Here are all of the changes in the various patches.
1.013 ----- - fixed if ever get above max armor/weapon penalties it getting really slow because constantly trying to add penalties but failing (rabidjawa)
- now only recalculate stats in removeStatusEffect if something was actually removed (causing some slow downs) (rabidjawa)
- fixed trying to do things with hull (causing it to slow down some) (rabidjawa)
- fixed ProjectileSpeedX missing translation (Fulano)
1.012 ----- - fixed a potential crash in Area::getGateName
- fixed a bug that can lead to infinite loop in GameShared::generateWorldSaveName
- fixed a potential crash in Level::getNumMonstersToSpawnPerBlock
- fixed a possible crash in MonsterType::getRandomUniqueVersion
- fixed a potential crash in Vendor::generateItem
- fixed a crash in getCurrentIdentifier (not bounds checking)
- fixed a crash when player stats are recalculated when item penalties change (DysDaemoN/Dromi)
- now when run out of fake entities for effects, put particle back on free list instead of deleting
- fixed emitters from fake entities never being removed (very likely a slowdown over a long play session) (happens because fake entities are never deleted but added to a reuse list) (Jean)
- fixed a crash in PlayerClient::notEnoughPowerWarning that could happen if you pressed a mouse button at the right time while loading
- changed server registration time from 120.0 to 20.0 seconds so NAT routes don't time out
- server now tries port guessing so NAT punchthrough is a bit more robust
- now take into account NATs that decrement port numbers by 1 or another small number
- now always send local address for assisted join
- fixed respawn time when level not loaded
- fixed MaxCount on sounds not working correctly
- fixed sometimes relation dropping to 0.0 when a treaty is cancelled
- fixed high frame rate + trying to use item/skill every frame overflowing the networking
- no longer broadcast sound events for non-players
- broadcast sound is now limited to once each frame
- now can put clan icons in text
- clan list on map screen now show clan icons
- added clan icon to clan relation list when highlighting a clan icon/portrait
- now show clan icons almost everywhere clan name is displayed
- put icons next to final line end on power comparison screen so much easier to tell which line is which
- sped up a bunch of get npc type functions
- fixed _longshot not initialized correctly
- fixed some data not getting reset on client when abandoning a sector (Darke)
- now player quests will update their seed and other info if the main quest seed has changed for some reason (Annex/Boink)
- fixed a bug in Time::operator=( seconds ) (this bug's probably only been there for ~17 years) (not sure how many bugs this caused, but it was doubling the long war value)
- fixed getting gate unlocks in multiplayer when going to a new sector (phoagne)
- now if a treaty in a trade fails to go through, entire trade is cancelled (Excellion/Sent Ernit)
- clans will now reject all demands if at war with trader
- fixed after deleting a ship the list not correctly selecting the next ship in the list (Jean)
- now if near a monster when it is destroyed, player has higher chance of getting the credit for the kill (Destro)
- fixed BestQuestBonus values not working correctly (being read in as bool)
- fixed moving a component to a cargo bay and most of the time it getting moved to a different cargo bay (firecat666)
- viewing current treaties will now show cease fire and time remaining (firecat666)
- now make sure to cancel any trade agreements if go back from ceasefire to war (firecat666)
- fixed a few places that clans could get above the max amount of credits (firecat666)
- bounty hunter quest now fails if the bounty hunter kills the player
- now shouldn't be able to get stealth and stealth surprise bonus at the same time
- fixed a couple problems with clans getting credit for destroyed clans (Boink)
- fixed failing quests in multiplayer when a player has a can't die with quest but another player dies (Dreepa)
- added a max xp debt so not quite so high at high levels (lechuck1)
- now clans won't declare wars on clans they've recently discovered (phoenix_54d)
- made sabotage options much more reliable do something
- fixed sabotage quests not applying to the correct clan sometimes (LotusBlade)
- fixed passive skills on items not being able to update stat multipliers
- fixed ai not trying to get another enemy once first one was killed sometimes
- fixed swapping 2 same type items numbers increasing each time (Alstein/floofyfunster)
- fixed weapon speed on weapons getting counted multiple times in DPS (Annex/Darkness)
- now defaults to highest resolution up to monitors current resolution (so probably the current resolution)
- now it is harder to get a clan to declare war on someone they have a treaty with (Sharp)
- added a Text Size option in advanced graphics options (Tchey/Agitated Ice)
- now take into account a clan's spy resistance when showing rumor, propaganda, sabotage, espionage, and plant spy chances (Kurama Kitsune)
- should no longer be able to target invisible enemies (at least directly) (fabulousfreep)
- now stop the fighting correctly if go straight from war to a non-peace treaty
- now long war relation change gets applied a second time at 2X max war time
- now long war relation change gets applied a third time at 4X max war time
- now delete map file when user tells game to delete wld file (sector) (firecat666)
- now targeting prioritizes monsters some
- fixed fighters still attacking things unprovoked when using defensive stance (Fulano5321)
- now mention Magic Find Chance bonus on each achievement achieved
- fixed a interactWithEntity fall back position using hardcoded slot index instead of correct left or right slot
- fixed weapon stop firing when client/server get weapon timing out of sync
- small optimization to updateMapPixel (now only divide if above 1 instead of 0)
- fixed weird minimap issue (out of level color on edge of fading out)
- no longer show relation line between 2 covenants that haven't met yet
- now clan icons on relation screen shrinks if too many on screen at once (starts at 7)
- now show a ? for relation numbers when the clan hasn't actually met the other clan
- now makes sure war is going to go through before announcing honors treaty by declaring war (Excellion)
- fixed a case sensitive code issue on Linux build
- names are now drawn on top of blips on map so you can see the names better (Darke)
- clans now save their definition by name instead of index (save games more stable when I add new clans)
- fixed clan trait saving (now by name instead of index) (Exgene)
- fixed a slowdown when adding waypoints on map (it was saving cfg each time for temporary change) (Darkness)
- no longer save cfg file immediately after zooming in/out to prevent slowdown (Darkness)
- sped up Emitter::draw a little if no particles to draw
- made teleport detection on client a little better
- now smooth entity movement better - gets rid of a lot of hitches (Bluddy/ScrObot/Mark)
- fixed some problems with mouse button 5 (Tchey/roykela)
- now quest update messages go through the normal center print system so don't overlap other messages
- now most loop sounds fade out instead of abruptly ending (this is mostly engines and projectiles)
- fixed World::getRoomName returning bad value if level index out of range
- now automatically pause if you have used a controller and it is unplugged
- now can recognize a controller plugged in while game is running
- now if a widget blocks entire screen and blocks mouse, it automatically sets DoesntLetInputThrough
- highlight text no longer overlaps highlight icon (ScrObot/Takarias)
- now draw - and + characters an extra time and slightly larger to make them a bit more clear
- now ambient music fades out when the game is paused (Bluddy)
- Offer Trade and Demand now do nothing if empty offer (Eris Shrugged)
- now can lock color in text
- fixed non-right mouse button clicks on map from leaving waypoints (Dreepa)
- can now highlight clan name on system/sector maps to get clan info
- can now click on clan names in system/sector maps to talk to that clan
- now make sure player has met at least one of the clans in question when message is sent about a rejected peace treaty offer
- now when dropping a stackable item on a vendor slot it tells you how many are going to get transferred (1 normally, entire stack of ctrl down)
- fixed most powerful clan changing every other calculation because of come from behind bonuses
- fixed a filename issue in TextureCtx::load
- now when highlighting a contact that you have met show clan info
- now money highlight on buy/sell screen will use commas if necessary
- widgets can now draw a shadow
- quest available and completed icons in relations screen now have a shadow (Destro)
- added some alpha to background when highlighting clan icons in relation screens so a bit easier to see what is going on
- now will automatically split items if spawned in greater amounts than the max stack (PhoAgne)
- now eliminated by text can handle random clan names and specific monster names
- now map will scroll if you move mouse cursor to edge of screen
- teleport just clears the target instead of destroying incoming proectiles (The DevoMiezer)
- no longer send clan messages to stop attacking a friend when they haven't even met them yet
- now mention that can hold ctrl to sell an entire stack (Tyrax Lightning)
- can no longer add 0 gold to a trade (firecat666)
- updated donators
- moved entering system print down a little to not overlap lose timer info (firecat666)
- made player status bars 50% larger so a bit easier to see among other status bars
- fixed getting multiple object is farther than it appears messages sometimes
- now if you hold down the ctrl key when selling a stack of components with the space bar it will sell the entire stack (kerzainuhamster9)
- key names can now be translated
- mouse button 3-5 are now MB3, MB4, MB5 (so they fit better)
- added translations for leftcontrol, rightcontrol, leftalt, rightalt, pagedown, and pageup
- can no longer remove original text from a quest generated waypoint (Tnega)
- now if ctrl buy on an consumable in essential components section, only buy 1 instead of buying until you're out of credits (derpenstein)
- added clan icons to power ranking bars
- fixed not getting some pickup sounds (sounds now come from player instead of item)
- now get modifier icon when highlighting on system/sector map
- moved MapLevelMaxZoom to database instead of hardcoded
- now check that quest title has some text before overriding biggest accomplishment text
- now if successfully demand something print says demanding instead of trading (firecat666)
- added SoundCullingDistance (1500.0) and change skill and combat sounds to use this instead of 400.0/500.0
- now highlight text box will be at least the size of the icon (if there is an icon) (ScrObot)
- no longer show damage numbers in fake game
- no longer show health bars in fake game
- now health bars of planets/ships from clans you have a mutual protection pact or alliance with are dark green
- no longer get multiple buzzes for a warning that is already displaying on the screen
- now filter random names a little
- now when highlight component/object text, it also highlights the entity and shows the highlight text for that component/object
- made it so static models with alpha model data gets cached correctly (will speed somethings up some)
- now give warning can't add socket to a component more reliably (Annex)
- can no longer click on list items that aren't displayed (Eris Shrugged)
- center print now uses value from database correctly instead of old hardcoded value
- now smooth object angles a little better (Bluddy)
- added sound when component gets a rarity bump when identifying it (Redsovietz)
- fixed joystick button names not being translated correctly on widgets
- dpad on controller now moves mouse to next clickable widget in the specified direction
- now dpad works on lists
- now left controller stick can scroll scrollbars/lists
- now left controller stick can scroll sliders
- now dpad works on drop down boxes
- added menu priority to have better control of always on top stuff
- now "Can't increase durability more" warning is a little more clear (Darke)
- dynamic music no longer plays on opening screen since it already has music (DysDaemoN)
- can now solve quests from clan diplomacy for accept in person quests (Annex/Verdusk)
- now if switch out a component of the same type it will automatically update user slot to new component (Fulano)
- now if remap up/down it will work consistently on quest screens (firecat666)
- now when a menu that pauses is up and you hit the pause button it doesn't unpause client side of things for a frame (DysDaemoN)
- now show "accept only in person" quests in clan quest list so know they exist (Varkon)
- fixed talk icon sometimes getting stuck above NPC heads
- now damage numbers will use commas if needed
- now large stats from most components have commas
- now dps on skills from components has commas if necessary
- check mark ui text is now centered better
- changed TextInput to be automatically centered left
- now widgets can override parent alignment
- item rarity is now color coded correctly in loot filter
- text in drop down box centered better
- fixed a lot of text alignment with different sized text
- updated copyright date
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 125
- changed save version to 260
- fixed port in getAddressString (just a developer thing)
- added showBoundingBox so I could see where bounding boxes are exactly
- simplified ActorCovenant::shouldBreakTreaty quite a bit
- removed a "No fake entities left" message, just slows things down when things are already probably slow
- added cheat_noLose so I could test some things for longer periods of time with cheats
- improved cheat_playTestTeleport to vary teleport position better
- added a more generic hasAbility/providesAbility system
- fixed 32 variables set but never used warnings from Linux compiler
- fixed a potential clearing problem in StatusEffectBase::build
- fixed a String/char* conversion warning from Linux compilter in PlayerClient::savePlayer
- fixed GameShared::optimizeSkillDatabaseEntry removing statMults accidentally
- fixed 2 places in geometry.cpp where //* was causing warnings in Linux compiler
- fixed using add instead of push_backUnique in Level::getFullLevelsMakeUpLevel
- fixed a possible crash in reloadMenus (just a develop or modder thing)
- changed graphics string code to an enum
- simplified text code lock stuff
- now quests/clans are smart enough to only remove world modifier if not being applied by another quest/clan
- moved getValidLocation from UIHelp to UISystem so could use other places
- added showRadius command so I can see collision stuff better
- added a way to apply multipliers to percents and always stay within 0 and 1 range
- added cheat_giveExperience
- simplified per game #defines a little
1.011 ----- - fixed map going slowly (was saving cfg each frame) (wierdbob/Invader Xom)
- fixed levels items being spawned in an adjacent level (Baines)
- right click auto target next thing will now only auto target monsters (Baines)
- added switch places to vendor UI (Baines)
- now get a message when fill up an empty vial (Faya AOP)
- made braziers in dungeons that are along railings usable (Baines)
- renamed 2nd Whey to Quality Whey (Faya AOP)
- removed taking screenshots to png format on Linux to remove dependancy on (Ubuntu 18.04 and up don't include)
- added teleportToDatabaseEntry command so I can easily teleport to problematic entities if I don't know where they are
1.010 ----- - fixed crash when salvaging items introduced in last patch
1.009 ----- - fixed a rare crash in Game::needMonsterOnLevel
- now when an item is removed or broken that provides a passive status effect, the status effect is removed (Kori)
- fixed not getting dynamic stat changes from passive bonuses on skills on items (chesse20)
- fixed teleport sounds being too loud (was a duplicate calling wav file directly)
- made declared war sound quieter
1.008 ----- - fixed a couple issues with not getting new important NPC quest in some scenarios (Mithur)
- fixed another way that strength mult could get added an extra time (in this case player Deep Wounds) (Carnage)
- now NPCs in town will attack clan raiders (the raiders would already start fights might this will make town defenders more aggressive)
- skills now wrap better on skills screen so they don't get nearly as small when you gain a lot of skills
- sped up buying an entire stack of items at once quite a bit (Excellion)
- added Cold Resistance to Ragnars, Cold Towers, and Cold Totems
- added Elemental Resistance to Amorphs and Elemental Totems
- added Fire Resistance to Torva Shamans, Fire Throwers, Fire Towers, and Fire Totems
- added Lightning Resistance to Lightning Towers, Lightning Totems, and Lightning Elementals
- added Poison Resistance to Poison Towers, Poison Totems, Dark Elf Assassin, Wampir, Zombie Wampirs, Scorpion, Scorpid, and Zombie Scorpion
- added Magic Resistance to Ghosts, Death Knights, Liches, and Dark Elf Wizards
- updated donation lists from Patreon
- Exploding Arrow is now considered a spell (DL only)
- now reduced enchanting price shows up correctly on item if you have enchanting skill (chesse20)
- added special abilities and variants info to Scorpid bestiary entry
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 86
1.007 ----- - added models/textures for quills mutation
- added models/textures for thorns mutation
- now there is a max stun time on players (7.5 seconds) (davidb11/Soldad)
- now skills on items no longer use mana
- fixed Unholy Vitality skill on Bevan's helmet not using the correct level data (Kori)
- fixed skills on items not setting the parent item (may or maynot be breaking some skill stuff on items)
- fixed Blade of Darkness skill on Dagger of Night not using the correct level data (Kori)
- fixed per level data of StatusEffectUnholyArmorTimed
- fixed summoning altars not working if you already had some minions (cheese20)
- put some more checks in various quest types to make sure don't pick a bulletin board as a target (oserge2)
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 85
- fixed a possible infinite loop in test_StressQuests stuff (developer thing)
1.006 ----- - added No rival clans world option (Mischief Maker)
- increased crafting drops by 20%
- fixed problem where clan raiders weren't attacking NPCs
- you will now win the prey scenario if you complete all of the quests before time runs out (Brysos)
- monsters can no longer hide in Duel scenario (or any other that monsters are supposed to always wander) (Kori)
- decreased AttackPerDex Reaper skill from 6.0 to 2.5
- fixed some status effects from items using item level instead of skill level when item leveled up (Excellion)
- fixed a problem where raid gates could end up in a bad location (Excellion)
- now Soul Harvest and Devastating Blow work correctly together (Excellion)
- clans no longer try to steal food while raiding
- fixed stalker feet placement on female model (Excellion)
- fixed Malice status effect icon not matching skill (Excellion)
- now grab glsl pointers needed (Windows only)
1.005 ----- - now instead of damaged clan members staying awake for chance to heal, they just slowly heal (speeds things up a lot, especially high levels with lots of clans)
- now uprisings keep their numbers up better in small areas
- fixed a few status effects (like deep wounds) that had difficulty multiplier applied twice
- fixed another way could lose a follower across worlds (liren)
- added textures for exoskeleton mutation
- increased CriticalStrike per level DamageMultPhysical from 0.125 to 0.2 (AuraForLaura)
- now PreciseStrike's PowerAdded goes up per skill level (AuraForLaura)
- doubled Hex damage debuff and now can stack up to 4 instead of just 1 (AuraForLaura)
- doubled spell damage bonus from staves (now same as wands) (Misfit)
- can now fight vendors (BorkFate)
- now dots display takes into account higher difficulty damage mult correctly (Soldad)
- no longer eliminate other clans when win (chesse20)
- now getting hit and Pain Delay changing everything to damage over time still gets counted as a hit so when hit things trigger properly (Swal)
- now zombie infection description tells possible way to cure (Bluddy)
- simplified saveBaseColor stuff in generateColors some (probably a tad faster also)
- when talking to a player an NPC will no longer patrol, adenture, or do activities (Notorious)
- changed full mutation description to match new chances (ulk_underscore)
- fixed Carek's bonus display numbers being incorrect (ulk_underscore)
- fixed Player::damageNotice skipping Sentient stuff
1.004 ----- - fixed player town not being able to be raided by clans
- fixed a problem where attacks from keys could ignore a valid target like a chest and attack something else nearby (JackintheBox)
- fixed really high level clans being really slow (capped their initial number of members) (Alma Elma)
- dying in the Last Man Standing scenario is now a lose condition (Brysos)
- bonus for Freeze set is now cold damage instead of poison (cheese20)
- now max of 5 wisp buff on wisps (DestroTheGod)
- sped up summoned skeletons
- now summoned monsters will use their parents sight position as well as their own for finding enemies (in general will make them more aggressive)
- fixed skills triggering off of a status effect (like Energizing Block) not leveling up correctly (Logorouge)
- blade of darkness, unholy armor, void shield, unholy vitality, and focus skills that come from skill mutations now benefit from extra status time (Swal)
- removed attack speed boost from champion buff
- now limit max damage taken mechanisms (like Lucky skill) take into account mana shield
- Gaseous Form time length can no longer be buffed
- Fire Mastery, Cold Mastery, Earth Mastery, Lightning Mastery, and Illusion Mastery now applies to all of the fire skill status effects also (ulk_underscore)
- decreased Major Cold Imbued frost nova damage by 50%
- decreased bounty hunter damage (Redsovietz)
- will no longer hear about internal rumors in Empire scenario (Brysos)
- made health gargoyle have a little more contrast between background version
- made sure reward chests aren't locked, don't spawn secret levels, or are trapped (Brysos)
- no longer get welcome message from newly discovered clan if they are based in the same level as you
- fixed command mastery description skill list (Penguin Blender)
- fixed don't die typo
- fixed armor value on character screen not fitting very well when number is pretty large (Soldad)
- rearranged stuff so damage numbers fit better on character screen (Soldad)
1.003 ----- - fixed a crash in Combat::applyStatusEffect
- fixed strength being applied twice for many attacks
- fixed lightning blade getting strength applied an extra time (on top of already getting it an extra time)
- decreased most monsters health some to compensate for strength fix
- fixed a couple town generation issues that didn't guarantee a path from door to level exit (Notorious)
- fixed incorrect open edge settings in forestDL4.ara, forestDL3.ara, forestDL6.ara, grasslandDL4.ara, graveyard4.ara, and tropicsDL2.ara - these errors can make it generate non-connected levels (Espr)
- fixed another way bridges could be placed without their corresponding other blocks
- fixed duel levels not generating properly sometimes (davidb11)
- fixed another way that entities could get placed in invalid areas (Notorious)
- fixed Viedonna's blessing having a per level health percent restored when not meant to (AvaLanCS)
- made small amorph, tiny amorph, imps, zombie imps, plaguebringer larva, and zombie parasite easier to click on
- fixed not being able to hit neutral NPCs that you choose to fight with projectiles
- fixed passive skills that can proc on items not working correctly (Kori)
- using a vial (to fill it with something) now gets rid of the equipment UI since it is probably in the way (beatsh4ck)
- no longer show item better or can't use item icons on non-vendor NPCs (Notorious)
- toned down yellow mold spread some
- fixed ModificatioDamageOverTimePrefix typo that was preventing translation from working (chesse20)
- fixed missing DefendingStunningBlow translation
- fixed temple ruins not having monster rarity set correctly
1.002 ----- - fixed a crash in cacheResource & getCachedResource (thread safe issue)
- increased health of NPCs that need to be rescued
- added 0.2% spell damage per intelligence (starting low to see how it goes)
- added 0.1% healing per spirit (starting low to see how it goes)
- changed mutate from specialty/character chances from 45/45/10 to 30 (keep) / 65 (from other specialty/character)/ 5% (completely random)
- defensive skills no longer help you get your combo multiplier up
- you can now leave a scenario early that you have lost (MikeLemmer)
- removed scenarios/worlds abandon stat - not really relevant since you can easily leave and come back to a scenario/world
- now non-quest dimensional gates are limited to having 5 monsters out at a time - should fix some slow down issues (won't fix anything currently broken worlds though)
- monsters now only constantly wander around town if a clan is there
- now monsters don't wander around just because they are in a war
- now a monster that can't move towards its destination will sleep for a while if nothing really pressing
- removed XP debt from abandoning a scenario with a hardcore character
- ice will no longer be created when ice or water is hit with an ice spell (Bender the DevoMiezer)
- added some more controls to things spreading (like water and ice)
- fixed stealth kill stat (Major Twitch)
- added Only Hope character mode - if you die, you lose that scenario/world (Calubob)
- now objects (like evil pool) and their status effects level scale correctly (chesse20)
- reduced Scavenger eat status effect time from 150.0 to 60.0 seconds
- made teleport sound a little quieter
- no longer get warnings from killing a friend of a clan when that clan is raiding you (*Yuki*)
- now make sure items don't get distributed to bulletin board (Notorious)
- now when 2 clans based in same level even though they will not buy the other contact, they will gladly sell it to you (DestroTheGod)
- fixed some brazier collision issues in dungeonDeathMaskDL.ara & dungeonPitsofDispairDL.ara (Nirimetus)
- now when holding down stay skill key and use left click to shoot a magic arrow skill it uses the skill correctly instead of the basic bow attack (Dr. Freeman)
- removed minimap key (it has been an option instead of a key for a while now) (DinoMC)
- added area name to uprising quest title (Roswitha)
- removed task stuff - not being used, could possible be a cpu hit if not working correctly
- can now tell if a thread is main thread - just a dev things at the moment
1.001 ----- - fixed lag on character, bestiary, and mutate from specialty screens when shadow mapping is on (Darkness/Invader Xom)
- fixed a way that a breaking torch could keep adding breaking object (and eventually run out of entity slots)
- decreased monster spawn rate for battles (so didn't complete shadow all other quests)
- now quests bump base spawn rate of monsters if too low so more likely to find some quest monsters (idontwannaknow0/Espr)
- now uprisings occassionally spawn an extra monster of the appropriate type - makes sense, makes that particular monster a little more common, and fixes some weird scenarios like not having any spawn points in a level (kon345/Logorouge)
- now if kill a monster within a block of correct level still counts
- bow is now a required skill for archers and hunters (so always get it on new character) (AuraForLaura)
- fixed passive effect on skills like Multishot not working correctly (Twogs)
- no longer try to safeguard use slot 1 to be some kind of attack (That Pro Logic)
- can now drop a potion on a party member when party member dialog not allowed
- fixed door and relic vendors not spawning (chesse20)
- fixed fake dark orc berserker (Changeling) being able to have uprising and other quests (Espr)
- now Possessed quest has a minimum level of 15 (davidb11)
- fixed losing diplomacy scenario if kill a non-involved clan sometimes (chesse20)
- fixed 1 level scenarios sometimes getting a shared level that messes things up (Reifam)
- fixed not winning diplomacy scenario correctly sometimes (won't fix current broken scenarios though) (Espr)
- fixed doors getting destroyed if you went into a scenario that had no door locations (Dragonface)
- fixed a way that tiles could get spec pass done twice
- fixed drink/food pickup sounds (Reginald_CZ)
- fixed a & vs && issue in quests (don't think impacting anything though)
- now make sure to give Extraction, Prison Hunt, and Prisoner Chase quests to player, could result in failed quest if another clan was destroyed
- added sonic blast, mind blast, steady shot, and hunting shot to projectile mastery & chaotic shots
- fixed towers/caves sometimes using the wrong entrance model
- made lighting bolt sound quieter (Dreamcatcher)
- removed some old stuff and added some new stuff to quick tips on full help topics screen (idontwannaknow0)
1.000 ----- fixed a crash in isBlockEdgeOpen, showing up in Zombasite multiplayer but could happen other times (Lyranaar) fixed a crash in WorldMap::getTileAlphaByte added textures for Scaled mutation added textures for Carapace mutation added textures for IronMan mutation removed an unnecessary getFoodUsage call (test went from 82.8 to 84.9 fps, 2.5%) added cardinal directions to minimap (hella) now enemies attacking a monster that gets demonic control cast on them stop attacking (BlastProcessing) fixed giant powerup making you way too big removed a world database lookup when already have it added Donators and Alpha/Beta Testers list to manual fixed shadow options description removed beta label from main menu updated donation lists from Patreon
0.905 ----- - added textures for Dragon mutation
- added textures for Lycanthrope mutation
- added model/textures for Stalker Feet mutation
- fixed Claws mutation drawing temporary model
- made light fov for shadow mapping in dungeons extend a little more
- fixed normal maps on 4 of 5 naga/naga priest variants
- fixed some text in NPCs chatting makes them happier tip
- fixed Zombie Scorpion levels
- added semi-permanent and slow mutation to options key on select character screen
- fixed getting orc guard items
- fixed test_stressMonsters spawning monsters that have no init or spawn chance
0.904 ----- - fixed a crash when a player leaves a multiplayer game and then a monster damaged by that player tries to reference the player's clan
- added Slow Mutation character option (mutation point from normal level up instead of mutation level up and no points from scenario wins)
- added Semi-permanent character option (skill points used to get rid of mutations are permanently used)
- fixed a few issues keeping NPCs from chatting with the player
- fixed dungeons sometimes appearing in the wrong level (Varkon)
- now postpone building collision grid until models are loaded (should prevent a bunch of hitches)
- made champion difficulty a little easier (decreased inflation stuff from 0.005 to 0.004) (Varkon)
- fixed a crash when adding an item that changes the female character skin and have a victimShaderOnSkinOnly status effect
- fixed a problem with a way some events could constantly get added way too often (SyrhTalbot/Varkon)
- fixed a way multiplayer game maps could be out of sync in multiplayer (hella)
- hooked up textures for Stoneskin mutation
- hooked up textures for Vampire mutation
- hooked up textures for Photosynthesis mutation
- hooked up model/textures for Horns mutation
- now can get quests from your clan diplomacy screen if proper NPCs are alive to make it more convenient
- fixed secrets being easy to see on maps
- fixed mouse buttons above 3 not registering correctly without also moving the mouse (Mandark)
- fixed non left/right mouse click not working correctly when moving
- clans will no longer setup in villages (no walls)
- now Commander's Retreat skill increases movement speed instead of stamina
- npcs with bows (or wands in Din's Legacy) now use bow attack instead of melee attack with range
- fixed issues with getting explored level bonuses multiple times and/or before actually fully exploring area (Destro*)
- now verify linked skills are set up properly when doing a full mutation (Westwind)
- now if a monster kills your nemesis that monster will become your new nemesis
- now skip some heightmap calculations on dungeons (and any other flat areas) (test went from 169.0 to 175.3 fps, 3.7%)
- fixed a problem where a shared level wouldn't respawn monsters when it needed to (Bluddy)
- now correctly set up monster level and data on shared levels
- fixed tower and totem spawn way too high when requested by quest of world modifier
- doubled MonsterSpawnChanceMult on several quests
- fixed main gate spawning out of bounds some times (Varkon)
- now when immovable entities (torches, etc) spawn they will push any other entity out of the way (fixes some collision issues) (Varkon/Excellion)
- sconces on wall no longer have collision
- NPCs that have Savage Strike will now use it way less (teleport too powerful) (Varkon)
- fixed clan door armor values
- increased brood horde value from 0.5 to 0.6
- decreased item identify times
- decreased chest/object open times
- no longer show victim shaders when player is transformed into a different model
- decreased fairy light height from 128.0 to 64.0
- made "only on armor" text colored consistenly like "only on weapon"
- fixed shadows around corners of screen some
- fixed not getting a level blip sometimes when had visited a block from the area but not the main area
- secret and/or illusionary doors can no longer squeak
- fixed a crash if X the entire window while in multiplayer game
- zombies are now marked correcly to not be able to be zombified (again) (blightfang)
- now add a green # to a level name to denote that another player is in that level (hella)
- changed green * in front of player name to a green # to show in your level
- no longer show symbol in front of your player name to show that you are in the same level as yourself
- fixed player in same level not taking into account overlapping levels
- fixed Photosynthesis status effect icon
- fixed gate icons on minimap being too small and wrong color (Castruccio)
- now other players names are green so a little easier to tell them apart from NPCs (hella)
- now area name will show up on world map when first discovered
- fixed skeletons not drawing alpha, normal, or specular maps correctly (Bluddy)
- added outline, name, and chat to normal npc menu
- added chat to npc in party menu
- no longer show yellow ! above NPCs in town
- added sign text and fog info to unique level Patreon stuff
- fixed getting multiple clan doors sometimes (Fulano)
- fixed getting multiple npc needed (wait) hidden quests
- fixed some alignment issues with multConnected menu
- Berserker's Frenzy now uses Dark Orc frenzy effect
- fixed an Armor of Faith description typo
- Commander's Concentrate Fire now uses Marked for Death effect
- added effect to Commander's Armor of Faith
- now Commander's Retreat uses Fleet of Foot effect
- now Commander's Battle Shout uses Champion effect
- now Commander's Battlefield Tactics uses Infinite Stamina effect
- added casting effect to Spellsword's Lightning Blade
- added effect to Spellsword's Starburst
- added effect to Spellsword's Enchanted Blades
- fixed Barkskin effect
- added effect to Spellsword's Hardened Armor
- no longer show help text on fading out objects (like clan doors)
- fixed some NPC chat text referencing clan
- another player's recruit no longer has (Player) after their name
- added ability to status effects to hide a surface
- cheat_playtestFull nows wins scenario and moves onto next one for better testing coverage
- now all cheat_playtest variants use items a little better
0.903 ----- - now cull minimap blips better (test went from 57.7 to 65.4 fps, 13.3%)
- removed an extra height calculation in GraphicsSystem::shouldCullModel (test went from 64.3 to 67.9 fps, 5.6%)
- removed lightIndexes being a local array in renderSurface (test went from 54.3 to 56.7 fps, 4.4%)
- culled some more minimap blips better (test went from 69.2 to 71.5 fps, 3.3%)
- made getTileObject caching work better (test went from 57.8 to 58.9 fps, 1.9%)
- cache model matrix instead of just angle (test went from 78.4 to 79.8 fps, 1.8%)
- changed a couple dynamic_cast to static_cast (test went from 79.0 to 80.3 fps, 1.6%)
- no longer cull each surface separately (now per entity) (test went from 48.3 to 49.0 fps, 1.5%)
- sped up surface culling in calculateShadowMappingLightFov (test went from 70.9 to 71.8 fps, 1.3%)
- now some ResourceHandles marked as temporary and they don't go through add/remove user (test went from 78.4 to 79.4 fps, 1.3%)
- cull shadows a little better (test went from 77.2 to 78.1 fps, 1.2%)
- no longer calculate getNumberOfAchievementsForBonus except when it changes (test went from 77.0 to 77.8 fps, 1.0%)
- optimized bindTexture slightly (test went from 79.4 to 80.0 fps, 0.8%)
- cull tiles a little better now (test went from 71.4 to 71.9 fps, 0.7% - also simplifies code a bit)
- sped up getting instigatorQuestDatabaseEntry (test went from 55.4 to 55.8 fps, 0.7%)
- no longer add lights from models (old feature) (test went from 78.9 to 79.4 fps, 0.6%)
- sped up a bunch of getDatabaseEntry calls in CovenantBase (didn't test speed, too erratic)
- added tower model
- changed setUseTextureAlpha to correctly be per texture unit
- fixed a problem getting unique skills without their mutations during full mutations (hella/Procura)
- fixed Diplomacy scenario sometimes picking invalid clans (Dragonface)
- changed lvl on selected entity ui to eff lvl to show it is the effect level, not the real level of the monster (Dragonface)
- added real level and effective level numbers on effect level highlight text (Dragonface)
- fixed a contention issue in AreaResource::getTileObject
- added tag_chest to healthstone so effects target a reasonable place
- fixed missing QuestNewNpcAnnouncement translation (Dragonface)
- fixed bad wording in replacement unique quest text (Dragonface)
- changed setProgramEnvParameter4fv vector parm to const
- cleaned up LightingSystem::getLightData
- cleaned up generate2dGeometry a little (one text goes through)
0.902 ----- - hopefully fixed getting way too many ice spots on ground (hella/blightfang/Varkon)
- now NPCs in clans that are hurt will not sleep so that they regenerate/heal (fixes several issues)
- fixed a bunch of unique skills using the wrong base skill (hella)
- now when right clicking to attack and happen to be highlighting a non-attackable object it will try to target the next nearest attackable thing
- in multiplayer server can now start a new world or load an old one without going back to main menu (and kicking out all of the other players) (hella)
- decreased Thaden lightning blessing DamageMultPhysical from 0.5 to 0.2
- fixed another way that blocks like bridges wouldn't get set up correctly (Fulano)
- fixed not showing correct skin when using a unique item (the fix won't work until game is run for the 2nd time with new patch) (hella)
- fixed teleport stone not teleporting player to the correct spot when base is not a town
- now a torch carried by a recruit casts light (Crisses)
- decreased natural NPC happiness degradation from -0.01 to -0.005
- now when leprechauns still money from you, they run away, and eventually disappear
- added rattled status effect to natural earthquakes, hulk quake, and Scarabus explosion
- fixed player gate name on gate map
- made gate sizes consistent on gate map
- made gates larger on gate map
- fixed leprechaun attack animation not always playing
- now fireworks set off by NPCs makes them happier for a while (Dragonface)
- now a torch in an NPC's hand draws effects correctly
- fixed torch tag on humans
- rewored champion skill text a little to be more clear what it affects (Destro)
- made transition to idle animation a little smoother
- changed fight button size to match others on NPC menu (Bluddy)
- added KnockbackMoveMult translation
- removed bad reference to QuickTip36
0.901 ----- - added Steam cloud support
- now calculate needed fov for light shadow map
- made burned textures much nicer looking (more variety and tile better)
- increased draw distance a little
- now any ice damage has chance to leave behind some ice on ground (Bluddy)
- increased near/far z spread constant from 1000 to 1200 to fix a few places that get cutoff from farZ value
- no longer allow a clan to start in a shared level
- now enemies can be knocked into torches, campfires, etc which will destroy them (the fire that is)
- now fire with sparks shower several sparks around when destroyed
- now explosion from volcanos that leaves lava also does damage
- Fury power attack now has some knockback
- sped up Ice Tower Traps and Fire Tower Traps
- changed select gold amount in trade menus to have separate gold, silver, and copper input boxes
- monsters knocked back on ice or oil now slide more
- scale changes on entities is now animated (Bluddy)
- added a check to see if glsl extensions supported
- reworked multiplayer menus a little
- should no longer spawn Boulder traps above ground (Bluddy)
- added destroyed effects to monster traps
- made door breaking effect better
- now campfires contain sparks
- fixed pissing off gods blocked win conditions that don't exist (Castruccio)
- fixed UI options layout to not overlap background textures (Castruccio)
- removed clan screen hotkey (Castruccio)
- removed a bunch of old NPC relations help text (Castruccio)
- moved a few keyboard options around to fit better
0.900 ----- - changed shadowing mapping to 2 pass algorithm (instead of 4) - now faster and looks better
- fixed an infinite loop that can be caused by onBuffSkill and other similar type of things (Destro*)
- made shadows darker to make things more distinct
- fixed forking projectiles hitting same enemy multiple times (Someone64/Destro*)
- fixed duel not spawning an enemy sometimes (Destro*)
- now a high perception compared to area level can highlight hidden things (secret stashes, traps, illusions, etc)
- other clans should now survive a little better (Enternight)
- fixed Fairy Cave using wrong cave file
- now buying/selling items to other clans when long distance costs player a lot more
- fixed player sometimes not approaching a nearby target that is slightly out of range
- turned r_detailModelShadows back on
- a clan contact is no longer worth anything to another clan that is based in the same level (Destro*)
- now town alarm for individual monsters is less sensitive (checks position by block instead of level) (Bluddy)
- decreased spawn chance of blessing objects from 0.2 to 0.1
- now have a small chance to gain an elemental vulnerability when are killed by that element type
- added r_shadowStrength so shadow darkness easily controlled
- added r_shadowMinAlpha to limit how much alphaed surfaces cast shadows
- fixed elemental vulnerability mutation names
- changed from Alpha to Beta
- added a tip about buying/selling items to other clans
- now if you use hotkey to open the relations menu, see a taunt/diplomatic message, and use hotkey to get back out of menu, it will mark that statement as read (Throwback)
- added an option to not show helmets on NPCs (Castruccio)
- fixed bulletin board sometimes using the wrong skin
- added character options to character exports (Destro*)
- fixed Radioactive and Phased status effects not being forever
- added normal/spec maps to gargoyles
- fixed some old references to ships that somehow have survived (Castruccio)
- now on vertex/fragment errors just print rest of problem line
0.841 ----- - removed less NPCs/more ghosts part of thing from haunted modifier (was causing a crash) (lbhgaming)
- fixed some transparent entity sorting issues (Mandark)
- safe guarded another place in save code to prevent corruption
- fixed another issue that might lead to immediate win of a scenario (Varkon/Carnage)
- win quest can no longer be stolen (someone kills main bad guy, player will win instead of lose scenario) (Throwback)
- now magic damage has chance to cause energy anomalies (Bluddy)
- made acid more visible behind objects (Throwback)
- now can put secret level connections in more places (might shift old level saves around)
- now hurt NPCs more likely to roam around during activities (also more likely to heal at healthstone) (rainbow)
- added Projectile Magnet mutation
- shifted helmet attachment point a little on male and female
- can now sort characters by name, level, and mutated level
- removed one of the road wall types - doesn't work well with hills
made cheat_unlockClasses non-public again
0.840 ----- - hooked up 12 new female mail skins
- added unique cave - Fairy Cave
- now haunted places are more likely to have named ghosts and less chance of NPCs
- added Nightmare level modifier
- can now place doors and relics in town
- relics can now drop
- now weapon speed mult has diminishing returns so will never get to 100% (Bluddy)
- now gold veins can drop gems
- increased ModifiedNumberMultChests from 4.0 to 8.0 for mining level modifier
- no longer add level modifiers if the monsters they would add can't be added
- knockback now takes terrain slope into account
- fixed a weird interaction between mana shield, deep wounds, and bleeding out systems that resulted in infinite deep wounds (Maku)
- increased chances of door drops now that they are usable again
- fixed guard items not dropping
- fixed system control not saving/loading correctly sometimes
- increased health potion ZombieInfectionHealChance from 0.5 to 0.75 since no zombie resistance potions (Varkon)
- made candles more consistent (Bluddy)
- now MonsterCausedTrouble taunts are time limited like MonsterRandomTaunt taunts (Castruccio)
- added more controls to how many poison and fire sounds at once (Darkness)
- updated new character screen - female plate skin
- changed yellow crystal effect so looks less like yellow elite effect (Fulano)
- changed skeleton arrow to a more purple color since magic damage not fire damage (Bluddy)
- rearranged data on select character & mutation partner screens to fit better
- added Permanent to character key on select character screen
0.839 ----- - added a few more safeguards to prevent corrupting character
- no longer get xp for exploring the starting level (only a few cases where you used to able to)
- no longer get cleared bonus from first level (usually couldn't before)
- hooked up 2 new male plate skins
- turned r_detailModelShadows off by default (no shadows on things like grass)
- added cursed resistance item modifiers
- added Mandark's Direia Tribute Britches (Patreon item) (Mandark)
- now NPCs can set off fireworks after town attack or siege quests are solved
- now giant on player or monsters gets 20% defense penalty and 20% crushing blow/defending crushing blow bonuses (Bluddy)
- decreased lightning blade damage and passive bonuses to be more in line with other similar skills
- looting a gravestone can no longer lock a win condition (since there aren't multiple)
- looting a gravestone can now start a curse
- crystals now stick around longer when destroyed (invisible though) so that their destroyed effects work correctly
- now won't choose a bunch of scenarios if low stress option is choosen (Boink)
- increased BaseTornadoChance from 0.03 to 0.05
- zombie infections status effects are always public now (people now recognize the signs of infection)
- now when highlight a blip on world map that blip is drawn last (fixes duplicate problems)
- fixed highlighting entity blips with quests available or solved and blip is a priority
- made blue and purple gates the correct color on minimap
- fixed gates not updating their exact location on minimap correctly (fixes another duplicate problem)
- fixed getting a large stack of gates in some towns (Varkon/Bluddy)
- Block skill text now includes effect when you block an attack (mothbones)
- Energizing Block skill text now includes effect when you block an attack (mothbones)
- fixed a bunch of skill mutations not having their full description
- added a Simplify Hotkey Text UI option (treborx555)
- fixed the scenario selection description (Westwind)
- removed some Zombasite specific stuff from ZombieInfectionTip text (Bluddy)
0.838 ----- - added breaking ancient tomb seal leads to curse quest (Dragonface)
- now if player dies chance of adding a new level modifier to that level (Haunted, Undead, etc)
- now once a player has won a scenario, it is unlocked and can be choosen directly on the world setup screen (Darkness)
- fixed some scenarios not starting with any quests
- hooked up 1 new male plate skin
- hooked up 8 new mutation icons
- minimap now shows blips farther out especially in town where you have full map (Destro*)
- added a button/menu to see event history better (Bluddy/Snuggy Serian)
- can now buy an entire stack of items by pressing ctrl when buying (Doesn't Learn From Mistakes)
- fixed a targeting issue with skills like heal not being able to target player if previously has another valid target (Fulano)
- now when a town NPC creates or obtains an item, they will give it to a random player in the game (Dragonface)
- now NPCs in town with the correct skills can make crafting cheaper (Dragonface)
- NPC Diplomat skill now works correctly
- fixed Therapist job helping random townspeople
- fixed Enchanter job helping random townspeople
- vendors in town can now decide to stay
- fixed a bunch of status effects getting applied as permanent monster enhancements but then disappearing quickly (Destro*)
- demon gate quest can now spawn new demon types
- now demon gates are limited to spawning demons
- now zombie gates are limited to spawning zombies
- now orc gates are limited to spawning orcs
- wisps now get bigger as they get buffed from other wisps (Bluddy)
- decreased monster Fleet of Foot bonuses by 20% (Bluddy)
- decreased monster Power Burn enhancement by 20% (Bluddy)
- Torva Shaman fire aura now only buffs friends (Bluddy)
- totem status effects are now less powerful but they are per inflictor now, so there can be more than one (Bluddy)
- fixed it so don't get 2 quests to kill a newly zombified NPC
- fixed a problem on some gates/dungeon entrances not showing correct quest info (Varkon)
- increased RespawnTimeMultActivePlayerAndQuest from 2.0 to 3.0 (Castruccio)
- Earthquake, Darkness, and Fog machines can now start uprisings (Bluddy)
- fixed restore house quest (Sarah)
- now automatically increase MaxLevelFailures when generating a level when it is the only one (Varkon)
- invasion and demon invasion now start with another uprising
- now can gate to allied clans on gate map
- made UI gargoyles a little brighter (hella)
- added buy stack tip
- pressing ctrl no longer cancels player actions except attacking and moving
- now precache crafting and experience orb sounds (Dragonface)
- updated female Brigandine skin
- updated male plate, steel, and turtle scale skins
- fixed male Crusader chest plate skin
- no longer spawn Warmaster, Steward, and Apothecary in scenarios where they aren't needed (Bluddy)
- moved world setup options around a little to fit better
- removed out of food icons from main menu
- fixed xp listed in quest text not taking into account world modifiers that change it (usually pacing modifiers) (Nyithra)
- fixed gates to unknown destinations showing the destination name
- now quests in tower are marked with ^ instead of v (Excellion)
- NPCs now start with random XP within their current level
- localized imp NPC Spin Attack (Orc Schism)
- added cheat_lockClasses console command
- fixed duplicate scout word in scout killed message
- added OnePerInflicterKeepOldResetTime option to status effects
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 84
0.837 ----- - fixed a crash in Quest::switchCombatants when a purge happens during switch (probably rare in real games)
- added Witch House, Smuggler Hideout, Bandit Hideout, and Mad Wizard Shack special rooms
- now maces give you a crushing blow boost
- now swords give you a defense boost
- now daggers give you a deep wounds boost
- now axes give you a critical hit boost
- hooked up 3 new female plate skins
- hooked up 4 new male plate skins
- fixed 3 main quest givers always starting at level 1 instead of world level
- boosted 3 main quest givers health some more
- boosted vendor health some
- now quests from scenarios with only 1 level start at the world minimum level (Varkon)
- now quest counts will decrease when area is small like roads and towers (Varkon)
- fixed beam attack not passing along which skill was doing damage (was probably causing several beam related problems) (Varkon)
- fixed on kill skill mutations not working correctly (Varkon)
- fixed a way that linked skills weren't set up properly when getting a new linked skill
- decreased Shock Wave and Holy Symbol reusetime from 2.0 to 1.0 (Varkon)
- now skill mutations aren't linked with other skills, fixes a few weird issues (Destro*)
- fixed having 2 MonsterFakeChangeling5HC entries, hopefully will fix strange, rare loading bug (Mithur)
- now allow MoraleChangeWhenHurtNoEnemy to go below 0 (NPCs should run away from things like fires better) (rainbow)
- increased NPC morale drop from damage when at lower health (Nyithra)
- fixed fire elementals, screes, furies, skeletons, skeleton archers, guardians being summoned by evil NPCs not being attackable
- changed NPC projectiles to straight true instead of straight (no matching ground height)
- NPC races now clump in different areas (ex. instead of completely random you might have a town of mostly Orcs)
- fixed 2 houses next to each other screwing up their neighbors flat land
- fixed lastnames of NPCs that get married
- objects in the way alpha out a little farther now
- fixed world map not always getting centered correctly (Westwind)
- made skills with additional (instead of mult) of stunning blow, critical hit, crushing blow, and deep wounds more clear
- made cheat_unlockClasses public for a little while
- changed cheat_unlockClasses to unlock directly classes not underlying achievements
- updated female Russet skin
- updated donation lists from Patreon
- changed save version to 228
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 83
- fixed win quest text of Fall of an Empire - won't fix scenarios started before fix (Varkon)
- added description to stamina burn
- fixed typo in Chase scenario description
0.836 ----- added Elementalist specialty (Sarah) added 7 new female mail skins hooked up 10 new mutation skill icons added Detail Model Shadows graphics option (Bluddy) fixed rumors not working correctly (Westwind) now you get credit for kills where a trap you set off kills monsters now have a chance to replace a fear mutation if kill enough of that monster fixed not registering ranged kills for Ranged Killer achievement (Westwind) Berserk no longer decreases defense per level (Bluddy) fixed retraining mode from Mystic Brotherhood (Destro*) hopefully fixed problem with some scenarios sometimes winning instantly (Fulano) fixed grassbush5b.mdl looking terrible changed r_detailModels max in UI from 0.5 to 0.8 (Bluddy) can now get rid of skills like animal control (Destro*) fixed Lycanthrope mutation always transforming you instead of sometimes when you are hurt (Jack67) added a sound when Lycanthrope mutation transforms you fixed Ninja being hidden on Mutate from specialty screen fixed NPCs trying to buff doors some times improved tower (monster) graphics (Fulano/Bluddy) now spellsword always starts with a shield skill so can start with and use Starburst skill (Dungeon Explorer Lan) fixed a way could get a unique skill but not the modifiers fixed doors not saving/loading correctly decreased MaxTileHeightChange from 12.0 to 6.0 in towns and grasslands decreased MaxTileHeightChange from 30.0 to 18.0 in caves light generated by player no longer notifies enemies unless area is somewhat dark fixed a bunch of old references to clan now door label doesn't go away during combat added Show NPC class option (Fulano) updated new character screen - female cloth skin updated new character screen - female mail skin fixed Yuxi's Gloves having unnamed skill on it (Dungeon Explorer Levender) fixed random specialty selecting locked specialties (Destro) improved wisp effects changed default max value for increaseStat to 2 billion (cap is better than rollover)
0.835 ----- - decreased RequirementInflation on items from 0.02 to 0.005
- decreased all difficulty mults by 0.005 (putting normal difficulty back where it was in the previous patch) (Varkon)
- decreased Earthquake and Frost Nova reuse timer from 2.0 to 1.0 secs (Varkon)
- cloth armor no longer has a strength requirement, just a level requirement now (Doesn't Learn From Mistakes)
- decreased DexterityReqPerLevel for daggers from 3.5 to 3.0
- removed Dexterity requirement from staves and added a level requirement
- hooked up 5 male mail skins (were there just not hooked up)
- hooked up 11 new female male skins
- changed Unholy Vitality from 0.1 Str/Dex per level mult to +10 Str/Dex per level
- changed Kodiak Strength from 0.2 Str per level mult to +20 Str per level
- now Gladiator specialty unlocks after 10 scenario wins
- now Defender specialty unlocks after 200 blocks, parries, and/or deflections
- now Trickster specialty unlocks after finding 10 secrets
- now Thief specialty unlocks after raiding 20 graves
- now Reaver specialty unlocks after 1 character gets up to 1000 kills per death
- now Reaper specialty unlocks after killing 1000 monsters
- now Commoner specialty unlocks after dying 10 times :)
- now Soldier specialty unlocks after solving 100 quests
- now Dark Templar specialty unlocks after having a character with equipment worth at least 1 GP
- now Paladin specialty unlocks after having rescuing 10 NPCs
- marked all monsters as fire, cold, magic, lightning, or poison (if applicable)
- now imbued enhancements mark the monster as appropriate element type
- now Ice Mage specialty unlocks after killing 250 ice type monsters
- now Magician specialty unlocks after killing 250 magic type monsters
- now Nightshade specialty unlocks after killing 250 poison type monsters
- now Sorcerer specialty unlocks after killing 250 lightning type monsters
- now Druid specialty unlocks after fully exploring 20 outdoor, nature areas
- now Scout specialty unlocks after discovering 60 areas
- now Demonologist specialty unlocks after killing 100 demons
- now Blackguard specialty unlocks after killing 20 NPCs
- now Archer specialty unlocks after killing 250 monsters at range
- now Blademaster specialty unlocks after killing 250 with a sword
- now Ninja specialty unlocks after killing 25 without monster noticing you
- now Warlock specialty unlocks after lifting 5 curses
- now Warden specialty unlocks after triggering 25 traps
- now Illusionist specialty unlocks after dispelling 25 illusions
- now Berserker specialty unlocks after experiencing 5 near death experiences
- now Commander specialty unlocks after recruiting 20 NPCs to town
- now Spellsword specialty unlocks after killing 250 fire type monsters
- now Summoner specialty unlocks after summoning 50 monsters
- now Monk specialty unlocks after using 5 god specific altars
- now Shaman specialty unlocks after being helped 15 times by avatars
- now Sage specialty unlocks after unlocking Scout, Killer, Eagle Eye, and Fetcher anchievements
- fixed all achievement icons (alpha, grey, etc)
- fixed cheat_unlockClasses
- added all achievements to Steam
0.834 ----- - now attribute requirements on items have an inflation value of 0.02 - basically a steeper requirement curve at higher levels
- increased item armor values by 20%
- now monster armor, defense, attack, health, damage, and resistance has an inflation component to increase the difficulty at higher levels
- shields now have a strength requirement instead of a level requirement
- decreased cast time magic modifier reductions by 20%
- now Holy Symbol, Frost Nova, Earthquake, and Shock Wave skills have a reuse time of 2 seconds
- now higher difficulty levels can naturally spawn higher rarity monsters (Destro*)
- now if you have an equipped armor item that you don't meet the requirements for get an armor overload penalty (slower movement/decreased defense)
- now if you have an equipped weapon and/or shield that you don't meet the requirements for get a weapon overload penalty (slower weapon and cast speed)
- now skills like Demonic Control that lose their effectiveness as monster level surpasses the strength level of the skill, there is now a minimum effectiveness of 20% (Mandark)
- difficulty damage mult now applies to projectile, radius projectile, direct damage, and status effects
- hooked up 18 female cloth skins
- added a bunch of cave and dungeon sounds
- decreased max stack of dropping health/mana potions by 1
- town vendors now have less magic chance (wandering vendors are better)
- decreased StatMultStrength of Kodiak Strength from 0.2 to 0.15
- sprint now has a max skill level of 10
- decreased CrushingBlowPerStr, DeepWoundsPerDex, MagicCrushingBlowPerDex, and CriticalPerInt by 50%
- decreased crushing blow, deep wounds, and critical hit magic modifier values by 50%
- fixed Strength calculation on status effects
- fixed not always showing all characters you can mutate towards (treborx555)
- fixed another gate only working once issue (Someone64)
- fixed wisps being able to buff themselves (probably fixes other monsters doing similar things)
- now a sound bank can randomly pick a base sound based on level seed
- now a sound bank can randomly pick which sounds to use based on level seed
- fixed vbulletin character export having extra color commands that don't get parsed correctly
0.833 ----- - fixed a crash in ResourceSystem::freeNextResource (I triggered it in the editor, but it might be random crash in many other places)
- hooked up 5 mutation icons
- hooked up 18 female leather skins
- added Holy Statue special room
- added Crater special room
- added War Camp special room
- added Ancient Tree special room
- added Haven special room
- doubled chance of illusion objects
- added a Summon Ghost skill to necromancer (LichdomRules)
- fixed levels being marked as having a quest when they didn't (Varkon/William)
- getting a new quest giver quests are now marked as optional
- now clan will always be destroyed if drop to 0 members for whatever reason (Dungeon Explorer Lan)
- decreased Duel reward from large silver to small silver chest
- decreased Last Man Standing and Brawl reward from small reward to large silver chest
- decreased Earthquake per level damage by around 10%
- tunnels can now go just about anywhere
- now can load a world after winning/losing a world (DrJoeFitz)
- fixed particles not using combined surfaces like they were supposed to
- now armor & helmet changes on create character screen when you select different specialties
- halved BurnedBlockChance & BurnedNeighborBlockChance (Bluddy)
- now effectively only 36 days in a year (so seasons might actually change during a scenario)
- increased min weather front speed by 50%
- fixed animation issue with destroyed statues (trying to share model with normal killed monsters)
- now haunted levels have more spooky traps and ambushes
- now rain puts out campfires instead of destroying them
- made purple ruins a darker purple color
- removed extra ObjectTorchCampfireHCa entry
- added showLevelGeneration debug command
0.832 ----- - fixed a crash in madeLoudNoise
- added ninja specialty (no new skills, but still cool)
- updated manual - still need to add new stuff
- added Minor Mutation help topic (Beige Shiba)
- added Major Mutation help topic
- added mutations stuff to manual
- added poison mist
- added poison mist level modifier
- added lightning swarm to Blixt altars
- added acid bolts to Erillin altars
- added earthquakes to Hamlec altars
- added summon to Kracht altars
- added raising dead to Mortus altars
- added fire shield to Valta altars
- mutated NPCs can no longer be infected (Bluddy)
- fixed liquids not triggering multiple times correctly
- triggers now more consistently do something (Dragonface)
- dirt mounds can now be entrance to secret level
- added XP Pillars
- added Mutation Pillars
- now skills like Whirlwind can't hit enemies that you can't see (Dragonface)
- now quest items that aren't needed but are picked up are removed instead of dropping back to ground
- now projectiles show explosions even if hitting a neutral or allied entity (even if they won't do any damage)
- rain scrolls can now only be used outside
- changed "Mutation Experience" to "Mutation Progress"
- fixed highlight info on mutate from specialty ok button
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 82
0.831 ----- - added unique skills - skills with set skill modifiers
- added 5 unique skills Mega Fireball, Greta's Healing, Brenna's Fire, Raven's Swarm, and Ciglio's Skeleton Archers
- added Spores mutation
- added Fire Proof mutation
- added Teleporter mutation
- added Temporal Flux mutation
- added Reverse Projectiles mutation
- added Lava Skin mutation
- added Super Smell mutation
- added Scrounger mutation
- added Healing Aura mutation
- added Infravision mutation
- added Quiet mutation
- added Telekinesis mutation
- added X-ray Vision mutation
- added Stench mutation
- added Egg Layer mutation
- added Engorged Left Arm mutation
- added Engorged Right Arm mutation
- added Thorn Spray mutation
- added Mind Blast mutation
- added One Eye mutation
- added Thick Skull mutation
- added Animal Control mutation
- added Grotesque mutation
- added Venomous mutation
- added Hypnotic Gaze mutation
- added Small Wings mutation
- added Firestarter mutation
- added Curious mutation
- fixed RadiusIncrease skill mutation not showing up
- flying entities no longer trigger ground traps
- fixed some gate naming and level related issues
- fixed losing reputation when a main quest giver is killed
- fixed name on rubble (Bluddy)
- removed reference to apocalypse in happiness highlight (Bluddy)
0.830 ----- - added exploration world setup option - less monsters
- added overrun world setup option - more monsters (Rainbow)
- fixed a slowdown due to forking projectiles (Dungeon Explorer Lan) - the fix for this was in push_backArray so it might actually fix a bunch of other slowdowns also
- fixed NPCs not using healthstone properly, broke when I split damage type/source type, this will likely fix many monster use object issues (Varkon)
- improved all treasure map chests
- fixed some layout problems with dungeons (turned CanUseLooseBlockConnections off)
- fixed invincible changelings issue (Varkon/Dungeon Explorer Lan)
- now vampire effect will go away when in (or near enough) to a house (Sarah)
- added fire, cold, lightning, and poison vulnerability mutations (Bluddy)
- you can now donate to all recruitable NPCs (Bluddy)
- increased Whirlwind mana per level from 1 to 2
- whirlwind and other similar melee skills no longer hit untargetable objects (like oil on ground)
- increased serrated arrow damage mult per level from 0.075 to 0.085 (Ninjakillzu)
- campfires now provide a low health/mana regen to anyone nearby
- removed Zombies Allowed world option (always defaults to on)
- graveyards now have more statues/gargoyles
- graveyards now have more fog
- added rubble to ruins
- fixed not getting any hit sounds when hitting a statue (
- tunnels don't tell you the destination until you have been to the destination
- now random object size and rotation are consistent across save/load
- increased max stack of food and drinks to 99 (Fulano)
- fixed swarm projectiles prefix text
- fixed some issues with cheat_completeAllQuests
- split player level and title into 2 parts so it fits on character pages better (Destro*)
0.829 ----- - now have and must protect main quest givers (warmaster, steward, and apothecary) for many of the scenarios (Bluddy) - a few switched from protect town to protect the main quest givers (still have a few protect town) - many scenarios went from no lose condition to protect main quest givers
- now NPCs can have personal quests
- now NPCs can give the player personal reward chests when the player solves quests for them
- fixed NPC activities not working
- now get message if any town NPC dies
- increased personal chests magic rarity
- actors following player now decrease their aggression of higher level enemies
- decreased BaseAggressionRange of recruits to compensate for higher default AggressionRangeMult
- now warmaster is a warrior, apothecary is a wizard, and steward is a priest
- on old maps, quests work like they did before, even if in a scenario that is supposed to have quest givers
- now when a health bar blinks it doesn't blink out all of the way
- fixed not being able to teleport to some gates when using gate map
- decreased NegativeHappinessMult from 1.4 to 1.0 (Mandark)
- stuck door/chest message no longer goes to event message queue
- hidden entities no longer show on world map
- now always send main quest giver data over network if player is in level
- removed town prefix/suffix in NPC intro text
- moved isInsideTownWalls from Game to World
- fixed cheat_newRecruit not working correctly
0.828 ----- - now monsters are more likely to start with better items (mostly weapons)
- decreased monster per block count and chances in all areas except graveyards and lairs (Varkon/Bluddy)
- fire thrower can now throw projectile at flammable objects near target
- now torva shaman, saurian mages, dark elf wizards, imps, and zombie imps can target objects near their target
- now dark orc berserkers and torvas can use oil & magma to light their weapons on fire
- now scree can use acid on their weapons
- experiment - now monsters & renegades have a vision cone (you can sneak behind them)
- now can cast most projectiles at enemies that character can't technically see (it will still likely hit the sight blocking obstacle though)
- some monsters can now open doors
- added taunts, tactics, and portraits to rylors and vortars
- now torvas, orcs, and dark elves taunt more
- now fire throwers, shadows, death knights, stalkers, imps, and screes taunt less (since this list is bigger, taunting as a whole will go down some)
- now ambushers get an attack/defense bonus for 10 seconds
- now renegades get a 10% reduction in attribute requirements for items
- now monsters get a 25% reduction in attribute requirements for items
- hooked up new mail plate skin
- fire thrower fire can now hit objects
- added charge skill to hulk
- now monster resistance/imbue enhancements get some resistance added (instead of just a multiplier)
- fire elementals and hellhounds now have a vulnerability to cold damage
- now zombies are more aggressive at night
- decreased chances of ghosts without haunted modifier or guarding something
- fixed several faction reputation issues
- decreased cast time debuff on monster taunts from 0.25 to 0.2 (Fulano)
- now areas can have desired monster types (was only archetypes)
- added nagas, scorpion, hell hounds, lurkers, and desert saurians as desired monsters to deserts
- added skeletons and ghosts as desired monsters to graveyards and ruins
- added dark elves, shadows, and wampirs as desired monsters underground
- added spiders as desired monsters to caves
- added stalkers, spiders, and forest saurians as desired monsters to forests
- added imps, torvas, and jungle saurians as desired monsters to jungles
- added random versions of unique leprechauns, rylors, kralls, vortars, chaos lords, raptors, styracs, scorpids, drakes, and lightning elementals
- added names for unique Krall Scouts (were same as Krall Warriors)
- made rylor bomb effects more noticable
- fixed skeletons not being visible while "hidden"
- fixed followers on lurker, plague bringer, zombie plaguebringer, zombie dark elf, and zombielord
- added hellhound follower to torva and torva shaman
- fixed noisy/quiet level not working correctly with monster idle sounds
- demon dogs and hellhounds are now noisier at night
- now doors will automatically close after a few seconds if a monster/NPC opens them
- fixed having 2 ProjStalkerThrownDaggerHC entries
- separated DamageType and SourceType
- fixed bulletin board getting status effects
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 81
0.827 ----- - added a loot filter (can specify min rarity items to show) (Sephumbra and probably many others over the years)
- now food gives a 5 minute buff to healing and vitality
- now drinks give a 5 minute to item mana gain and spirit
- now NPCs can do activities while in player's party
- dark elves and dark orcs now get bonuses when it is night
- wisps, saurians, saurian mages, zombie saurians, lightning elementals, and lightning drakes now get bonuses when it is raining
- now ice drakes get bonuses when it is snowing
- now saurians, nagas, raptor, drakes (except ice), fire elemental, and hell hounds get penalties when snowing
- fixed a few on hit mutations not working correctly (disease, cripple, freeze, etc) (Wayne)
- changed a bunch of NPC skills to give food/drinks instead of adding food to clan
- added doors back in so other clans could use them (drop is more rare than in Zombasite though)
- chest objects in towns with no monsters now have less magic chance
- added dirt mounds as a hidden/secret chest
- changed about to lose in game taunt to 33% health instead of 25%
- added 2 starting fight in game taunts
- added special anim to all monsters in bestiary and added theme music
- no longer get xp for finding direct neighbor of starting town
- fixed HomingProjectiles translation
0.826 ----- - fixed a rare infinite loop in generating road levels
- now can correctly recruit NPC to party when client in a multiplayer game (Mandark/hella/Fulano)
- added 1 new male mail skin
- now quest NPCs spawned from special rooms will be deleted if quest doesn't start correctly (Dragonface)
- now keep monsters away from gates a little better (Boink)
- now 1 kill can only apply to 1 uprising quest at a time
- added 7 more unique chests from Patreon
- added a monster spy quest (like monster scout quest, but can be hidden for a while)
- now if a win quest is obsoleted for some reason the win quest will automatically move over to the new quest if there is one
- made god retaliation more extreme
- shifted reaver unholy strike passive from cold damage to weapon damage (eliotno3)
- NPCs are more likely to join in a fight if someone they dislike is fighting (join fight against them)
- made height change between flatten areas and neighbor areas much smoother
- on level up free NPCs in a town have a chance of starting a clan
- flying/hovering monsters can now fly over barrels and chests
- now monsters have to be able to see victim to do a melee attack (Destro*)
- now if a monster is purged (too many entities), put original position instead of current position on respawn list
- added a bunch of in game dialog/taunts for various tactics
- updated character export for all of new stuff and removed a few things that are no longer needed
- added description to shared life status effect
- when setting up renegade NPC can only teleport somewhere else if changing to a renegade
- added more grass to ruins areas
- now in-game health bars will blink for player and allies when have low health
- added description to pierce status effect
- torches now tell you they can't be repaired
- torches now say Type: Torch (instead of Shield)
- fixed life steal proc description indent/wrapping issue (also a few other similar descriptions)
- added No Replacements button in editor UI to make adding things like grass safer
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 80
- added cheat_playtestTeleport - teleports around every few seconds to stress test lots of different things
0.825 ----- fixed an infinite loop related to explosion traps and cave ins (Mandark) fixed a possible multiplayer crash if have lots of entity deletes since last message (only developer testing modes?) can now recruit NPCs to town (if you currently have a town) now can use guard items to spawn in guard as a pet (Dragonface/chesse20) now quests can add an NPC to town can now go back and forth between map and list versions of available gates assassins and scouts can now teleport back to target level if they leave it for some reason now salvage to armory first works with people in town can now switch bags where one is inside the other (Fulano) boosted Herbology resistances, mana regen, and health regen (ricmadeira) fixed Player covenant showing up on server player world map each time a player left a multiplayer game now initial monster hate is the faction reputation (Fulano) now starting hate scales with level better (so similar at low and high levels) item skills no longer affects stand still stuff fixed Titan shoulders item Charged Strike never going off (Mandark) increased fire elemental and towers light added light to elemental totems ui_SalvageArmoryFirst now defaults to off now item skills can hit dead monsters now attack that does no damage but enemy is dead counts as a success updated donation lists from Patreon removed green background on mutated history screen changed PROTOCOL_NUMBER to 79
0.824 ----- - hopefully fixed a crash in generateBlendedTileGeometry
- increased armor values from items by 25%
- now non-player critical hits are 1.5X instead of 2X
- now if take a one-shot type of hit (compared to your max health), it reduces the damage, but gives an automatic deep wounds (not instant death but you're basically bleeding out)
- increased monster health in higher difficulties
- decreased AddAdditionalMaxCount from 3 to 2 on monsters (should make monster hordes a bit smaller)
- added mutated level up sound when mutate with a specialty or another character
- decreased spawn chance of zombie dark elves by 50%
- increased Rylor Bull HealthMult from 1.3 to 2.5
- increased gargoyle/statue armor bonus from 10 to 25
- increased StatueHitDurabilityMult from 7.0 to 10.0
- now damaging a gargoyle statue causes noise like damaging a door
- doubled amount of money dropped from Pirate treasure map chest
- fixed collision size of large dungeon stone block with brazier on top
- added Mandark’s Tower Tribute Bow (item from Patreon) (Mandark)
- decreased MaxDamagePercentTakenAtOnce from 0.75 to 0.7 for Lucky mutation
- now Guardians and Ghosts that are guarding an object get a level boost
- added 1 new male mail skin
- decreased ParasiteGroundAcid chances from 0.25 to 0.2
- decreased SpawnChance of blessing objects from 0.4 to 0.2
- decreased SpawnChance of liches from 2.0 to 1.5
- fixed 1 lever type that was inconsistent and showing object type (Varkon)
- a permanently broken item will no longer show as a better item (green plus)
- simplified set item text so text on set items is a good bit shorter
- fixed yucca tree not fading out correctly
- made vortar raider and warlocks larger
- fixed the name of 2 illusionary trap objects to match the real versions
- fixed thorns mutation icon
- removed win type from win screen since not relevant really
- simplified win screen a little more
- added description to Mana Shield status effect
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 78
- changed Human to Mutated in one of the taunts
0.823 ----- - NPC groups (like Cults, Syndicates, & Marauders) now have names, can spread, and can start clans
- now NPCs in town can have dialog even though not in player clan
- now makes sure there is a valid win quest and if not creates one (Varkon)
- hooked up 3 new male mail skins
- now if a town attacker wanders out of town it no longer counts as a town attacker (Etto)
- monster wars now cause more problems
- changed Herodius blessing to mana regeneration
- added god pissed message when an evil god retaliates
- now good gods can reward player for kills and completing quests - each of the 6 good gods reward different things
- now uprisings can build an altar of the correct god (depends on which monsters)
- now when an evil avatar is attacking the player there is a better chance of a good avatar spawning
- added potential dialog to out rescue traps
- now if search for an enemy and their location doesn't match the quest it updates the quest (Tyakraman)
- replaced Superhero negative with one that matters in Din's Legacy (Varkon)
- now quest counts can scale up with level
- now number of siege towers scales up with level
- added 17 prefixes and 13 suffixes to random clan names
- now instead of saying (Area only) it says specific area name (Varkon)
- changed hunter text to say "Last known location" since they can move (Tyakraman)
- fixed some missing punctuation in war quest text
- fixed demon faction plural issue
0.822 ----- - fixed a way that level generation could get into an infinite loop (DrJoeFitz)
- increased map exploration radius by 50%
- fixed another crash when mutating and a linked skill was replaced
- added earthquake trap
- added turn lights on trap
- added a Transformation trap
- added sparks trap
- added bats, rats, and spiders traps
- added boulder trap
- added ghost trap
- now gods can retaliate for killing any of their monsters (rare chance)
- holy war now has more god retaliation when killing normal monsters
- increased NemesisAddAllyChance and NemesisNumInitialAllies
- turned off evidence quests (ricmadeira)
- removed fast pace modifier from Renegades scenario (Fulano)
- now items set parent on skills correctly, fixes some things like items with frost hands not blocking slots correctly (DrJoeFitz)
- fixed not being able to get magic lore when mutating with Sage (Mavor)
- fixed leprechauns dropping too much gold
- now get xp if pull a lever and it disarms a trap (should cover other similar ways)
- item on kill no longer triggers if killer was from a minion
- now auto pickup bonus XP objects
- now auto pickup bonus Mutated XP objects
- fixed mighty achievement icon not being greyscale before unlocking it
- now show locked classes (the slots, not what they are)
- fixed skipping salvage message if a repeat of a recent salvage message (Dragonface)
- fixed turn off lights trap
- should no longer get zombies from zombie world/level modifiers if zombies allowed option is off (Fulano)
- player NPCs and summons are now less likely to break dangerous objects (hella)
- no longer add an enemy that is too far away, fixes a few issues like retreating with a dot and then taunting the player for running (Fulano)
- fixed identation of blocks item type line
- improved splitter between 2 skill mutations
- aligned can't use item type/item slot graphic better
0.821 ----- - fixed a possible crash when loading if build a level and then free the level before the end of the game setup
- fixed some issues including crashing when mutating your character in multiplayer (Varkon/Etto/Fulano)
- now if load game and the main monster of a quest is in a secret level shift to it somewhere more reasonable - this can happen if I change the layout of the worlds and what used to be a normal level ends up being a secret level after the layout shift (Wayne/Boink/wrestless)
- now on load if monster level and quest level doesn't match for some reason (most likely because world layout changed) fix quest level (Varkon/Dragonface)
- now if an actor clan loads and is based in an area that no longer exists it will be moved to a valid location
- now if load game and the main monster of a quest is in an invalid location shift to it somewhere more reasonable - this can happen if I change the layout of the worlds and what used to be a normal level ends up being a secret level after the layout shift (Mandark)
- improved quest level syncing when the world is really large
- fixed Only 1 can survive scenario having towns being added to the map (Varkon)
- fixed some small areas not generating properly (Varkon)
- doubled Charged per level damage increase (Excellion)
- added Lightning Blade to Lightning Mastery (Excellion)
- added Flametongue to Fire Mastery (Excellion)
- fixed one of the bandit quests using spy text
- fixed All levels connected option not working in scenarios that specifically set a world size (Varkon)
- no longer show survive time if already have lost that scenario (Varkon)
- fixed never dropping legendary rings, jewelry, or necklaces (Destro*)
- now NPCs like vendors more, they can still start fights with them but it is less likely (Varkon)
- charged strike no longer incorrectly launches a frost nova if attacking nothing (Fulano)
- removed number of clans option from world setup - since most don't have clans it's just confusing
- removed some focus stuff from NPC equipment screen
- fixed gambling town icon
- can now set DontSave on user var definitions to override it already being set to Save
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 77
- updated copyright date
0.820 ----- now dying is a lose condition in Survival, Only 1 can survive, Prey, Gladiator, Duel, Overrun, Battle, and Chaos scenarios now when one of the gods' altars are destroyed they might retaliate now lose Clan Protector scenario if clan is destroyed now in Clan Proctector scenario you need to solve all of their quests also to win now base starts that aren't in towns have a random position (should also spread town objects more) improved wander pathfinding quite a bit made battles get constant flow of reinforcements so much more interesting entire clan is no longer active if some of them are raiding another clan (Destro*) now dying in a survival type of scenario fails it instead of winning it :) (Dragonface/Paul Debrion) fixed bounty hunters not changing levels correctly (Giri) made bounty hunters in Prey scenario track the player down much better made dying a real lose quest so much more obvious (shows icon on main screen/highlight text) can no longer lose scenario and then during lose time win the scenario fixed invasion quest not working in Survival scenario monsters in gladiator scenario no longer try to burn down the town removed towns from Behind Enemy Lines fixed a couple bulletin board issues with not near/only near npc quest things now NPCs and members of other clans can could as most impressive kill now win screen tells you quests completed instead of quests solved biggest accomplishment is now a completed quest not necessarily a solved quest Chaos scenario no longer has town levels greatly increased chances of uprisings from gate quests decreased chances of renegades randomly popping up (without direct cause and not at start of world) quests from gate quests no longer sync level/seed (means they can spawn in different levels from gate) fixed sometimes having openings going to nowhere in caves - will likely change world layout some fixed another problem with gates sometimes not working correctly (Varkon/Dragonface) fixed level names sometimes changing across save/load now make sure level up bonus items have min rarity fixed another issue where world map didn't center on player properly (Dragonface) lighting now is per block instead of level so things like The Black Forest work correctly made status effect texture precache a little smarter fixed failing to precache Mutations_Claustrophobia.tga fixed button alignment on start internet server menu when no world available to load (OpusOvis) made it so more text could be displayed per line on win screen changed "This is the win quest for this area!" color to green removed a bunch of help topics removed 2 screens from UI Screens help topic cleaned up right click stuff in Basics help topic cleaned up Skills Screen help topic a little updated Skill Types help topic cleaned up dynamic world help topic reworded Clan Gate help topic to Base Gate updated a couple things in Locks help topic fixed a couple things on Bulletin Board help topic changed a few things with Ways Back to Town help topic updated Won Game help topic updated Attacking help topic a little updated Advanced Inventory Screen help topic a little updated Getting Around Basics help topic slightly updated Minimap help topic updated Advanced Quest Givers help topic slightly changed "Advanced Race Relations" to "Advanced Clan Relations" updated Advanced Clan Relations help topic quite a bit fixed WorldModifierBlessingObjectObeliskPowerStealDesc translation added cheat_repairAll to make my life easier :)
0.819 ----- - fixed a problem where a secret wall could only be opened with a lever
- fixed Darkess skill debuff conflicting with Darkness environmental debuff
- fixed sometimes getting a broken ghost near objects
- fixed some quest dontEndNearPlayer issues
- fixed game trying to donate an item if you moved a vendor item into the bottom left normal slot (Fulano)
- now vendors sell to market properly again (Fulano)
- now vendors can restock their items (Fulano)
- improved vendor restocking
- fixed not getting passive skill stat bonuses from items (Mandark)
- changed Din avatar to use his special skin
- now all avatars use different model or skin to look different from each other (@everyone)
- fixed teleport sounds not always playing when gating
- fixed another reference to warriorSwipe6.swp
- last event line no longer draws in larger font if that will make it go off the edge of the screen (Crisses)
- sped up creating world map a little bit
- made bronze, silver, and gold chests more consistently use their effects
- now town signs don't have prefix/suffix stuff on them
- now print LifeLeechPercentOnHit info on skills (like leeching skill mutation)
- now print ManaLeechPercentOnKill info on skills (like soul harvesting skill mutation)
- now print ManaLeechPercentOnHit info on skills
- renamed achievement of destroying 100 clans from Destroyer to Clan Destroyer (Fulano)
- fixed KnockbackMult translation (Dragonface)
- added "Keep Out!" and "Keep out of X." signs
- fixed font tool not compiling correctly
- made font tool smart enough to automatically bump up texture size if too small for all characters (milithien)
0.818 ----- - fixed statChange on status effects being broken (Etto)
- sped up skill & magic modifier build times
0.817 ----- - fixed long loading times on some maps (Doesn't Learn From Mistakes/Destro)
- moved ogg decoding to own thread (music and 2d sounds) - should be a bit faster and allows music to play during loading
- now static models (1 animation with 1 frame) always go down static vbo path (test went from 50.8 to 60.8 fps)
- now all dead monsters of the same type shares the same vbo (test went from 66.2 to 71.0 fps)
- fixed addObject in spawnAreaBlock to not reference modelResource so much less likely to pause waiting for resource to load
- fixed effects being generated in light and shadow mapping passes (speeds up test from 48 to 60 fps)
- no longer sort draw surfaces in normal draw and shadow mapping pass (already sorted in light pass)
- fixed explosion precaching not working correctly
- improved projectile precaching
- now make sure don't get in an infinite loop when precaching (don't think it has even happened yet, but as it gets more complex it would happen without protection)
- now precache hazards
- now precache objects
- precached a bunch of small things better
- now precache swipes better
- hooked up 4 new mail/plate male player skins
- now precache money sound and soulstone model
- now precache footstep sounds
- now precache basic elemental effects
- precached status effect assets better
- now precache level ambient objects
- fixed a bug in PlayerClient::getTitle that might have been causing a rare Character menu crash (eddieray7)
- fixed music not playing in menus
- sped up StatusEffectBase::processDatabaseEntry (test went from 23 to 12 seconds)
- now more particles combine into the same surface - speeds up particles a little (4% in stress test)
- now gameShared->getPackedDatabaseEntry uses database hints - should speed up loading some
- fixed PlateSteel_d.tga being wrong tga type (prevented it from being compresses and included in public build)
- no longer calculate hash multiple times for DatabaseEntry::getAllValues type calls (overrides/addsTo/base)
- now when looking up each database entry base, uses the hint from the current subdatabase to speed up search
- fixed infinite loop if change SERVER_FRAME_TIME
- can now change the server frame time with serverFrameTime user var (default is 50)
- fixed on old whirlwind effect being referenced
0.816 ----- - fixed a crash when sometimes shader sorting could have an accidental collision (which can cause lots of problems)
- decreased monster damage per level by 33% (Varkon)
- fixed towns not always having a path to level edge (Giri)
- now when holding down right click and kill target it will move to next target easier
- now can't recruit NPCs that are too much over your level
- fixed sometimes not getting skill points back when mutating with a specialty or other character (Procura)
- fixed first level sometimes not calling levelBuilt correctly because it got built before worldSetup finished (this can cause various issues like objects stuck in inaccessible locations) (Fulano)
- fixed world map not being about to scroll south enough on some maps (Fulano)
- player can now walk through their gate, stashes, healthstone, bulletin board, and crafting station (DrJoeFitz/Dragonface)
- added a "right click move" option - when holding down right click with a melee skill and no target player will move towards cursor
- auto targeting stuff will no longer target crystals (you still can if you highlight them directly)
- now normal attacks work like other skills again for combos
- moved spider web effect up so more noticable
- increased speed of escorted NPCs so they keep up a bit better
- now cache monster combat sounds
- now precache weapon sounds
- now precache turnedToZombie.mdl if monster is a zombie
- now precache ground items
- now cache texture of status effects on entity client
- now keep old music handle to prevent reloading it if played again soon
- sped up finding music datatbase entry
- now don't let music load without hard pause before playing it
- optimized ResourceSystem::findResource a little
- now if try to load a resource and already have correct handle, just returns
- can now precache textures
- turned off most of the effects on an unactivated gate so it looks more distinct from an activated one
- can no longer use ice bombs and other throwable items when you're dead :)
- increased guardian weight by 100% (less knockback)
- no longer get reward chest for destroying a clan when they are limited to 1 person (scenarios like Last Man Standing)
- fixed gate, bulletin board, and pedestals showing up after save/load sometimes in scenarios that don't need them (Fulano)
- fixed sometimes select a map on world map screen not selecting correctly
- fixed a couple of problems with "No attack move" UI option
- fixed alpha on one of the zombie lord portraits
- fixed centerprints no longer centering correctly (Dragonface)
- fixed Redemption description
- fixed text for a quest in a tower saying under X level
- fixed player in opening screen sometimes having items like torches show up
- fixed skills help screen
- removed max stamina boost from Kodiak Strength skill
- now d_printFilesWaitingOn and profile debugging tools print frame number
- added profileSuppressBelow so can make profile tool print less non-interesting info
0.815 ----- server should now handle a rejoin after a crash better (Mandark) now basic attacks can only help your combo multiplier up to 50% now recruits will follow across won, lost, and abandoned scenarios now have 2 seconds before a spawned evil avatar can move (unless you foolish hurt it) (Fulano) fixed all ego enemies getting set to orcs (chesse20) now if you have a selected target arcane swarm will select random targets near your intended target instead of near the player (Mandark) decreased holy fire cast time from 0.98 to 0.83 (Mandark) now hunting shot has a 40% attack bonus (Mandark) added passive explosion range bonus to holy fire (Mandark) boosted hell storm damage by 10% (Mandark) increased Concentration: Poison, Concentration: Speed, and Concentration: Blur effect length from 30 to 60 seconds (Mandark) items inside of reward chests can no longer break (Mandark/Fulano) now if npc from base town starts fight, ends fight, leaves town, gets banished, or goes insane now get message fixed orc ego enemy on items not being Dark Orcs fixed Slaughter skill not repeating correctly when on left/right mouse decreased Slaughter ExtraEnemies from 4 to 3 fixed NPCs not starting out with full health (Etto/Fulano) can no longer get fear/killer mutations when mutating (Mandark) fixed crafting items bought from a crafting vendor not adding to your inventory correctly (Destro/Fulano) now an item can specify no random modifier power (crafting items now use this) will no longer get Zombielord, Overrun, or Outbreak scenarios if have zombies turned off (Darkness) fixed not getting any potions on vendors at level 100 (Destro) added bow skill to commoner specialty (Fulano) fixed several issues with main game screen help (Crisses) made mana gargoyle a little brighter (Crisses) Blixt and Mortus avatars no longer use a weapon fixed Minor Physical Resistance text on skeletons (Fulano) simplified ego item level up print if no bonus given (Nyithra) fixed Skull Split bow / Confuse item skill not displaying name properly (Fulano) fixed disabled Load Current World button location on multiplayer menu fixed EffectAdvantagePoisonImbuedFemale fixed typo on 3 leech skill descriptions fixed buildUniqueItemsCommand with EgoEnemy items
0.814 ----- - added higher chance of leprechauns to Trickster Realm world modifier
- now skill icons auto size to fit however many there are (prevents overlapping issues) (Destro*/Mandark)
- can now target skills towards another player by highlighting their name/health bar on side of screen (Etto)
- can now get more than 1 center print so less likely to miss important messages
- now center prints stay around longer the longer they are (text wise)
- now world saves use basic network compression (saves about 40%)
- fixed cursed procs not showing their name in item highlight text (Destro*)
- fixed cursed ego procs not showing their name in item highlight text (Destro*)
- fixed divine intervention name not showing up on item text correctly (Destro*)
- fixed description placement on mutate from specialty screen
- fixed not being able to highlight top row of skills on mutate from specialty screen (Darkness/Fulano)
- fixed occasionally getting a blank name chr file saved (Destro*)
- made all center print stuff go through same code path (less code, more consistent location & length)
- made so center prints have to be unique to add another one
- increased center print base time a little and moved to database
- increased center print size and got rid of the background (unless fullscreen menu)
- added money sound when searching for an enemy from quest screen to show money changed (Boink)
- now trying to resume a game that no longer exists goes back to main screen instead of crashing
- added option to show current/max health and mana on main gargoyles UI (Destro*)
- fixed skills not showing up immediately when going to mutate with specialty screen (Fulano)
- added an option to change left click to move and interact but not attack (Destro*)
- no longer see load existing world option if there aren't any
- now secondary skill text can shrink if larger than screen (will probably help a few other similar places)
- moved widgets around some on world map due to world modifiers moving to icons
- fixed getting a critical error when loading a game when currently using Spirit Evasion
- added scenario name to select area screen (@everyone)
- moved gargoyles on main screen a little to be overlapped less
- fixed item text not being able to get smaller on primary highlight text
- fixed wrapping when going down to a smaller font to fit highlight text on screen
- now show full info on item skills
- text wrapping now keeps initial indentation
- can now open inventory/bags by left/right clicking on inventory capacity section of UI (Fulano)
- now client handles sending too much data up to the server much better
- fixed a crash in GraphicsSystem::drawString (probably only happens in developer build)
- removed a \n from Fire Strike description that messes up formating
- changed ui_onlyShowKnownLocationQuests default to 0
- changed My Town to My Base
- improved passive skill text on items
- removed priority line from win quest since it was duplicate info
- improved removeNewLinesAtEnd to handle color/font codes
- update donation lists from Patreon
- added cheat_playtestSimple - just runs around and attacks (no skills)
0.813 ----- - made networking handle low framerate situations better
- sped up MagicModifier::processDatabaseEntry by ignoring stats if has some kind of skill (decreased debug load time 125 seconds) (Fulano)
- changed world/level modifiers to a row of cool icons or world map instead of a boring list of titles :)
- boosted level of skill modifier and main state modifier on all unique items
- added Happy Chest (Patreon reward)
- increased per level damage of bows around 10%
- increased damage of wands around 50% (rainbow)
- fixed Fearless and Bloodthirst skills not being able to go above level 1 (Destro*)
- fixed missing names for old item skills (Destro)
- now player gets some extra resistance when close to death
- hooked up 4 new male plate skins
- added chance of doors squeaking, noise that can alert enemies
- decreased PlayerRanFromMonsterUpgradeChance from 0.1 to 0.05 (Boink)
- sped up GameShared::getSkillIndex some (decreased debug load time 4 seconds)
- sped up getPerLevelSkillDefinition some (decreased debug load time 6 seconds)
- sped up finding skill StatusEffect some (decreased debug load time 3 seconds)
- fixed projectile chaining using start position instead of end position (Romløk)
- increased chain lightning chain distance from 150.0 to 200.0
- blinding flash no longer works on inanimate objects
- can no longer use the lock pick skill on spider webs :) (Karol13)
- added door/chest unlock sound
- fixed resurrect UI blinking away sometimes
- increased alpha some on highlight text background
- fixed backpack description number of slots being wrong since recent change (Dragonface)
0.812 ----- - updated every unique item in game
- now all unique items have a skill on it
- now all unique weapons have a damage modifier on it
- now all unique armors have an armor modifier on it
- now all unique shields have a defense modifier on it
- now all unique wands have a spell damage, mana, or intelligence modifier on it
- added lots of On Hit item skill modifiers
- added lots of When Hit item skill modifiers
- added lots of When Killed item skill modifiers
- added lots of On Kill item skill modifiers
- added lots of On Block item skill modifiers
- added lots of On Buff item skill modifiers
- added lots of On Debuff item skill modifiers
- added lots of On Projectile item skill modifiers
- added lots of On Summon item skill modifiers
- added On Use skills for staves and wands (many active skills)
- fixed statues spawning items because of new min rarity stuff (chesse20)
- improved passive skills on items to be able to come from modifiers also
- fixed OnX item skills not calling think correctly
- fixed skill level for on use item proc
- made timed versions of BladeOfDarkness, UnholyArmor, VoidShield, and UnholyVitality for items
- made timed versions of FocusArmor, FocusDamage, and FocusRage for items
- removed some debug stuff from building skills on startup
- now less translation work needed for item procs
0.811 ----- - now bronze, silver, gold, magic, and unique chests all now spawn at least 1 item of a minimum rarity (higher for higher type chests)
- increased higher item rarity chances quite a bit
- now Din gives player an item bonus every 5 levels (at least a rare item & character specific)
- now get a 1% magic find bonus for every achieved achievement for all characters! (Dragonface)
- now elite weapons and armor vendors skew their items towards the player
- dungeons, caves, lairs, and towers now get a magic find bonus based on how deep the level is
- now get a magic find bonus in areas above monster level 100 (higher each level)
- doubled number of items in personal gift chests
- increased vendor basic magic find (better items)
- NPCs can now donate money to the player when they thank them
- increased chances of gift, thank you, and hello NPC activities
- now a rescued or escorted NPC can give the player a personal gift chest as an additional reward
- now statues built in honor of player have different poses (Nyithra)
- now statues built in honor of player give a minor blessing if used (60 minute duration, can renew, 7 different types)
- now statues built in honor of player have a wider range of placement
- now get a new title from Din at levels 25, 50, 75, and 100
- fixed a problem sometimes connecting areas (Laser Dog)
- increased chances of vendors amongst normal NPCs by 50%
- now normal vendors' items have a min rarity of common (1 step up from normal)
- now elite vendors' items have a min rarity of uncommon (2 steps up from normal)
- fixed a few things to allow NPCs in base town to do activities
- now handle if NPCs wander out of starting town a little better
- removed several achievements that no longer make sense
- reworded a few achievements a little
- reworded some journal entries a little
- removed old stuff from journal
- improved statue texture
- NPC only set to guard duty if outside of walls and in a clan
- fixed a way that NPCs could get stuck in activity if path failed in a certain way
- NPCs can no longer do activities with inanimate objects :)
- NPCs out of clans no longer dwell about food
- fixed door & relic vendors showing up
0.810 ----- - fixed the net trap I broke (crash) in last build (Mandark/chesse20/Dragonface/Mimic/
- fixed an adding follower issue with no parent (possible crash) (Nick)
- fixed constant has plans to raid quests popping up (Mithur)
- greatly sped up load area screen - test of hundreds of worlds went from 4 sec to way less than 1 sec
- taunts now debuff spell damage instead of casting time
- Defy Death now has some inflation so higher levels are more useful (
- fixed possibility of _eventChance increasing over time when not supposed to
- added mutated level up sound
fixed things like a firesword changing left/right speaker as player turns around
0.809 ----- - fixed an angles issue that might have be generating a NAN and then starting a infinite loop
- added a Permanent character option (used skill points and mutations are permanent)
- fixed NPC skills being way too high after loading (Destro*)
- now at high levels when you have max num of skills, mutations can replace an unused skill (Mandark/Darkness/Dragonface)
- fixed a couple spawning issues with large levels (DrJoeFitz)
- fixed player town counting as a possible quest level sometimes, making server & client disagree where a quest was taking place (DrJoeFitz)
- fixed some old damage mults no longer supposed to be used (will increase physical damage, and decrease poison & lightning damage)
- fixed crushing blow actually lowering damage in some cases
- fixed a problem generating lairs sometimes (BeepBeep)
- turned off raiding expedition points stuff (left over from Zombasite) (Destro*)
- net trap should now always be 5 seconds instead of increasing per level (Destro*/Mandark)
- fixed "Could not find widget CharacterName" warning (Giri)
- added some isnan checks to make sure direction issue is fixed for good
- changed house walls and roof to use HeightType Center
- cleaned up skill mutation stuff a bit
- improved "Could not find widget" warning
0.808 ----- - fixed a possible infinite loop in tryWeakenGround (Cthulhu Fhtagn!/Boink)
- now free shader indexes so after a long game session a high shader index doesn't corrupt the sort integer, which can lead to random crashes (Mandark)
- fixed a crash in new status effect stuff
- fixed a crash in finishGenerateLevel when have a NULL areaBlock
- fixed a couple level issues with NPC skills (Destro*)
- decreased Krall earthquake stun from 3.0 seconds to 1.0 second (Dragonface)
- quest monsters can no longer be converted over to follow player (
- non-moving monsters can no longer be converted over to follow player
- now only get ambush text if monsters successfully spawned in
- now hide time on fog and darkness icons since so short and gets redone constantly
- no longer move when typing 'a' in multiplayer chat (Fulano)
- added scenario name print at beginning of scenario
- removed extra Wars world modifier in Total War scenario (Dragonface)
- updated change log with some credits that I missed
- changed cheat_playtest to drop old item being replaced (so it doesn't get in loop of flipping items)
0.807 ----- - increased r_viewFarDist from 700 to 900 - this basically changes the max zoom level, probably breaks some stuff temporarily (Boink)
- combined player escalation, success escalation, and unknown location deescalation with other quest time escalations so can be capped correctly - this should slow down some more runaway quest type of issues (Fulano)
- added size 18, 20, 22, and 24 slot bags (Boink)
- increased size of starting backpack from 16 to 24 slots (Boink)
- fixed some spells not repeating correctly when used from a hotkey (Nyithra/Fulano)
- fixed entities sometimes getting spawned into shared areas ignoring terrain height and collision (Dragonface/Fulano/rawrkite/Chiaki Nanami)
- fixed a problem with infinite loops at high levels because xp needed at really high levels (above the player max) were going above int max (Destro*)
- now selected entity UI can show 20 status effects (TheRagingAnimist)
- now player UI can show 40 status effects (TheRagingAnimist)
- fixed another way that some gates were not usable (Mithur)
- decreased tower spell range from 1000.0 to 800.0 (Zombasite & Din's Legacy) (Boink)
- fixed Fuse Orb blessing object
- decreased SpawnChance of tower and totem archetypes from 1.0 to 0.25 (if picked for a level will spawn less) (Etto)
- fixed duel scenario having monsters
- changed duel reward chest to large silver
- now smaller scenarios give less mutation points
- non ring projectiles no longer hit liquids & ground traps (vantil)
- now get clan destroyed reward chest if kill clan members (not healthstone) (Dragonface/Mandark/*)
- fixed raid gate sometimes spawning inside collision
- fixed clan lifestones sometimes spawning inside collision
- fixed clan guards sometimes spawning inside collision
- find plans are now optional quests (until they start a "real" quest that is)
- fixed block and energizing block not animating correctly
- fixed not getting NPCs at high level worlds (>100) (Destro*)
- now center status effects
- now short term status effects don't change the positioning of all status effects (prevents constant shifting)
- now when highlighting a status effect it shows icon in highlight text
- now use slots show icon when highlighting
- got rid of duplicate StatusEffectBlessingObjectCharmedTrillium
- fixed LeachesXPowerPerHit translation (Fulano)
- improved clan destroyed reward chest print
- updated donation lists from Patreon
- quick tips are no longer numbered (Dragonface)
0.806 ----- - fixed another way shared levels sometimes break overland map connectivity (treborx555)
- getting a kill no longer modifies respawn time
- fixed quest lists being mixed up for shared levels (Fulano)
- fixed level highlight mixing up level and shared level sometimes (julie23316/Varkon)
- fixed another issue with building secret levels (Dragonface)
- hidden quests no longer count against solve all quests (Etto)
- increased MinSpawnDistFromGates from 300.0 to 450.0 (Mandark)
- toned down Imbue Lightning Swarm a bit (Fulano)
- fixed clan members not spawning correctly in brawl scenario - no NPC spots (Destro*/
- fixed Apply Poison skill being setup like it boosted Poison Arrow skill (Cthulhu Fhtagn!)
- fixed clan/get quest stuff mixing up level and shared level sometimes
- fixed some town levels getting added to some 1 level scenarios
- fixed some traps always shooting in the same direction
- now when followers are in defensive mode they will defend player more (Ninjakillzu/Etto)
- increased weapon drop rates by 50%
- increased the xp curve at higher levels
- decreased scree and dark elf warrior attack range from 150.0 to 115.0 (still longer than everyone else) (Destro*)
- player now has some immunity to stunning blows when damage from blow is small compared to the player's current health (Destro*)
- increased base armor from Carapace from 15 to 25 and added some deep wounds & stunning blows resistance (Boink)
- fixed never getting Magic Lore skill on Sage (TheRagingAnimist)
- added flapping sounds to drakes
- improved AggressivePetsDesc
- can no longer teleport to shared levels (this probably only affects teleport cheat)
0.805 ----- - fixed an entity leak with status effects never getting cleaned up on inactive actors - might also be causing slow downs and crashes
- no longer apply nemesis and win condition quest time escalation at same time if both apply
- decreased WinQuestTimeEscalationMult from 10.0 to 5.0
- now cap quest time escalation to 20 (didn't have a cap before) (Excellion/Boink)
- fixed a crash on load when trying to fix up loaded pointers but entity had been purged, clearEntityReferences not being called in correct place
- fixed towers and secret areas generating levels badly (Mandark/Boink/Destro*)
- fixed a loading crash when trying to respawn a gate guarding unique monster (Mithur)
- now monster promotions are slower once than hit unique level
- fixed a really rare crash in GraphicsSystem::drawTiles
- fixed a crash during a mutate when losing a linked skill
- added 1 vendor to all scenarios with a normal and 2 to scenarios with full town, and 3 to Sanctuary (rainbow)
- fixed shared levels sometimes breaking overland map connectivity
- fixed gates in shared levels not doing anything (Fulano/Mithur/Boink/Varkon/Mandark)
- fixed a potential crash in Trigger::getRandomTarget (Boink)
- fixed waypoints not showing up correctly in shared levels (DrJoeFitz)
- fixed a bunch of empty effects being attached to some monsters
- now mutated level bonus can't move a skill past its max (Destro*)
- added a cap to horde monster AddAdditional stuff (Dragonface)
- halved regeneration enhancements values
- reuse time now applies to skill mutations (should balance things a bit better)
- decreased Scavenger player skill eat effect time from 300.0 to 150.0
- now protect basic cape and shield skills from mutating away when actively using them (Nyithra/TheRagingAnimist)
- now suppressed skills are always replaced when mutating with another specialty or character
- torches can now be purged if already reseting the level spawn
- increased MaxPotionStack for vendors from 10 to 20
- added lightning elemental skill to sorcerer and summoner
- fixed a level issue on some skills from things like status effects
- fixed some skills not automatically getting added to use slots
- win reward text now tells you kind of chest it spawned (Boink)
- added some more checks to make sure you don't get invalid clans in Diplomacy scenario (Destro*)
- solve all quests in the area quest no longer specifies a level (DrJoeFitz)
- fixed some alpha issues on dark elf assassin icon
- fixed Nemesis/ArchNemesis enhancements (wrong base)
- added a combo quick tip
- now commoner specialty selects correctly on Mutate from specialty screen (Boink)
- added a tip about leaving a world and coming back to it later
- improved CultDesc (Boink)
- added cheat_allocateSkillPoints
- added cheat_playTestFull
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 76
0.804 ----- - limited ambushes by time also (Boink)
- now get a reward chest for winning a scenario (some variety based on which scenario) (Destro*/Dragonface/Mandark)
- fixed a problem making it really hard to get combo stuff going (Destro*)
- fixed a leak of resource handles if added, then removed, before actually loading
- now cache footstep handles so don't load, free, reload, etc, test scenario old=70-90fps, new=100ish
- fixed other players in multiplayer getting XP multiple times when a player's pet got a kill (Ninjakillzu)
- fixed bad reference to housedec1.mdl (Boink)
- decreased blight damage from -1.5/-1.5 to -1.0/-0.5
- fixed losing skill points when mutating when you have linked skills (Fulano/Koztic/Destro*/Boink)
- fixed a couple problems preventing win type of quest monsters getting promotions/demotions are breaking quest (Dragonface/Etto)
- removed SkillPointsNeededToDecreasePerLevel to fix some issues (Boink)
- fixed linked skills not linking correctly if you don't have the base linked skill
- fixed possibly losing skill points in linked skills if get a new linked skill
- fixed use slots getting cleared when going to mutate with specialty or character and backing out (rainbow/Destro*)
- halved KillerMutationChance for all archetypes (Boink)
- now control yellow mold count more
- hooked up 2 new mail male skins
- fixed some icons on mutate from specialty screen to match those on new character screen
- fixed base healthstone text referencing zombasite
- fixed some Military Win text (Nyithra/Dragonface)
- changed test_stressQuests to not solve nemesis or win type of quests
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 75
0.803 ----- - full mutation now works in multiplayer (Cthulhu Fhtagn!)
- fixed many collision issues with most of the levels
- fixed NPCs not showing up in some protect town scenarios (Destro*)
- now there are limits to ambushes in the same area (lots of people)
- now when fixing an entities position, if can't find a valid location in the same level, will allow to move to a different level (a different level is better than invalid location) (Fulano)
- NPCs and vendors are more common in starting towns now
- quest/desired monster level offset now grows slowly as the player levels up (Boink)
- decreased assassin level bump from 3 to 2
- increased chances of NPCs within town walls
- increased max potions stack vendors can have
- fixed spawning location in multiplayer for non-server players (Cthulhu Fhtagn!)
- fixed gates not bringing non-server players back to correct gate location (Fulano)
- fixed several unlocked specialties not showing up correctly on mutate from specialty screen (Destro/Darkness)
- fixed summon chaos lord skill (Ninjakillzu/Destro*)
- decreased FearMutationWhenKilledChance from 0.25 to 0.05 (Boink)
- decreased ClaustrophobiaMutationWhenKilledChance from 0.25 to 0.1
- fixed split projectiles not working with many skills it was meant to (Mandark)
- cleaned up win and loss text
- changed hunger curse to affect things that matter (Dragonface)
- town and graveyard areas are flatter now
- change PROTOCOL_VERSION to 74
- fixed About menu on Mac
- added Patreon page to credits page (Zombasite & Din's Legacy)
- fixed PlayersListDesc
0.802 ----- fixed getting high level broods in low level areas (Dragonface) fixed a problem where you couldn't see all of your skills once you got over 40 (tdstom/Dragonface) fixed several specialties not unlocking correctly - will only work when getting new skills (Destro*/Khalgar) made non-protect town scenarios not have monsters in the town at the beginning - this helps different scenarios feel more distinct now make sure all levels next to the starting level don't jump too much in monster level - this changes how levels are generated so old maps might not match new layout fixed a slow down with inventory up, my test case went from 37.4 fps to 50.8 (Dragonface/Etto) fixed some things trying or actually spawning into areas they can't be in (Destro*) NPCs can spawn in low level starting towns again (BrianRubin) fixed not always getting level 1 skills on new characters (BrianRubin) fixed a couple more ways that lifestone and stashes could spawn away from starting area fixed model missing error when using any skill that has the Kodiak skill mutation (Khalgar) made invasion scenarios definitely have monsters in town made a few protect town scenarios not have monsters in the town at the beginning now win or secondary win quests are set as priority 1 (hella) hooked up night vision icon fixed duplicate MonsterInvisible1HC entries fixed some unlocks not having localized print got rid of extra AdditionalObjectPerBlockChance in BaseAreaHC changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 73 fixed torch items getting rebuilt every frame
0.801 ----- - now restrict monsters spawning in main town until level 5 (tons of people)
- fixed fire mold spreading uncontrollably and causing crashes and huge slowdowns (Etto/Cordell)
- fixed protect clan/town quests getting in the way of winning scenarios that need to solve all quests (julie23316)
- fixed sometimes getting blocks in towns that can't get to (Fulano)
- fixed some things going through getRandomValidPosition not being consistent across save/load (unfortunately this will likely change all current maps)
- now make sure lifestone and stashes are in same block as player spawn when no starting town (Cordell)
- moved Escape and Behind Enemy Lines scenarios to min level 5
- moved all protect town/clan scenarios to min level 5
- hooked up female battle shout sound
- hooked up 14 new mutation icons
- NPCs that are considered "guards" no longer have insanity, happiness, or hunger penalties (Fulano)
- fixed dungeon entrances in town being in the same location (Fulano/Dragonface)
- made dead trees fade out when in way again
- fixed problems with Quills mutation
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 72
- fixed highest quality settings option setting wrong shadows option (Charls Barkly)
- turned off resolution change when clicking highest quality settings option (Charls Barkly)
- vitality no longer mentions stamina (Dragonface)
- fixed all old quick tips
- changed Zombasite to Din's Legacy in a few help topics (still need to clean up a lot of the text though)
- fixed a missing config file
0.800 -----
- This is the first alpha version.
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