Overview ----------- Kivi's Underworld is a casual, hack and slash game. Explore the mysterious underworld as a mighty Warrior battling opponents toe to toe, rain down fire on your enemies with the dangerous Fire Mage, sneak disguised with stealth to confound your foes as a Scout, unleash the fury of the Berserker, or adventure with any of the other sixteen playable characters. It all starts after a mining expedition, led by Kivi (a young lumen warrior), ventured into unknown territory, and opened a pathway to a deadly race. Dark elves decimated them. Kivi is the lone survivor, yet no one believes him about the new threat, since dark elves are just a myth. Kivi was there; he saw. The dark elves are real and his people are in great danger. Reluctantly, Kivi realizes that it is up to him. Playing as Kivi or any of his companions, you leave the safety of the protected, underground cities to rebuild the lost city of Defiance, recruit more lumen to your cause, and defeat this growing dark elf threat, before they destroy your homeland and all of your kind. The fate of the lumen is in your hands. Can you save the lumen people? Although very easy to learn, mastering Kivi's Underworld is a different matter. With a fast pace, twenty playable characters, tons of powerups, many monsters using unique tactics and skills, numerous deadly traps, and multiple difficulty levels, even an expert player will be challenged. System Requirements -------------------------- Windows Minimum specs: Windows 2000/XP/Vista 1.2 GHz Pentium 4 (or other equivalent) 128MB RAM GeForce 2 (or other equivalent) 100MB of hard drive space DSL or better internet connection (for internet games)
Windows Recommended specs: 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 (or other equivalent) 256MB RAM GeForce 3 or better (or other equivalent) Mac Minimum specs: OS X 10.4 or 10.5 1.2 GHz processor (PowerPC or Intel) 128MB RAM GeForce 2 (or other equivalent) 100MB of hard drive space DSL or better internet connection (for internet games) Mac Recommended specs: 2.0 GHz processor (PowerPC or Intel) 256MB RAM GeForce 3 or better (or other equivalent) Mac OS X 10.3.9 should also run Kivi's Underworld fine, but you need OpenAL installed first. You can download the OpenAL installer from Creative at Kivi's Underworld also seems to run fine in Linux using Wine. Installing ---------- Being that this is an expansion you must have a purchased full version of Kivi's Underworld installed somewhere. This expansion needs to use the assets from the full game to run properly, so it needs to find them. If you have the full game installed to C:\Program Files\Kivi's Underworld in Windows or /Applications/Kivi's Underworld on the Mac the expansion will find it just fine.
Otherwise it looks at all directories next to where you installed the multiplayer expansion that has the name Kivi in it. For example, if you installed the main game at C:\Games\Kivi's Underworld and the expansion at C:\Games\Kivi's Multiplayer that will work fine because both are in the same main directory. Connecting -------------- Most things should be explained in game fairly well with hover text.
For internet games though, if you host the server (start a game), no one will be able to join your server until you actually start playing the game (see your character in the world). Differences -------------- There are a few differences from the main game:
1) The score, secrets, keys, and quests are shared between all of the characters playing so don't worry too much about who picks up most things, who finds the secrets, or who gets the kills. 2) Powerups are not automatically shared, so please be considerate to the other players. 3) Monsters get harder and harder the more people are in the game. Just because skeletons are easy in a 1 player game doesn't mean they are in an 8 player game, so be careful. 4) In a multiplayer game, you really have infinite lives. The running out of lives mechanic just doesn't work well in multiplayer. It is still important to try not to die though because of the score bonus at the end of adventures. 5) The adventure will quickly end if anyone that is playing ends the game (after finishing all of the required quests of course). Everything else ------------------- See the manual in the full game.
Troubleshooting --------------- We will probably update this further in the future, but if you are having problems connecting to the master server or games the most likely issues are either a software firewall blocking the game and/or ports or your router/firewall blocking or not routing packets correctly. This is pretty true of most multiplayer games. Here's the default ports that the game uses: Client - 26503 Server - 26504 Client & Server when talking to Master Server - 26505 Master Server - 26506 The first 3 ports can be changed in your User/user.cfg file. Search for port and you will find them. Support ---------- Forums - Website -
Updates/Patches --------------------- Please go to to find out about the latest updates and patches for Kivi's Underworld.
More legal stuff ---------------- Kivi's Underworld, Depths of Peril, and Soldak Entertainment are trademarks of Soldak Entertainment, Inc. Copyright (c) Soldak Entertainment, Inc. 2007 - 2009 All rights reserved.