There are over 20 different, playable characters in Kivi's Underworld. We are going to slowly reveal some of them here. SPOILER ALERT: you only know about Kivi the Warrior at the beginning of the game, so reading about any of the characters below might be minor spoilers.
 Diador – Female Gladiator
Gladiators were rare in the lumen realm where magic permeates day to day living. They were something special, entertainment stars with real physical skill. Diador loved the stage and the competition, dressing her part in a spider inspired costume and playing to the crowd. Though brazen and fearless in tournaments she still had one humiliating secret, the shakes. She trembled in fear anytime she ventured to the edges of lumen territory. For this very reason, she had to do it, to overcome this silly phobia. How else could she claim the Grand Title without feeling unworthy? She was the best fighter in Avond Nuit, and when she conquered her fear, she’d be the best anywhere.
Arms: Sword and Shield Skills: Block and Kill Bonus Attributes: More health
 Xtara – Female Merchant
What's worse than coming from a merchant family? Deciding to become a merchant too! It's hard to get out of the family's shadow, but Xtara had a plan. She'd go where her family wouldn't, and there she'd make her fortune. There was just one little draw back. It was dangerous. But where's the profit without risk?
Arms: Staff Skills: Swipe and Money Bonus Attributes: Better defense
 Vara – Female Runemaster
Vara found the deep power within runes the hard way, by accidentally killing her closest friend. She fled their shared sublevel research library and drifted on the fringe, dreaming of redemption. If only she could find a worthy task, it would be a sign she'd been forgiven.
Arms: Mace Skills: Spontaneous Combustion and Damage Shield Attributes: Normal
 Zlod – Male Thief
There’s good, there’s bad, and then there’s Zlod. He’s somewhere in the gray. Once a promising meditation student, he abandoned the craft for something more practical and eventually more exciting. He knows everyone and can get you anything for a price, unless luck has left his side. The bounty on his head is quite high in some circles. Maybe that’s why he’s often in the outlands, in the places where sane lumen dare not go.
Arms: Dagger Skills: Smoke Screen and Avoid Traps Attributes: Normal
 Risto – Male Paladin
Risto joined the paladins as a compromise to ease his parents’ minds. He was always a carefree, energetic soul, not even having the common sense to fear the outlands. Despite his loose affiliation with the God Brujar, Risto found himself pulled toward great enemies no one acknowledged. Just because everyone said the traveler, Kivi, was crazier than sun walkers, didn’t make it so. In his heart, Risto knew Kivi spoke the truth.
Arms: 2 Handed Sword Skills: Smite and Regen Attributes: Strong (more damage)
 Patik – Male Apothecary
The mysterious allure of potion making has always appealed to Patik. He left popular studies early in school, devoting his time to perfecting potion recipes. The hard work paid off. Those same peers who thought him odd now scrabbled for his favor and the chance to get their hands on the best potions in Avond Nuit, the lumen capital. The price of success had its costs, and Patik’s was the need to venture into untamed lands for supplies.
Arms: Mace Skills: Potion Throw and Potion Bonus Attributes: Weak (less physical damage)
 Batalo – Male Battle Mage
There’s only so much to be learned in the carefully staged magic tournaments, and Batalo wanted more. After joining a hunting party to oust a ragnar infestation along the western border, he knew where to get better training - in the wilds.
Arms: Sword Skills: Firebolt and Battle Tough Attributes: Normal
 Hullu – Male Berserker
What is more obtrusive than a person with aggressive physical fighting abilities? A nonstop talker! Hullu kept his eyes open, looking for a new position that wouldn’t earn him so much scolding rejection. But where could someone like him fit in?
Arms: 2 Handed Axe Skills: Berserk and Blood Lust Attributes: Normal
 Snig – Male Assassin
Snig’s prey fled to the outland, and Snig hesitated. They said only the insane dare venture beyond lumen protection, but he had a reputation to uphold. Priding himself on being the best, he followed and dispatched his target, except somehow he’d gotten lost and crazy things started happening. Weird monsters chased him. He kept to the shadows waiting for his moment to escape. But if someone didn’t stop this new threat, how long would there be a home to return to?
Arms: 2 Daggers Skills: Burst of Speed and Deadly Aim Attributes: Normal
 Asmen – Male Blademaster
A blademaster of renown, Asmen shirked his duties to search for his runaway little sister, Larite. Damn that Kivi, spreading his insanity to innocent youths! Asmen was determined to bring his sister home, dragging her the entire distance if necessary. And if he found Kivi along the way, all the better. Asmen longed to cleanse the land of that particular madness. Imagine his surprise when he found out Kivi wasn’t as cracked in the head as everyone believed.
Arms: Dual Swords Skills: Whirlwind and Blurred Blades Attributes: Normal
 Tezza – Female Ninja
Raised and trained as a personal bodyguard for the elite, Tezza enjoyed her position until a partnered apprentice set her up for killing their charge. Tezza was on the run and doubted anyone could catch her. She wondered what to do with her life now that her chosen path was denied, until the day she proved her innocence.
Arms: Ninja Sword Skills: Shuriken and Shadow Walk Attributes: Normal
 Csata – Female Warlock
Csata took refuge in being different. When others wore light colored clothing, she wore dark. She circled her eyes in black liner and smiled inwardly when strangers gasped at her appearance. It was better than being ignored. No matter how odd she became, her parents didn’t notice or even care. With boiling hot anger leading to deadly thoughts, she knew it was time to leave before she zapped her horrible parents with her innate lightning magic. Csata searched for somewhere she could belong. Maybe other outsiders would understand her.
Arms: Staff Skills: Lightning Blast and Power Steal Attributes: Normal
 Jelse – Female Enchanter Jelse didn't plan on becoming an enchanter. Existence beyond death happened more regularly than most realized. Her passion with ghost hunting led to successful encounters. Life wouldn't forget her so easily however; she still needed money to make her way in the world. Luckily, wraith after-matter enchantment turns a good coin.
Arms: Sword Skills: Powerup Enchantment and Weakness Aura Attributes: Normal
 Fris – Male Ice Mage Travelers were always considered crazy, but in the Ice Master Fris’ case it was true. More than just the voices in his head, his unpredictable moods made him an outcast long before he fled the cities. His one relief from the internal madness was the magic.
Arms: Wand Skills: Ice Shard and Defensive Ice Nova Attributes: Normal
 Kivi – Male Warrior
Even though adventure was frowned upon by lumen society, Kivi hoped to turn it to his advantage making his reputation in the wilds. When he stumbled upon a dangerous and forgotten enemy, his plans changed. Now he must protect his people from the harm they don’t acknowledge.
Arms: Sword Skills: Power Strike and Stunning Blows Attributes: Normal
 Larite – Female Scout
Larite was happily immersed in bat rescue before Kivi left on a crazy adventure to search for mythical giant lifestones. She was shocked and horrified he’d dare to leave lumen territory, but when he returned home nearly dead and babbling about an unknown threat, something stirred within her. The second time he left she wasn’t surprised. Even if the monster killers weren’t real, the safest action was finding the truth by doing the wildest thing possible, following Kivi into the unknown.
Arms: Dagger Skills: Stealth and Fleet of Foot Attributes: Normal