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Old 05-26-2016, 07:30 PM
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I'm perfectly fine with my stocks of crafting materials being diminished when the monsters get in them. I see no problem with losing food, or the ability to heal, or crafting materials. It makes sense. What I hate is the irreversible region loss because of the heartstone, which to a loner (always hardcore) should mean very little.
No good deed goes unpunished...
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Old 05-27-2016, 01:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Tuidjy View Post
I'm perfectly fine with my stocks of crafting materials being diminished when the monsters get in them. I see no problem with losing food, or the ability to heal, or crafting materials. It makes sense. What I hate is the irreversible region loss because of the heartstone, which to a loner (always hardcore) should mean very little.
Maybe it's time for Loner to go to the next level... Nomad! Who needs a town at all?

edit: Can anybody else confirm that relics are still giving level 1 enchants? I see that 0.092 is supposed to fix it but the arcane cost is always 1,2,3,4 based on how on many mods can be added. This was true in .093 and is true in .094. Doors & minions show proper arcane costs, but I'm not willing to spend anything to test. :>

Next, in the latest patch, my doors are all saying "health" 0/0. The doors still have the proper 'real' health when you actually click on the objects in town.

Last edited by Destro* : 05-27-2016 at 08:22 PM.
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Old 05-31-2016, 05:23 PM
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Default Wall + Video

Hey, Destro* here making one more feedback post before I 'disappear' into the void until release. Sorry if the double post isn't allowed, but, well, it's been 4 days so I imagine it should be fine by now? O.o. Well, here we go anyway.

So, I understand that this game is kind of a 'casual' game, and meant to be laid-back/relaxing. But, I always try to play games with the most 'hardcore' mindset possible, mostly due to my background with competitive multiplayer online games (LoL, PoE, D3, etc.). With that in mind, I hope that this post can also have some positive influence on the game and perhaps give any newbies having trouble with the game (if there are any(?)) some tips on how to beat HC easily. Here is a video with a run down of my Blackguard Archer that I used to get to level 100 on hardcore.

Skip to 18:20 to get past the game play review and into my feedback. (If you don't want to see my game play).

TLDW + other stuff:

Op Skills/Traits:

Point Blank: Free 100% damage for 5 skill points at only 50 dex.
Pain Delay: Immunity to 1-shots, able to react to every source of damage easily.
Hardiness: Makes the early-mid game super easy. Perhaps nerf potion effectiveness when one has this ability.
Lightning Arrow: Synergies extremely well with multi-projectiles for single target perma-stun. T1 damage scaling.
Scavanger: Fun with no real penalty. Perhaps should have a stronger penalty.
Plague Touch: -45% hp from one attack... nuff said.

Game Mechanics - Ranged vs. Melee:
- Multiple Projectiles make ranged far superior to melee. You get multiple rolls on procs per attack, more damage, and more everything. I will need to play a serious level 100 melee character to get a more objective view on this though.
- Cast time/using weapon attack speed could make melee skills competitive with ranged abilities. For example, feeding strike. Could also make mana consumption more important.

Tooltips / Information:
- Many tooltips aren't clear about how the damage for a skill works. Lightning arrow and explosive arrow are explained in the video. For lightning arrow, is it 100% lightning? 100% physical? Or a mix. Do the explosions for explosive arrow do weapon damage? etc.
- Many monster tooltips like 'major leader', 'major terror', etc. don't have descriptions. I don't know what they do.
- Would be nice to see total combat experience in stats display in-game or when exporting character stats.

Other / too lazy to sort these out I guess:
- Add area level to tooltip on area tooltip above map too! (please )
- Doors are super buggy and need a massive rework. (0 to infinity doors spawn, doors can acquire buffs that last forever, etc.).
- Shapeshifting as a druid can cause the player's character model and weapon effect to bug out. The weapon effect will sometimes trail underneath you in reverse. And, shapeshifting multiple times causes your appearance to revert to normal, but you will still have the shiftshifting state (can't use skills + buffs).
- Damage seems bugged on some melee abilities (like Gladiator's Berserk). But, I could be wrong here.
- Making it so that all monsters spawning as Demigods causes ambushes to occur infinitely (until your game crashes) and things like sand amorphs spawn at max size.
- Maybe increase ring/jewelery/necklace drops rates slightly.
- Maybe increase spawn rate of 'greater' areas. (Still have yet to see even one among all of the characters that I have played.)
- Wishing wells+alters that fix durability are too common.
- Buff turrets/minions. I didn't use them at all because they suck. They generally can't repel even one leut. tier monster. I can understand the value they have at stalling, but they are just so bad.

I guess that covers most things. I could be wrong on some things, and probably am. But, this video covers my experience with the game as it is right now. I think that misconceptions and incorrect information are a useful form of feedback in their own right. I'm going to play with a melee char and spell caster next (I want to test out cast speed!).

Oh, and I guess I could point out here at the end that I now realize that Dark Templar can use multiple of their buffs at once. (Didn't expect that!)

Edit: Another small suggestion, when a clan asks for help, they should temporarily let you use their teleporter. I have one other suggestion on my other computer that I can't remember right now, and I can't get to it! Ahhh, frustrating, I'll edit it in later today.

Last edited by Destro* : 06-01-2016 at 11:50 AM.
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Old 06-01-2016, 01:59 PM
Tigrath Tigrath is offline
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Minor requests:

I'd like to be able to change npc jobs directly on the clan screen instead of going to each character's status screen. Maybe right-clicking on his job to open a drop-down menu would be the best way.

I've got a suggestion for a new character:

Mad Scientist or Evil Genius or Drox Operative

Fate has marooned this poor fool on a primitive magical world during a Zombie Apocolypse. Murphy's Law gives him -20 penalties on NPC happiness and insanity, -100 on magic find, and -20 on all resistances. Limited to cloth armor, can use shields and any one handed weapon, poorly.
His skills mainly involve technological items salvaged and repaired from his crashed starship. They are a raygun, a portable scanner, a loader exoskeleton, and a pile of broken robot parts.
As a techy outsider incapable of using magic, mana will need to be repurposed to represent his suit's power supply for using devices. Some of the attributes will also need to work differently, Intelligence will give 1% skill damage and Spirit will give 1% magic resistance and 1% critical hit. His maximum mana will instead come from a Reactor skill in the Avatar skilltree. Mana potions won't work on him either. It would also make sense to need to pay money to increase his skills and receive money back for lowering them, because they would require an investment of raw materials to be processed into usable spare parts to improve his hitech equipment with.

Robot Skill tree
1 cost:
___Spiderbot_____1-4 lightning damage melee attack, 1 second stun with interrupt, 20 health
________________per level, 1-2 lightning damage, .25 sec stun, 5 health, .2 extra spiderbots

2 cost:
___Micromissile___projectile, 3-12 physical damage, 6 second reload time
________________per level, 2-6 physical damage, .2 extra projectiles
___Heavy Robotic Armor_____+12 armor, +5% health, -5% movement speed per level for spiderbots and primus

4 cost:
___Improved Robotic Drivetrain_____+5% movement speed/level for spiderbots and primus
___Electrified Robotic Armor______inflict 1-4 lightning damage per level when hit

6 cost
___Hoverbot______Launches Micromissile with 12 second reload time, 10 health
________________per level 3 health, .2 extra hoverbots
___Corrosive Missiles_____all micromissiles inflict status effect 4 poison damage/sec for 6 seconds
______________________per level 4 poison damage per second
___Improved Robotic Agility_____+10% attack/defense/level for all robots

8 cost:
(Primus is your best robotic agent, It has 3 modes and these skills function like the Warlock's demon summoning skills, these skills also share skill points and have a 30 second cooldown)
___Primus Assault Mode______melee attacker, fast movement and attack speed, energy shield adsorbs 40 damage
___Primus Artillery Mode______launches 4 micromissiles with 10 second reload, flamethrower general attack
___Primus Support Mode______ranged stunning attack, aura decreases enemy defense, aura increases ally attack

12 cost
___Adaptive Programming_____+10% Critical Hit, +10% Combat Exp per level

Avatar skilltree---starting from the clunky old loader exoskeleton you eventually upgrade it into powerful combat armor

1 cost
___Chainsaw _________melee attack, 6-12 physical damage/level
___Exoskeletal Frame_____+10 zombie resistance, +10 armor, +2 strength
______________________per level +2 armor, +1 strength
___Shocking Shield________on hit 1-4 lightning damage/level

2 cost
___Integral Armor_______+5% armor, +10% vitality
______________________per level, +5% armor, +5% vitality
___Structural Redesign_____+15% strength, +10% movement speed
______________________per level, +5% strength, +5% movement speed

4 cost
___Mana Reactor_________+20 Mana/level, +1 mana regen/level
___Pharmacolgy Suite_________on hit, 15% chance heal 4 per second for 6 seconds and 25% faster attack speed for 15 seconds
__________________________per level, heal 1.2/second, 2% faster attack speed
___Auto Grenade Launcher________ranged AOE attack, 2-8 fire damage/level, projectile radius 100

6 cost
___Flamethrower_________4-12 fire damage/level 20 degree cone of fire
___Neural Interface_______+10 Critical Hit/level, +30 Evasion/level

8 cost
___Counterfire___________on hit, laser ranged attack 4-12 damage/level

Space Hero skilltree (need a better name)
1 cost
___fire blaster__________ranged attack 4-8 lightning damage/level, 4 sec cooldown
___Applied Chemistry_____+10% potion effects/level

2 cost
___Reworked Scanner Sensors______+20 Magic Find/level, +12 food sense/level
___IED________________trap 5-25 physical damage
___Stun Grenade________ranged area attack, 2-4 fire damage/level, stun minor distraction 4 seconds, 30 second reload

4 cost
___rapid fire___________toggleable skill 2 extra projectile, -30% damage, -20% attack for fire blaster skill
_____________________per level 0.2 extra projectile, +5% damage, +4% attack
___Scanner Materials Analyzer_____25 Armor Piercing/level for fire blaster and charged blast

6 cost
___Charged Blast_________Ranged attack 8-24 lightning damage/level, projectiles penetrate, 30sec recharge
___Energy Shield_________40 point/level damage absorbtion

8 cost
___Combat Analyzer______+20% combat experience
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Old 06-01-2016, 02:37 PM
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That's a really steampunk like character. Really takes me back to my days playing Torchlight, haha.
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Old 06-01-2016, 03:34 PM
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Default A few items (bugs)

My Defender archer's main single-shot arrows seem to often emanate from my character at a 90 degree angle (what usually happens with a multi-shot ranged weapon). If it shoots only 1 projectile, it should emanate from the bow, not the player's sides/back.

Doors display 0 health (previously mentioned by others)

There are 7 statues erected to my character thus far in town. Limit them?

Not sure, but looks like Failed Quest sound plays if you click on Win icon after winning the sector. So I'm supposing it's failing me for not completing any accepted quests before leaving the area.

Sound effects on creatures/entities with a fire-type modifier (minor fire imbued) remain until the creature fades from the screen after being killed. The fire effect fades when it dies, but the fire sound continues until the corpse/item fades away.

Starting a new area, kicked a 98 insane priest out of my clan. All but two of my 12? clan members disappeared immediately when I kicked him out (appears they all went instantly insane for no reason) - then I got a logistics win for some reason (cause everyone went insane and left the clan - so more food?) - I have Food 172/240 ...Bug?
Stephen A. Hornback
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Old 06-01-2016, 04:27 PM
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Good point on firing one projectile. But, I doubt that the shooting behavior of one projectile in flight will be changed as I imagine that that behavior has a lot to do with the homing behavior of projectiles and the mandatory target requirement of offensive abilities.

On a mildly related note, it would be nice if arrows checked for collision with targets mid-flight before reaching their final target when you have the Pierce trait.


I agree with limiting statues. It would be nice if they built different grades of statues from copper to silver to gold (with gold being the best and last one). I assume that multiple statues are even allowed to be built because they are expected to be destroyed by raids/invasions.


The insane bug actually happened to me during my run with my level 100 HC character. I lost my entire town except for two people. Although, I didn't get a logistics win. I can upload the video if it would be helpful.
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Old 06-01-2016, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by PixelLord View Post
Starting a new area, kicked a 98 insane priest out of my clan. All but two of my 12? clan members disappeared immediately when I kicked him out (appears they all went instantly insane for no reason)
If the priest was very well liked, and many of your clan members were hovering at the edge of insanity, it could theoretically happen. But I think that there may be something fishy going on with clan members, right after you start a new area - they disappear, they come out of nowhere, etc...

As for the logistic win, it does happen :-) You start with a lot of people, you fire enough of them to reduce your food needs, and voila, instant victory. You can also get it by stockpiling alcohol, and binging on it. Once for a lark, I got three victories in a minute - a legit one, one from firing people, and from drinking alcohol. There's no real benefit from it, though, just an increase to the win count.
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Old 06-01-2016, 05:58 PM
MindDefect MindDefect is offline
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Originally Posted by Tuidjy View Post
If the priest was very well liked, and many of your clan members were hovering at the edge of insanity, it could theoretically happen.
Seems like this is something so many think this is a bug, and it very well maybe the case that it isn't, and the insantity happens because multiple people respected/depended on this person. So if this is the case, maybe there should be pop up tip while hovering on the "kick out of clan" button, that shows relation numbers t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶N̶P̶C̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶e̶l̶s̶e̶? EDIT: Correction... it should probably ONLY show the numbers of other NPCs relations with the given NPC, and probably only show who likes him/her.

With that being said, this may have been answered before, but is it the same or worse when kicking someone out, rather than just have them die while following you? (so is it better to just lead someone to their death? of course that's takes a slight bit more effort to do..)

Last edited by MindDefect : 06-02-2016 at 02:00 AM.
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Old 06-02-2016, 02:43 AM
MindDefect MindDefect is offline
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Hats off for improving the UI bit by bit. I still think there can be some more uses for right click. Sorry if this is off topic, but for the short story skip to the last paragraph..

I loved the game Seven Kingdoms 2, basically it was "RTS Civilization", and it had a nice use of right click. One example: Each town had a loyality that normally should go up over time (if you managed things right), but you needed to collect tax to instantly get money from these towns. And whenever you did, loyality would go down by 10, but you had to be careful, since if loyality got to 30 or below, riots usually would start.

So the game had an option to auto collect tax, but instead of left clicking on the "instantly collect some tax" icon, you would right click on it. Then it would show loyality numbers 40,50,60,70,80,90,100 as options. If you left clicked on one of them, it would only set the specific town to auto collect tax when loyality went up to this number (setting it to 40 or 50 could be risky, if other little things happen..). But, one more time again.. when you right clicked on one of them, that auto collect tax at given loyality would apply to every town you have currently, and any future town you settle or acquire. It also had a donate money icon that raised loyality by 10, that worked the same way, with the same right click usability to prevent riots to all towns you didn't have time to look over.

LONG story short
, one way this can be used for this game, is when setting the focus for clan members, to especially use during desperately bad food situations(especially in MP without pause), whether low on it or have a poisoned food supply... you can set everyone else to "rest & relaxation" by setting one member to it by right clicking that certain focus, instead of normal left click.
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