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Old 11-03-2013, 08:35 PM
Annex Annex is offline
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Default Impossible drox guild quests

About 30 minutes into a new sector I get a mandatory drox guild quest. I have an hour and a half to help a race I havent met yet get to first place. Not first place amongst all regular races, but higher than the invading ancient race too. Takes me 45 minutes fighting through 14 systems just to reach this race (again, that I previously hadnt met yet).

At this point I have 30 minutes left and they are in third place. The leading race, an ancient, has twice the strength of the 2nd place race at this point. So this quest fails and the sector ends as even if I had the full hour and a half there is no way I could a) explore enough of the galaxy in time to b) find the race I need to help to c) destroy all the races in front of it while d) defending it from destruction. 2nd time now ive failed a sector due to a mandatory drox quest that just cannot be done in the time allotted.

Please make these quests non-sector failing and much more sensible (like help a race youve already met etc)
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Old 11-04-2013, 02:10 PM
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Tyrax Lightning Tyrax Lightning is offline
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The Drox High Command seems to be a hell of a lot more interested in trying to destroy your victories then it is in actually wanting to have its Operatives succeed in keeping that dough raking into their Pockets. I use only the 'Minimal Drox Involvement' personally cause I don't need Drox Brass Backseat Operativing me & acting like they're trying like hell to MAKE me fail. :/
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Old 11-12-2013, 02:54 AM
demoss demoss is offline
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Suggestion - if the guild gives you a quest to do something with a particular race that you haven't contacted, they could at least give you a location to find them......

Maybe make you pay for it like other quest targets.
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Old 11-12-2013, 07:15 PM
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Originally Posted by demoss View Post
Suggestion - if the guild gives you a quest to do something with a particular race that you haven't contacted, they could at least give you a location to find them......

Maybe make you pay for it like other quest targets.
Excuse me...? Did you just suggest to have the Drox High Command give us a Objective related to a Race we haven't Contacted yet on purpose, then Blackmail Money outta us for the Race's Location, to use to not Lose the Sector, which is supposed to be Bad News for the Drox High Command every bit as much as for us Operatives...?
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Old 11-12-2013, 07:23 PM
demoss demoss is offline
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Yeah, that seems like something they'd do. Seriously, though, the payment is for rumors, not going to the quest sponsor. You're basically asking around about where to find X.

I think what I'd really like is to see the timers on guild quests removed. You already HAVE to do them to win - what's the point of the timer?
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Old 02-28-2014, 10:04 PM
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I would welcome any or all of the following:
  • A penalty (fee, loss of fear/legend/diplomacy points, all items broken) instead of losing the sector
  • Another quest spawns which would allow me to delete the Drox Guild quest
  • Choice 1 of 2 or more options for which Drox quest to do
  • Since the Drox quest rewards are pitiful, the Drox quest difficulty should reflect that.

For the second time, I had Drox Guild on light involvement, and it led to an instant loss.

After a long time getting three other races Allied and at 100 diplomacy, the only enemies left were the Cortex and a recently spawned Talon (which declared War on everyone right away). While I am sieging the last Cortex planet, the Drox Guild says I have to be Allied with the Talon. My allies wiped out the Talon (too far away from the Cortex planet I was attacking), so that sector ends. I went from from victoryin sight to defeat in two minutes.

In another similar situation, I had to make the (recently spawned, warring) Talon the most powerful race.
One planet, one ship for the Talon.
The other 3 races that I spent hours building up had about 40 planets / 100 ships apiece. (And my ship was maybe a match for 2 alien ships at a time, but not a fleet.)

I like the idea of mandatory unusual quests, but if its going to stay like this, I'm turning it off.
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Old 04-03-2014, 11:38 AM
Siveria Siveria is offline
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Yeah I set mine to minimal as well, My draxx ship is lv 40 ish and i've never won one sector because of either: A) Talon comes in and just mutiples worse than fucking cockroachs, easly getting massive planets and ships shortly after arriving (all of the monster races seem to do this). or B) I get a drox guild quest that is damned impossible to do in time. Usually if I get a drox operative guild quest I just abandon the sector and start a new one.
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Old 04-03-2014, 08:19 PM
Yindo Yindo is offline
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Originally Posted by Siveria View Post
Yeah I set mine to minimal as well, My draxx ship is lv 40 ish and i've never won one sector because of either: A) Talon comes in and just mutiples worse than fucking cockroachs, easly getting massive planets and ships shortly after arriving (all of the monster races seem to do this). or B) I get a drox guild quest that is damned impossible to do in time. Usually if I get a drox operative guild quest I just abandon the sector and start a new one.
I leave it at minimal as well. Have had a game or two when the sector has just started. Drox tells me to keep a certain race alive, and then 2 seconds later that race has been destroyed by another race. Or other weird stuff like that happens. Make 2 races ally, then a minute later you see a message saying they declared war on each other.
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Old 01-01-2015, 12:21 AM
c2712297 c2712297 is offline
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Just played a coop match with a friend and also had this problem. Putting "guild involvement" or how it's called dropdown to "little" already, after playing a few hours, we suddenly have to kill all "Shadow" in one hour and twenty minutes, a race we did not, and after explore-rushing a full hour still did not see. At this point we thought we had all sectors or how it's called explored (at least the gates leading to each). After twenty further minutes, it was over. A 5 hour beginner match of a supposedly open ended game rudely stopped by some "well, tough luck pal" message.
Please make dropdown "guild involvement" to select: NONE.
While you're at it, make an option to continue the game even if you did not "win", i.e. endless play.
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