Patch 0.814 of Drox Operative 2 is now available. Changes can be read here.
This patch implements the rest of the skills for the new skill system, adds skill retraining, adds new icons (military stance, outsider attitude, & more planet enhancements), and fixes a few other more minor issues. Comments
Patch 0.813 of Drox Operative 2 is now available. Changes can be read here.
This patch adds in a new skill system, changes how command works, and fixes a few other more minor issues. Comments
Patch 0.812 of Drox Operative 2 is now available. Changes can be read here.
This patch makes crafting chances visible, adds social stratification and a few more planet bonus icons, adds a bunch more of the new skill stuff, and fixes several other more minor issues. Comments
Patch 0.811 of Drox Operative 2 is now available. Changes can be read here.
This patch increases chances for more Guild quests, adds planet anomaly icons, starts adding new skill stuff, and fixes several other more minor issues. Comments
Patch 0.810 of Drox Operative 2 is now available. Changes can be read here.
This patch makes non-tactical crew points better, makes larger sectors scale better, adds a bunch of new icons for race traits & planet bonuses, and fixes several other more minor issues. Comments
Patch 0.809 of Drox Operative 2 is now available. Changes can be read here.
This patch optimizes things better, makes things more newbie friendly, adds 6 new race portraits, and fixes several other more minor issues. Comments
Patch 0.808 of Drox Operative 2 is now available. Changes can be read here.
This patch makes resurrection much safer, makes defense more reliable, fixes some problems with Guild quests, makes it much easier to complete rebel quests, and fixes several other more minor issues. Comments
Patch 0.806 of Drox Operative 2 is now available. Changes can be read here.
This patch adds Guild quests back in, adds a new Guild win type, fixes mines being too frequent, balances many things better, and fixes several other more minor issues. Comments
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