Mac testers

The Mac version of Depths of Peril is almost ready, but before I release it to the world I would really like to get a few Mac testers to make sure I didn't miss anything major.  If you have a Mac that has OSX 10.4 or 10.5, the cpu is at least 1.5GHz, and you would like to do some minor testing please email me (email Steven on our contact page).


Patch 1.010 available

The official 1.010 patch is now available for Depths of Peril over on our patch page. As usual you can see the list of changes here (a bunch of small fixes and a few things to make moding easier).


GamesRadar review

Depths of Peril got another really good review over on GamesRadar (also in PC Gamer UK). Here's some quotes:

Depths of Peril does exactly what you want from a Diablo clone, and then does a whole lot more as well.  ... it’s Diablo meets STALKER - and that’s a STALKER that’s far more alive than GSC’s world ended up being.


Beta patch 1.010 available

Beta patch 1.010 is now available for Depths of Peril over on the DoP patch page.  Also as usual, there is a change list here (a few fixes, some localization stuff, and a bunch of changes to better support mods).


SDK 1.000 now available

There is a new version of the Depths of Peril SDK available now over on our mod page.  This version includes more documentation, our font tool, and with version 1.010 of the game more features to support modding (like the buildTgas command and database overrides).


RPGFan review

Depths of Peril has another good review over on RPGFan which gave DoP an 84%.  Here's a quote:

...they've managed to build a game of epic size and scale. How'd they do it? Basically, by borrowing some of the greatest gameplay innovations of the last decade and harmonizing them in ways that no other developer, small or large, has yet attempted.


Gas Bandit Gaming review

And another good review over on Gas Bandit Gaming.  Here's some quotes as usual:

...under the modest exterior the game has an interesting hook that, if it is your particular cup of tea, will keep you tussling at it long past your bed time.  ... Novel concepts in combining action RPG play with political intrigue...


GameZone review

We have another good review over on GameZone.  Here's some quotes:

...the game scores well where it truly counts – in the gameplay itself.  ...what Depths of Peril offers is right there in the title – depth. ... The looks and sound hold it back slightly, but if you are looking for deep gameplay, Depths of Peril fits that bill.


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