Updated demo

We have released a new updated Depths of Peril demo that includes all of the changes made to the game since the first demo. You can get the demo here. You can buy the full version here.


Generation: Gamerz review

Another Depths of Peril review has been posted over on Generation: Gamerz.  They give the game a very good 89%.  Here's a quote:

This game does very well all around. Plus it's addictive as all hell. I mean the reason this review has taken me so long is I would simply just get wrapped up in the game, a game which I have now been playing for several weeks and told Mr. Peeler I would have reviewed in a week.


First fan fiction

Depths of Peril already has some fan fiction available and it's pretty good.  Head over to the Gaming's Edge site to read the first chapter of Brothers of Night.  We also have a new fan fiction page here that sets out some minor ground rules and will contain links to all the good fan fiction that we know about.


Out of Eight review

We have another good review over on Out of Eight.  They give Depths of Peril a score of 7/8: Buy it.  So take their advice and buy it here. :)  Here's a quote:

Depths of Peril is a highly recommended title that seamlessly blends two genres into a unique and compelling gaming experience.


New story - The Oath Undone part 1

Oath UndoneWe have posted part 1 of the story The Oath Undone here.  Find out what happens when the knight Bergren comes home to his castle only to find that his wife has mysteriously left him.


New patches available

The first official patch 1.001 is now available on our patch page.  Also available on the same page is beta patch 1.002 and the change list for both patches.


GrrlGamer review

Depths of Peril's first review, that I know of, is up at GrrlGamer.  It is short and sweet.  Here's a quote:

Depths of Peril caught my eye for its similarities to Siege of Avalon and Civilization. "What the heck?", you may ask. The simple point-and-click action RPG system, fighting, getting experience and loot gameplay is nicely incorporated in the entire diplomacy and aspiration to conquer the world, just like in Civilization. Curious? Keep on reading.


New story - Assassin

AssassinThere is a new story called Assassin posted here.  This story is about an assassin named Thayer.  No wait I mean Bruno.  Well who knows what his real name is.


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