkey or add it to your right click skill slot. To do this, click on the icon of the skill in question and then click on the slot where you want it to go.

Support skills work similar to passive skills, but only work with specific other skills.

Passive skills have a blue border, active skills have a grey border, and support skills have an orange border around them on the skills screen.

Inventory Screen
The inventory screen along with all of your bags shows you all of the items you are carrying around and which items you actually have equipped. Open your Inventory by clicking on the third button from the left on the bottom of the main game screen (default hotkey I).

Unidentified items will have a question mark in the upper right corner. You can identify an item by right clicking on it.

Once identified, placing your cursor over its icon will give a short description of its properties. In addition, if you already have a similar item equipped, you will be shown your equipped item's information for comparison.

To equip an item, simply left click on it and then click where you want it to go. While "holding" the item, the outline of slots that can hold that specific type of item will flash. You can also just right click on the item and it will automatically equip into the correct slot.

A + on an item icon means it is better than your current item. Either it is worth more or its main modified stat is better.

A yellow X on an item icon means that you don't meet the minimum attribute or level requirements to equip that item.

A red X on an item icon means that you don't meet the skill requirements to equip that item.

Items come in many different rarities or types: normal, common, rare, set, elite, artifacts, and legendary.

Normal items are just that, normal.

Common and rare magic items have some random magical enhancements with rare items usually having more.

Set items belong to a group of items. If you can find and equip all of the items from a set, you will get some bonus enhancements. Many sets also have a partial bonus if you can equip part of the set.

Elite items are items that are named, have enchantments that are always the same, and usually are very powerful.

Artifact items are very similar to elite items, but usually have at least one extra enhancement so they are even more powerful.

Legendary items are the holy grail. They are the same as their artifact counterpart except they have an additional random magic modifier.

There are some rare items in the world of Aleria that actually have some level of intelligence. This intelligence can take different forms, some good and some bad, but all items with Ego have one thing in common: a 25% bonus to damage, armor, or defense for weapons, armor, or shields respectively.

Sometimes items are made of fragile crystal or obsidian. Items made from these two materials are irreparable. However, these materials are used because they greatly enhance weapons and armor. Crystals give a 25% and Obsidian gives a 50% bonus to damage or armor.

The stash is your extra inventory space where you can store whatever items you want. Your shared stash is shared by all of your characters (player characters not recruits). Only bags can go directly into the stash. Any type of item can go into these bags though.

Money in the world of Aleria comes in the form of copper pieces (CP), silver pieces (SP), and gold pieces (GP).

100 Copper Pieces = 1 Silver Piece
100 Silver Pieces = 1 Gold Piece

Note: weapon damages and armor values are already included in the total. For example, if you find leather boots that have 10 armor and a 100% armor bonus listed, what it really means is that the item has a base armor value of 5, the 100% bonus gives you another 5 armor, for a total of 10. We make it easy by doing all of the math for you. :)

Bags are pretty critical to your inventory since they affect how many items you can carry around. They are pretty simple to use and understand, but there are a few rules that you need to keep in mind:

1) You can right click on a bag to see what is in it or to put items in it.
2) All items that you want to store (not equip) must ALWAYS be stored in a bag.
3) You begin the game with a Backpack (holds 24 items). There are also 3 empty bag slots where you can add additional bags. You can see all of these slots on   the equipment screen (default hotkey I).
4) Bags cannot be moved or sold unless they are empty!
5) If you want to store items in your stash or shared stash, you must first place a bag into a stash slot. Items can then be stored in these bags.
6) There are 11 different sizes of bags ranging from a pouch (holds 4 items) to an ultimate backpack (holds 24 items).
7) You cannot put any items into a bag that is itself in another bag.

Most items have a limited durability before they break. You will be warned when any item gets too worn, but pay attention or something might break at a bad time. You can repair your items using armor scraps and grindstones at your Crafting Station in town. Attacking some things like doors, chests, and cave ins will cause more damage to your weapons than softer things.

Staying Alive/Death
There are many ways to regain health when your health gets too low. Typically the easiest way is to drink a health potion. This will slowly regenerate your health. The cheapest way to regain your health is to use your healthstone in town. Using your healthstone regenerates your health fairly quickly and is free but you have to be in town of course. There are also altars, healthstones, and lifestones in the world sometimes that can be used. And last but not least, some of the classes have different spells that can heal wounds.

Death is inevitable in Din's Legacy. When you die you can always resurrect using your personal lifestone necklace (unless you are playing hardcore). When killed you will incur a small XP debt penalty. This means you get less experience until you work off the XP debt. If you go and retrieve your soulstone that dropped when you died, the XP debt will be decreased. Soulstones are not saved so be sure to pick them up quickly.

Press "M" (default hotkey) to display the map of your current region. As you walk around, the gray (fog of war) areas will reveal the map to show areas that you have now explored. You can set Waypoint markers by right clicking a point on the world map. These waypoints will also show on your Minimap, and can aid in finding your way back to a specific point in an area. Waypoints can be removed by right clicking on them on either your world map or Minimap.

The Minimap is displayed in the top right of the main game screen. Most important objects will display as blips on the minimap. Hovering your mouse over any icon or blip on the minimap will display information about that object.

For the most part, Din's Legacy works the same in multiplayer as it does in singleplayer. The multiplayer experience is designed to be co-op, so generally you can't hurt other players and things like quests and experience are shared.

There are a few differences. You can chat with other players by hitting enter or clicking on the chat button in the lower left of the screen. You can also hover the mouse over the icon in the upper right of the screen to find out information about the game. You can see the locations (either a dot or the area name) of other players on the map. Each player's health shows up on the right side of the screen. If the player is close enough, left clicking this health bar will select their character and right clicking it will show you their items. You can even trade with other players by right clicking on the player's bar to see their items and then clicking on request trade.

The game uses ports 26503 through 26509.

26503 - client port
26504 - server port
26505 - port on server & client to talk to master server
26510 - master server port

Other Useful Info
Your crafting station is where you salvage items into crafting materials, repair weapons and armor, and attempt to craft items into more powerful items. All of these tasks either require items to salvage or crafting items to repair or craft with.

If you don't have specific quest givers in your specific scenario, your bulletin board is where you see, accept, and solve quests that you need to deal with. If you so choose, you can also go to the clan relations screen and talk to other clans about the quests they would like you to solve for them.

Despite the recent Zombie Apocalypse, there are still vendors wandering around trying to make money. Note: they have a finite amount of gold to buy things with. To buy something, just move it from the vendor's inventory to your own, right click on the component, or use the buy hotkey (defaults to spacebar). To sell something, just move it from your inventory to the vendor's or hit the sell hotkey (defaults to spacebar). Vendors will save the last two items that have been sold to them. If you made a mistake, you can buy these back for the price that you sold them for. If a vendor has an item that you would like them to save for you, you can move it to one of the hold slots.

Every clan can give you quests if they have something they want you to do for them. Most of the time you can pick up and turn in quests directly from the clan relations screen instead of traveling all of the way to the clan in question though. There are only a few cases where you need to physically pick something up at a quest giver. Doing quests for a clan improves your relation with them. However, this will also impact your relations with the other clans. It will decrease relations with enemies and increase relations with friends of the clan you solved the quest for.

Each time you increase in level you get more attribute and skill points to distribute however you want. To use your attribute points, open up your character page (defaults to the C key), and press the + button next to the attribute you want to increase. You get 5 attribute points each level. To use your skills points, open your skill page (defaults to the S key), and press the + button next to the skill you want to increase. The higher your character's level, the more skill points you get per level. Also note, that skills cost more and more with each skill level.

There are many ways to regain mana when your mana pool gets too low. The easiest way is to just let it naturally regenerate. This is the slowest way however. You can drink a mana potion to regain mana faster. There are also altars, manastones, and lifestones in the world sometimes that can be used. Other than these methods, many classes have various ways to gain mana. Look at your character skills for specifics.

There are 10 hotkey slots at the bottom center of the main game screen. These are here to make it easier to use skills. To use a skill in these slots, hit the number key that is displayed in the hotkey slot you want to use. These slots are usually filled automatically when you get new active skills, but you can manually add skills here by left clicking on a skill and then clicking on which ever hotkey slot you want it in. Adding your consumables to the hotkey slots might be a good idea.

Item find, magic find, critical hit, crushing blow, and deep wounds bonuses are slightly misleading. They represent the bonus compared to normal. For example, a 100% bonus to critical hits means a 100% better chance than normal, not a 100% chance. So if your normal critical hit chance is 5% and you have a 100% bonus, the final value will be 10%.

Pretty much anything the game saves like characters, screenshots, and exports goes into a User directory. Where this is depends on your operating system.

Vista/Win7/Win8/Win10 - C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Local\DinsLegacy\User
XP - C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USER NAME\Local Settings\Application Data\DinsLegacy\User
Mac - /Users/YOUR USER NAME/Library/Application Support/DinsLegacy/User
Linux - ~/.local/DinsLegacy/User

Note: The AppData directory in Vista and newer is hidden by default. The Library directory in later version of OS X is also hidden by default.

Replace YOUR USER NAME with whatever your specific user name is on your operating system.

Designer & Programmer
  Steven Peeler

Story & Writing
  Delilah Rehm

Sound Effects & Music
  Tori Kamal

  Patrick Boisvert
  Rebecca Smith
  Ethan McCaughey
  Andy Arrondo
  Rich Fleider

Arkblade, Wes Oldenbeuving, Travis Cravener, noelis, Jay Gittings, Stefan Biernath, Anonymous, Jeremy Yap, Cody Black, Brian Rubin (Space Game Junkie), Roger Yates, Calvin Bates, Geodripp, Boris Biehl, Casey Greene, Kxmode, Joshua Gutauckas, Thomas Tepper, Patrick Andrews, Lucien Jely, Robert Fermier, Zadie Wilde, Robert Pavel, cogsdev, Castruccio, and Harkonis

Alpha/Beta Testers
Destro*, Fulano, Dragonface, Varkon, Bluddy, Mandark, Boink, hella, Etto, Castruccio, DrJoeFitz, Nyithra, rainbow, Excellion,, Darkness, Mithur, Dungeon Explorer Lan, Westwind, Ninjakillzu, Cthulhu Fhtagn!, TheRagingAnimist, chesse20, Crisses, treborx555, Giri, Doesn't Learn From Mistakes, Sarah, Throwback, Charls Barkly, Cordell, julie23316, Khalgar, BrianRubin, @everyone, Procura, Wayne, ricmadeira, Tyakraman, Someone64, mothbones, blightfang, tdstom, Koztic, vantil, rawrkite, Chiaki Nanami, BeepBeep, Nick, Mimic, Laser Dog, Karol13, Romløk, milithien, OpusOvis, Paul Debrion, wrestless, Mavor, eliotno3, William, LichdomRules, Jack67, Snuggy Serian, Maku, Carnage, lbhgaming, Enternight, and SyrhTalbot

These are roughly in order from number of changes. To see specifics look at the latest Din's Legacy change list.

First make sure you have the latest video and sound drivers installed for your system.

If the main menu looks shifted over and doesn't fit on the screen correctly and you have a high resolution monitor this might help: right click on the game's icon, select the compatibility tab, and check the "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings". The exact steps for this seem to change with every new OS version.

If your graphics are flickering, especially if your mouse cursor is having issues, try turning off the hardware cursor in the graphics options menu.

If you are having any strange sound issues try setting the Sound Device to DirectSound or MMSYSTEM in the sound options menu if you are using Windows. You will have to completely get out of the game and restart the executable for this change to take effect though.

There is also a startup problem when running the ATI tray tool's on-screen-display (it shows fps for any 3D application).  If you have this tool turned on and the game fails to start, turn it off.

Triple buffering has been known to cause problems on some cards. If you are having graphics issues or are having startup issues, try to turn off triple buffering in your graphics driver options.

Sometimes the Evolve client can interfere with the game. If you are having problems and are running Evolve, turn Evolve off and see if things work better.

Sometimes the Steam overlay can interfere with the game graphics. If you are having strange graphics issues and running Steam, try turning the Steam overlay stuff off.

It seems that msi afterburner might interfere with the game and make it run much slower.

AC 97 sound cards with old drivers have had problems with Din's Legacy. If you have one of these sounds cards, please make sure you have the latest drivers.

for AC97 (normal):

for HD:

If you have OS X 10.3.9 and the game doesn't start correctly you probably need to install OpenAL.  You can download the OpenAL installer from Creative at

If the game isn't saving correctly:
  1) Make sure you have enough hard drive space for wherever your saves are going
  2) Sometimes there are temporary permission issues, a reboot might fix this
  3) Make sure your anti-virus program (if you have one) is not preventing the game from saving

If the game is having problems connecting in multiplayer:
  1) Make sure your MTU is higher than 1300 (preferably 1400 or 1500)
    a) At a command prompt (Windows only):
       netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces
       along with other info this will tell you the MTU of different network connections
    b) to change you mtu, at a command prompt (Windows only):
       netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "NetworkName" mtu=1460 store=persistent
       where Network Name is the name of the network in question, might be something like
         Local Area Connection or Wireless Network Connection

On OS X 10.12 or later, if getting a Database/database.dbl critical error, it might be Apple's new Gatekeeper Path Randomization / App Translocation stuff getting in the way. Some things you can try: 1) after installing, move the game with Finder to a different folder, 2) xattr -d <FileName>
  ex. xattr -d "/Applications/DinsLegacy/"

To report crashes (at least on Windows 10):
1) Open Event Viewer (one way to open is click on settings, in the find setting box type in event, click on view event logs)
2) Under Windows Logs (on left side), click on Application
3) Find the Error line that references DinsLegacy.exe
4) Email/post at least the time stamp line and the fault offset line

If you are still having problems your best bet is to read the Din's Legacy forums at to see if anyone else is having this problem and if there is a known work around.  This is also the place to report any unsolved problems.

Troubleshooting Linux
Din's Legacy needs OpenAL and OpenGL to run. Everything else that is required should already be on most, if not all, Linux distributions. While not required, it also runs better if you have S3/DXTC texture compression support. Din's Legacy is a 32bit app, so if your run a 64bit distribution you will need to make sure you also have 32bit libraries for everything to work correctly.

We will add instructions for more Linux distributions below as we can. If you get Din's Legacy working on a distribution that is not on this list, we would love to know the details on our forums -

OpenAL on Linux
  sudo apt-get install libopenal1

OpenGL on Linux
  probably already installed and lots of packages contain it, one is:
  sudo apt-get install libgl-mesa-glx

S3/DXTCTexture Compression on Linux
  sudo apt-get install libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0

32bit libraries on Linux
For newer Debian distributions see
For older Debian, I believe it is something like this:
  sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

Forums -
Website -

Please go to to find out about the latest updates and patches for Din's Legacy.

We encourage people to modify the game if they want as long as they don't sell it in any way.  See the EULA for specifics. 

The pack files for the game are just normal zip files, most of the data is in there somewhere, and it is usually in a text file format, which means the game is pretty easy to modify.  Also if you post questions on our forums about modding the game, we will in general help out if we can.

More legal stuff
Din's Legacy and Soldak Entertainment are trademarks of Soldak Entertainment, Inc.

Copyright (c) Soldak Entertainment, Inc. 2018-2019

All rights reserved.


Below is the EULA that comes with Din's Legacy. The problem with EULAs is you tend to see them after you purchase something, which frankly sucks. We are posting ours so you can read it before purchasing if you want to. In our EULAs, we try to be be as fair as possible. If you see anything that you think is out of line, please point it out to us and we will consider changes if they make sense.


Software License Agreement for Din's Legacy


Subject to the terms below, Soldak Entertainment, Inc. hereby grants you a non-exclusive, transferable (see section 6) license to install and to use Din's Legacy ('Software').

Under this license, you may:

(i) For a single family within a single family dwelling (house, apartment, etc), you may install this Software on as many computers as you personally own physically residing within that same dwelling. Everyone else must purchase one license per computer.

(ii) while in compliance with part (i), you may have multiple people playing singleplayer or multiplayer games over a LAN (local area network) at the same location at the same time. HOWEVER, YOU MAY ONLY HAVE ONE COMPUTER PLAYING OVER THE INTERNET AT A TIME PER LICENSE. To have multiple computers playing on the internet at the same time, you must buy one license per computer and install a unique key for each computer (each license purchase gets a unique key).

(iii) copy the Software for back-up or archival purposes.

Whether you are licensing the Software as an individual or on behalf of an entity, you may not: (i) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software or attempt to discover the source code; (ii) modify, or create derivative works based upon, the Software in whole or in part without the express written consent of Soldak Entertainment, Inc. (see section 7 for an exception to this); (iii) distribute copies of the Software; (iv) remove any proprietary notices or labels on the Software; (v) resell, lease, rent, transfer, sublicense, or otherwise transfer rights to the Software; (vi) in any other manner and through any medium whatsoever commercially exploit the Software or use the Software for any commercial purpose.

You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the Software is transferred to you. Title, ownership, rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Software shall remain that of Soldak Entertainment, Inc. The Software is protected by copyright and patent laws of the United States and international treaties.


We specifically do not guarantee that our master server will stay up forever. The master server is what the game contacts when you try to play the game on the internet. We wish to provide the master server for free and keep it up forever, but servers are not cheap, so we will see.

You use this program solely at your own risk.

This Agreement shall terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the limitations described in this Agreement or upon your transfer of your license to a third party. No notice shall be required to effectuate such termination. Upon termination, you must uninstall and destroy all copies of the Software.

Soldak Entertainment, Inc. reserves the right to ban your product key from our servers at our discretion. If your key is banned, this means you will no longer be able to play the game through our servers. We will only do this with a good reason of course. For example, but not limited to, giving your key to others to use without proper transfer or abusing other players.

6. Transfer
You have the right to transfer your license to a third party irrevocably and one time only. When transferred you must uninstall and delete all copies of the software. After the transfer, you no longer have the right to use the software.

Soldak Entertainment, Inc. allows and encourages users to make mods for Din's Legacy.  However, the mod cannot contain any of the material from the game or demo (this means no material from the game or demo can be distributed with the mod), cannot claim to be official content, cannot be sold or used for any other commercial purpose, and cannot be specifically made to work with the demo or a pirated copy of the game.


a. Severability.
In the event of invalidity of any provision of this Agreement, the parties agree that such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Agreement.

b. Export.
You agree that you will not export or re-export the Software in violation of United States or foreign export laws.

c. Governing Law.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, USA, without giving effect to (i) its conflict of laws provisions, or (ii) the United Nations Convention for Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. To the extent permitted by applicable law, any dispute arising under this Agreement or relating to the Software shall be resolved by a court of proper jurisdiction in Collin County, Texas, United States.

d. Entire Agreement.  
You agree that this is the entire agreement between you and Soldak Entertainment, Inc., which supersedes any prior agreement, whether written or oral, and all other communications between Soldak Entertainment, Inc. and you relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.  However, Soldak Entertainment, Inc. reserves the right to modify the terms of this license from time to time and will post notice of changes somewhere on  

e. Reservation of rights.  
All rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved by Soldak Entertainment, Inc.



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