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Old 11-21-2012, 08:37 PM
Anskier Anskier is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 2
Default Some Opinions, Questions, Etc

Hello been playing and enjoying the game

First some questions:
The system modifiers like overlord, what to they mean/do?

Is there a way to disable the console? I keep hitting ~ when I try to hit 1 and end up getting stuck

Some irritations:
I use my mouse to move but when I click-on/move-onto the enemy I don't move which will make me suddenly stop moving

When I'm allied with a group and at war with another, the one I'm at war with will keep spamming me with requests and demands to break treaties or declare war on my allies. It gets really annoying fast

When I'm at war with 2 factions that are allied and negotiate peace with one, they immediately declare war again, but If I'm allied with someone and we are both at war with a third faction the faction I'm allied with will sometimes declare peace with the third faction and have ridiculous requirements if I ask them to honor our alliance and declare war

When I am losing I get I think 10 mins to fix it, but if I manage to stop losing and then later start to lose again the timer is not reset

I have been on quests to defend a colony and had a space storm spawn near the colony and destroy it and I couldn't do anything

Some Opinions:
The single target weapons seem vastly inferior to the aoe weapons, with little insensitive to use them

Batteries seem to be too expensive via powerload to be used

Resistances seem to be poor choices as well

The various damage types are a nice idea but feel identical as they lack any form of feedback in either the offensive or defensive use, it would be nice if there was something that showed what type of damage was being done and give a feel for how much was being mitigated

If I am trying to defend a colony and it gets hurt it doesn't seem to heal, it would be nice if there was something I could do to cause it to heal

Be nice to be able to defend yourself from the space storms or maybe do something about them

The attack stat once you are past a certain threshold really doesn't seem to give any benefit for pumping it up (please correct me if I'm wrong)

The defense stat while very useful seems very spotty, I'll be missed a bunch of time and be invincible and then get hit 2 or 3 times rapidly and be almost dead all of a sudden, be nicer if this was a bit smoother, maybe working some resistance types into the various armor, shields, structure or maybe scaling damage with defense somehow.
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Old 11-26-2012, 04:06 PM
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To answer your 2 questions:

Overlord means there are more overlord type of monsters than usual. There are 3 main monster types in the game: overlord, legion, and talon.

No there isn't a way to disable the console, but if you accidentally bring it up ~ or escape will get rid of it.
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
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Old 11-28-2012, 03:31 PM
pieciax pieciax is offline
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Posts: 42

I totally agree on your feedback Anskier about weapon balance and some annoying stuff.
I don't use area type weapons at all, eventhough i miss them. Their speed, area of effect and power is to small in compare to point lasers and missles that offers direct hit.
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