We finally took some more screenshots. :) These were taken during alpha. This shot has a few Legion ships that have launched a bunch of fighters. That's a wormhole down at the bottom. Pic details - 1352x741, 249KB. In this shot the player swooped in to help out a Cortex scout by destroying at least 3 enemies. Pic details - 1352x741, 180KB. There seems to be mines everywhere in this shot. There is one actively shooting at some ships on the left, the player seems to have just detonated two of them in the middle, and there are three more to the right. Pic details - 1352x741, 186KB. Here the player is about to feel some pain. There is some kind of incoming ballistics (green) and three incoming missiles. Pic details - 1352x741, 168KB.  |
These are the first screenshots we have released for Drox Operative. By the time the game ships some of this will probably look different. :) This shot has a bunch of enemy ships closing in on me and I have just destroyed one of them with a laser beam. I also just triggered a mine a little above my ship. Pic details - 1352x741, 245KB. Once again lots of action in this shot. It shows 3 different types of beam weapons. Pic details - 1352x741, 169KB. This shot shows a few enemy ships but also shows a star and a planet. Pic details - 1352x741, 210KB. Along with another beam weapon, this shot also shows two inbound ballistic type of weapon shots (think railgun). Pic details - 1352x741, 204KB. This shoot shows 3 inbound missiles. Pic details - 1352x741, 223KB.