07-06-2018, 06:46 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 10,142
Version 0.708 done list
The previous done list is here (seems I skipped a few versions).
- added "and only one can effect a person at a time." to protection skills text (Thunt_Cunder)
- changed some skills to not repeat when holding down hotkey
- fixed getting 2 suffix skill modifiers on the same skill
- cleaned up options key on select character screen
- can no longer pick up skills on new character and mutate screens
- improved create character screen layout
- fallback to projected shadows on create character and bestiary screens if using shadow mapping
- now highlighting a slider shows you current value (minimum - maximum)
- moved mutate button over to bit on character menu better
- added a splitter graphic to status effect text to make it a bit easier to read
- centered skill tabs
- improved world map screen to take better advantage of widescreen
- rearranged mutate from specialty screen
- rearranged mutation partner screen
- changed color of minimap border
- got most of inventory autosizing working
- fixed when inventory is smaller than usual, item slots moving when an item is picked up
- now inventory takes advantage of widescreen monitor if available
- now open bag circle blinks when you have the cursor over slots in the bag
- changed scroll bar colors
- changed mutation points text color to purple
- colored mutation xp bar purple
- made menu outlines more consistent
- changed Game Options to UI Options
- moved left/right slots to main UI
- added 2nd "row" of user slots to main UI (always on)
- removed extra slots option (always on now)
- removed minimal UI option
- moved minimap option from main ui to ui options
- rearranged main game menu a lot
- changed main game UI element to be greyscale instead of a green shade
- changed minimap outline to grey
- fixed small gap in minimap
- changed inventory slot backgrounds to grey - makes item icons stand out a bit more
- separated thin and fat outline colors
- changed fat borders to grey
- changed main relation screen to be more grey
- made xp bar on relations solve quest same color as main one
- made relation get/solve quest menus more grey
- made option screens grey
- made credit, stash, selected entity, player, journal, character, relations, full help topic, select character, new character, mutations, create new area, and select area screens grey
- tweaked scrollbar colors more
- better arranged things on world map for widescreen monitors
- moved attribute plus widgets back over to old spot
- moved journal tabs together to be consistent
- fixed text splitter color
- hid extra icon on skill & ingame menus
- cleaned up select area screen
- made logo smaller on opening screen
- moved a few things on opening screen farther to the side
- fixed a parsing error in UIWidget:arseTextSources
- now can right click on inventory button to open bags only
- moved health bar to left gargoyle overlay
- moved mana bar to right gargoyle overlay
- moved status effect icons to bottom ui
- removed old player ui
- fixed DarkOrcBerserkerUnique1-3 translation
- removed ShowFullPlayerMenu option
- made help topic screen grey
- moved game name, win condition, and lose condition to left top corner
- moved not showing loot text icon to above inventory button
- rearranged more icons on main game ui
- cleaned up some widescreen handling code
- changed achievement icons that you don't have to greyscale
- changed color of tabs
- added a splitter to skill text
- made it so normal skills that have been turned into skill modifiers now use their normal description
- added descriptions to rest of the skill modifications
- fixed achievement screen background
- increased AttackHeightDiffMult by 50%
- increased MaxHeightDiffAttackMult from 2.0 to 3.0
- decreased MinHeightDiffAttackMult from 0.5 to 0.33
- fixed trap FirstThinkTime
- fixed some status effect info not displaying correctly on skills (something I broke recently, never affected Zombasite)
- extended roman numerals to 50 (used to stop at 21)- Drox, Zombasite, & Din's Legacy (Cockbite)
- updated donation lists from Patreon
- made bestiary screen grey
- made Brood more horde like
- increased Brood alert range
- increased chances and speed of naga sprint
- increased morale boost for imp males when female is hit from 10.0 to 25.0
- decreased imp morale spin attack reusetime from 1.5 to 1.25
- increased hulk speed and armor
- increased Wisp stored lightning from 4.0 seconds to 10.0
- added torvas as additional object for torva shamans
- top 2 torva shaman can now spawn fire elementals
- increased range and benefits of totem buffs
- undead herald now alerts everyone with call (along with old morale boost)
- increases horror health
- increased chance that horrors with blink, blink
- saurian mages now sometimes have saurian guards
- fixed scorpion description (DoP, Zombasite, and Din's Legacy)
- now torva have more hellhounds around them
- increased plaguebringer larva speed from 120.0 to 150.0
- sped up shadow attack speed
- increased Targ armor mult from 1.0 to 1.5
- increases suicide chance of scarabus
- skeleton warriors can now pickup swords
- increased speed of skeleton archer projectiles from 450.0 to 600.0
- hooked up 9 commander skill icons
- increased weapon distance of zombie screes
- increased zombie wampir speed
- changed changeling 5 to use dark orc berserker instead of orc
- added 9 new changeling fake variants
- added Absorb Life skill to amorphs
- saurians and wisps are now friends
- now towers and totems can also spawn more like traps
- guardians can now spawn like traps (1 at a time)
- guardians now sometimes guard chests
- guardians now sometimes guard gates
- added Arctic Shard to Dark Elf Wizard
- Mortus can now retaliate with an ambush of ghosts
- ghosts can now be near bones and gravestones
- added Acid Splash skill to naga priests
- added Curse skill to Dark Elf Priests
- added back in evil leprechaun
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 71
- skill trees can now have more than 20 skills
- changed trickster icon to stealth icon
- changed warlock icon to fury icon
- changed commander icon to command mastery icon
- changed spellsword icon to flametongue icon
- moved commoner to next row
- made specialty name larger on create character screen
- fixed not being able to highlight top row of skills on create character screen
- Treasure Hunter no longer boosts food sense
- stopped using duplicate skills (matters in Din's Legacy for unlocking purposes)
- added dagger and two handed mastery to weaponmaster
- added dagger mastery to assassin
- added plate and shield bash to paladin
- added fast draw to archer
- removed cooking and added sprint to hunter
- added Despair to necromancer
- added ShockWave to sorcerer
- decreased Magical Deflection BaseCost from 3 to 2
- increased Energy Shield BaseCost from 3 to 4
- increased Acid Touch BaseCost from 3 to 4
- decreased Foul Strike BaseCost from 3 to 1
- increased Hell Storm BaseCost from 3 to 4
- decreased Malice BaseCost from 3 to 2
- fixed Jeweler skill description
- added Chaotic Shots to archer
- added Blademaster specialty
- added Summoner specialty
- added Scout specialty
- added Monk specialty
- added Nightsade specialty
- added Soldier specialty
- decreased Bleed BaseCost from 3 to 2
- increased DaggerMastery BaseCost from 3 to 4
- changed assassin icon to deadly aim icon
- decreased LockPick BaseCost from 3 to 2
- changed paladin to use CrushingBlow instead of PriestCrushingBlow
- decreased Dodge BaseCost from 3 to 2
- decreased Fast Draw BaseCost from 3 to 2
- increased Chaotic Shots BaseCost from 3 to 4
- removed stamina part of Retreat skill
- added Minion Tactics to Summoner
- added Minion Fortitude to Summoner
- added Provoke Minions to Summoner
- added Energizing Block to Defender
- added Entangling Roots to druid
- added Hypnotizing Flow to Monk
- added combo master to gladiator
- fixed NPCs not having weapon skills
- removed food sense and added minion damage to other character stats
- fixed unlock classes cheat (was making other things look like bugs)
- new characters always have all cost 1 skills from that specialty
- generated skill modifiers again (new skills)
- statues no longer have knockback
- statues can now trigger a chest, trap, or another trigger
- hitting a statue no longer shows effect
- statues no longer do dying animation
- gargoyles now have pain sounds (statues still don't though)
- added sound to statue turn/trigger
- can now find human and mutated statues
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
Wishlist Din's Champion
Last edited by Shadow : 07-25-2018 at 07:12 PM.