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Old 01-13-2017, 07:19 PM
Cadfan Cadfan is offline
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The capacity to grind indefinitely to overcome classes that work poorly doesn't mean that all classes are viable.
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Old 01-13-2017, 10:05 PM
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Destro* Destro* is offline
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Originally Posted by Cadfan View Post
The capacity to grind indefinitely to overcome classes that work poorly doesn't mean that all classes are viable.
Viability is a subjective term, of course. But, opinion can really only go so far. And, in this case, it's completely unreasonable to claim that any class needs to farm 'indefinitely' to become viable relative to another class. In fact, using 'indefinitely' is a vague term that doesn't claim anything. So, your claim is terrible just from that angle alone. But, I'll pretend that you used some real numbers and data and continue anyway.

If one were to take 2 completely new players and put one on a character with the best, most powerful overall and most new-player friendly class with the other on the most weak, underpowered and least new-player friendly class, I'm confident that the time required for them to hit level 100 would not exceed 50 hours. And, 50 hours is an extremely generous overestimate by my standards that would still be completely fine anyway. But, I would say that 25 hours would be the max, with 12 hours being a realistic time difference.

And the reason I can say this confidentially is because the difference in power between classes is really not as drastic as you are making it out to be with your term 'indefinitely'.

As for 2 skilled players, the time difference would definitely be lower than 50 hours. So, it's not a case worth discussing as only a higher time difference would matter for my argument.

But, once again, I'll reiterate that viability is subjective and I can't definitely prove what I'm saying because I can't run the '2 new player' experiment in real life. I'm merely speaking from experience. So, if you disagree, then that's fine and understandable. But, I certainly feel qualified to give my opinion and believe that it is correct given that I've already successfully overcame the struggles that you complained about recently; including this very one that we are discussing relating to class balance right now. ^_^

Last edited by Destro* : 01-13-2017 at 10:12 PM.
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Old 01-14-2017, 12:00 AM
Cadfan Cadfan is offline
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Alright man. You win. Your e penis exceeds mine.
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Old 01-14-2017, 10:13 AM
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Destro* Destro* is offline
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Originally Posted by Cadfan View Post
Alright man. You win. Your e penis exceeds mine.
I tried not to be argumentative and even said that was my goal with my post. I even tried to make my second post not argumentative.

Yet, you constantly disagreed/argued with me. And, for no reason that I can understand, even right now. So, I put my foot down on that last post. And here we are, you sarcastically whining about a petty amount of logic that I used against you.

Really, you shot yourself in the foot big time. So, being salty now is just laughable to me. Really, it is.

If you have any more constructive feedback or criticism, please feel free to post. I only recommend that the feedback/criticism be based in some amount of fact and logic. But, again, that's just a recommendation and purely my opinion.

Also, one last point. I love talking about the game. It's not about epeen, it's just a hobby of mine.

Last edited by Destro* : 01-14-2017 at 10:15 AM.
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Old 02-21-2017, 09:00 AM
Jani Jani is offline
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Hi. Im new to the forum and made the account specifically to give feedback about few annoyances i have (and i think others might have also)

So im loving the game and even the sometimes unfair random monsters dont bother me so much but one thing i absolutely hate is my own clan members doing absolutely nothing when my town is being raided or under attack.

I really think that the AI could be programmed to handle at least some of the defenses themselves. I cant count the times when some assassin or what not has been attacking my town and i need to stop all my activities and hurry to find the nearest portal so i can go and kill the one monster which is lover level than any of my 20 clan members.

This breaks the flow of the game somewhat and irritates me greatly. One problem that might happen if the NPCs would rush to defend against every attack or raid is that if the attacking enemy is too strong they would get obliverated without my help. One solution to this might be that when the town gets under attack some sort of threat meter would be shown (calculated based on the level of the attacker and their numbers) and then you could decide whether you let your npcs sort it out or wait you as an reinforcement.


-why do you need to identify the items? This seems rather silly to me and only serves as a waste of time. Especially since you dont need any items or anything just to waste a bit of time.

-Could enabling unlimited teleportation stones be an option? The one per world is not nearly enough and gets rather annoying. Other solutions would be that always when you have used your stone you would get the quest to recharge it. Teleportation stones could also be stackable items that you get as drops from monsters similar to potions, skeleton keys, etc.

So thats about it The biggest annoyance is with the NPCs just fiddling their thumbs while their town is being burned around them and i just cant figure out the reason why would this be the case. Also i know that i can manually put their places outside the gates but then its 4 against potentially large group (while the rest fiddle their thumbs and wait for the 4 guards to die)

That being said love this game and hope you keep up the good work. Cant wait for the expansion
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Old 02-21-2017, 02:15 PM
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Castruccio Castruccio is offline
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I agree with the feedback in the above post. It would be nice if your clans could help resist attacks more efficiently. I also think players of newer ARPGs are puzzled by the lack of unlimited teleportation in Soldak games, or at least not being able to collect teleport scrolls like you can in Diablo 2, the Torchlight games, Path of Exile, etc. Grim Dawn and Diablo 3 have unlimited teleportation. It would be nice, at the very least, to see teleport scrolls added to the game, although that would take up a slot in what is already a very cluttered inventory system. Item ID'ing is also a bit irritating. There are mods to turn it off, but I'm not sure that leaving it on actually does anything to enrich the player experience, so maybe that could be done away with too.
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Old 02-21-2017, 04:47 PM
Mithur Mithur is offline
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The previous posts raise issues that I do not consider such problems.
1-the mechanics of the game is that the player has to defend his village and game is gives plenty of opportunities(monster guardians,and the ability to put npc clansmate to guard duty,the extension will add more security features),so in extreme cases, to arrive and lift the siege with the settlements,and what prevents to search for portals in the territories(if you make multiple infinite teleports to the player that will destroy the balance and the danger of picking what is more important the next quest or the protection of the village).But agreed maybe one thing clansmates should do- help extinguish the fire attacks.
2-identification of items-well this is that bad?,what prevents the player to put the mentioned post above mod or go back to the village and identify all at once,so next you ask crafty portable table?

Last edited by Mithur : 02-22-2017 at 12:17 PM.
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Old 02-21-2017, 10:54 PM
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Destro* Destro* is offline
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Very interesting perspective.

I never really thought about having an 'auto-defend' mode for NPCs. But, I could see it being a much more realistic take on clan actions. NPCs could be set to 'defend' with high-mid-low aggression settings for how far they will travel to defend.

But, personally, I kind of like the strategic requirement to place units efficiently. And, the next expansion is going to have more guard types and the ability to place NPCs everywhere. So, there will be 'some' improvements coming up.

I think the fairest compromise between the two would be to give NPCs the ability to patrol.


As for item identification, it's an ARPG classic. It defines the genre. And, it's based off of the realistic notion that: most of the time, if you get some random stick with magical powers, you won't know what it does, unless you have some kind of appraisal skill.

Angband and its variants take this to extremes with psuedo-id. Warriors psuedo-id slowly and mages are faster. And, you can get perks to id, use scrolls or have an expert id for you.

This system is obviously too in-depth for Zombasite. And, I wouldn't want the current system removed because realism (and its an arpg classic). So, I think the current id system is in a good state of balance between the two extremes.
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Old 02-23-2017, 10:31 AM
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In the expansion you will be able to place NPCs and guards anywhere you want. Also when an NPC is in guard focus you will be able to tell them to stay stationary, patrol, or to wander.
Steven Peeler
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Old 02-24-2017, 09:38 PM
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Destro* Destro* is offline
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Holy... you work fast!
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