We've posted 11 more screenshots over on the Din's Champion screenshots page. These are from alpha so many things are subject to change.
Steven posted why he thinks Din's Champion will have the most dynamic world of all of our games. Head over to Steven's blog to read about it.
We finally officially announced Din's Champion today! Din's Champion is a side scrolling, action RPG set in a dynamic, evolving, fantasy world. You can read the game's description, see screenshots, and watch the trailer on the Din's Champion page.
You can also see everything and wishlist Din's Champion on its Steam page. Comments
We've posted a few more screenshots over on the Din's Champion screenshots page. These are from alpha so many things are subject to change. Unlike normal, these actually show some of the UI. Comments
We've finally posted some screenshots of Din's Champion! These are from alpha so many things are subject to change. Head over to our Din's Champion screenshots page to look at them. Tell us which ones you like best and we'll use those on places like Steam. Comments
We've showed some more work in progress types of images for our next game, Din's Champion. Head over to our Din's Champion WIP page to see the difference between using slopes and not. Comments
We've showed some more work in progress types of images for our next game, Din's Champion. Head over to our Din's Champion WIP page to see the difference between using ambient occlusion and not. Comments
We've started showing some work in progress types of images for our next game, Din's Champion. Head over to our Din's Champion WIP page to see the difference between 2D and 3D blocks. Comments
Patch 1.010 of Drox Operative 2 is now available on the Drox Operative 2 patch page. Changes can be read here.
This patch fixes a crash, adds a fighter sorting option, adds a couple Patreon components, and fixes a few other minor issues. Comments
Patch 1.009 of Drox Operative 2 is now available on the Drox Operative 2 patch page. Changes can be read here.
This patch fixes a crash, a couple slow downs, and a bunch of skill/component issues. Comments
Patch 1.013 of Din's Legacy is available on the Din's Legacy patch page. Changes can be read here.
This patch fixes a few performance issues introduced by the last huge patch. Comments
Patch 1.008 of Drox Operative 2 is now available on the Drox Operative 2 patch page. Changes can be read here.
This patch fixes some XP inconsistencies, a potential crash, some unique monsters issues, and several more minor issues. Comments
Patch 1.012 of Din's Legacy is available on the Din's Legacy patch page. Changes can be read here.
This huge patch fixes several potential crashes, fixes some slowdowns, improves NAT punchthrough, adds clan icons next to clan name in most places, and fixes a ton of other minor issues. Comments
Patch 1.007 of Drox Operative 2 is now available on the Drox Operative 2 patch page. Changes can be read here.
This patch improves targeting some, makes fighter regen shields faster, adds a few Patreon things, and fixes several more minor issues. Comments
Steven posted some thoughts about the direction of Soldak's next game today! Head over to Steven's blog to read about it.
Patch 1.006 of Drox Operative 2 is now available on the Drox Operative 2 patch page. Changes can be read here.
This patch adds donators to the credits page, makes starting starbases more common, fixes several small UI issues, and fixes a few more minor issues. Comments
Patch 1.005 of Drox Operative 2 is now available on the Drox Operative 2 patch page. Changes can be read here.
This patch fixes some hotkey issues, makes enemies using missiles more dangerous, makes chips stronger, fixes a bunch of UI issues, and fixes several more minor issues. Comments
Patch 1.004 of Drox Operative 2 is now available on the Drox Operative 2 patch page. Changes can be read here.
This patch decreases the cost of skills, fixes consumables moving on the hotkey bar, opens up next challenge sector for all characters when one is won, and fixes a few more minor issues. Comments
Drox Operative 2 is now on the Humble store and is 10% off for the first week!
Patch 1.003 of Drox Operative 2 is now available on the Drox Operative 2 patch page. Changes can be read here.
This patch fixes monsters having too much defense, now allows races to break tributary/vassal treaties, balances weapons better, increases crew & chip drops at higher levels, adds 2 new ambient music tracks, and fixes several more minor issues. Comments