RPG Vault Peek #1
We have our first Peek article over at RPG Vault.  The article is about consequences and actions mattering in Depths of Peril.
New story - Dragon Stone part 2
Dragon StoneThe conclusion of the story Dragon Stone can be read here.  Find out what happens to the barbarian Rollo and his covenant Dragon Stone.
New story - Dragon Stone part 1
Dragon StoneThe first half of the story Dragon Stone can be read here.  This story is about a covenant called Dragon Stone struggling to survive through the Fourth Great War.  The story also shows how barbarians use lifestones.
JeuxVideoPC Interview #2
We have another interview at JeuxVideoPC in French.  It has some questions about gameplay and a couple about the interface.   You can also read the interview in English here.
New story - In the Eye part 2
In the EyeThe second half of the story In the Eye is here.  Find out what happens to Malica the imp and the humans Nadia and Casimir.
RPG Codex interview
We have a new interview over at RPG Codex.  It's a little different than normal.  This interview talks to us and 3 other indie RPG developers, so you can see the different approaches of four very different games.
New story - In the Eye part 1
In the EyeThe first part of the story In the Eye is here.  This story is mostly about imps and is one of the rare stories where much of the story is from the perspective of a monster.  In this case, the monster is a female imp named Malica.
Gameplay Monthly Interview
We have a new interview up on Gameplay Monthly.  This interview asks about gameplay mechanics, diplomacy, choices with consequences, backstory, and more.  There is also 2 new screenshots in there.
New story - Double Edge
Double EdgeWe have posted a new story called Double Edge.  This story actually won 1st place in a short story contest at FenCon last year.  It is split into 2 parts since it is a little longer then usual, part 1 and part 2.  In this story, you will learn a little more about necromancers and one of the types of zombies in Aleria.
Bloom comparison screenshots
Two new screenshots have been posted so that we could show the difference of bloom on and off.  It's an option in the game so everyone can turn it on or off to suite their tastes.  You can see them here.
New story - Fallen Statue
Fallen StatueThe fourth and final story from the First Great War is now up.  This story tells about another incident during the war and we learn more about a few heroes, a couple types of monsters, and one of the unique monsters in the game.
RPG Watch Interview
We have a new interview up on RPG Watch
First screenshots
We have finally posted some screenshots for Depths of Peril :)  You can go look at them here.  As you will see, Depths of Peril has a very bright and colorful art style.
New story - Abode of the Spider
Abode of the SpiderThe third story from the First Great War is now up.  You can read it here to find out what can happen when you carelessly wander around in Hinterland Forest.
JeuxVideoPC Interview

There is a new interview in French at JeuxVideoPC  We also have a copy in English here

New story - Gift of a Thief
Gift of a ThiefAnother short story from the First Great War is now up.  Read the story here
FiringSquad Interview
Another new interview over at FiringSquad
Gameguru Mania Interview
We have a new interview up on Gameguru Mania
New story - Wind of Din
Wind of DinAnother story is now up.  The short story, Wind of Din, is one of the many short stories from the first Great War in the world of Aleria.  Read the story here 
New story - Depths of Peril part 2
Depths of PerilThe second half of the Depths of Peril story is now up.  Depths of Peril part 2
New story - Depths of Peril part 1
Depths of PerilThe story that the game is named after is now posted here
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