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Old 10-13-2015, 06:20 PM
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Default The Feedback Thread

I thought it would be good to start a centralized place for feedback. I'll kick things off with a few things I noticed in 30 minutes of play. There will be MUCH more to come, but here's the initial stuff:

1. There is no option in the key binding screen to reassign the default hotkey (S) for the skills screen. I like to put my skills on ASDF instead of 1234, so it would be helpful to have the option to reassign the skills hotkey to another key.

2. In most ARPG's, the "stay still" key defaults to shift. In this one it defaults to control. It might be helpful to change the default to shift (which is what it is in Diablo and Torchlight).

3. The Hunting Party Timer/Diplomacy Icons are in an odd place. Would it be possible to move these to the right edge of the screen beneath the minimap?

4. What do the priorities for quests mean? I.E., A quest will have P1, P2, P3, etc next to it. This wasn't in Din's or Depths, and there is no help text describing what the priorities actually rank.

5. I notice my PC (Core I7 2600 3.4GhZ, Geforce GTX 560ti) getting very hot while playing the game. Much hotter than with Din's, Depths, or Drox. The fans spin up on full in Zombasite. I'm not sure if it's due to an unlimited framerate problem (there is no framerate counter in the options menu) or some other problem. But it seems like the fans should not be spinning up so high.

Last edited by Castruccio : 10-13-2015 at 06:23 PM.
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Old 10-13-2015, 07:06 PM
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Castruccio Castruccio is offline
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Here's a fairly critical bug:

Anytime you attempt to switch or replace a skill on the skill bar when the game is paused, you can make the switch successfully. However, when you unpause the game, the skills revert back to their previous order. This means you can't reorder or replace your skills. This happens to me after having rebound the skill keys (I'm not sure if it happens when they are on default).

Also, it is impossible to delete skills using the DEL key if the game is not paused. If you delete them when the game is paused, they reappear once you unpause.
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Old 10-13-2015, 07:36 PM
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When I am being alerted that I am a carrier of parasites a green border flashes around the screen. This is fine for the alert, but right now the border of the screen flashes green CONSTANTLY. This is very irritating and headache inducing over time. I suggest making the flashing border go away after the first few seconds, but leaving the icon under my health bar that tells me "Zombie Carrier of Parasites Stage 1" etc.
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Old 10-13-2015, 09:05 PM
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Ok I think the overheating problem is definitely a frame rate thing. When I turn on the 15 and 30 frame caps (using the power modes in the options menu), my pc seems to cool down. When I turn on "no power" settings the framerate is uncapped and the pc starts to heat up. Would it be possible to have an option for a 60 and 120 FPS cap so that the fans don't rev up so loudly? I assume I must be pushing a huge frame rate with no cap.
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Old 10-13-2015, 11:08 PM
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Default Feedback on game (mac)

Mac: Command key freezes the character in place and then you basically can't do much of anything.

"bag vendor" with potions, not bags?

The mouseover inventory info is OK but when your NPC's screen is in front, it would be nice if it was THEIR equipped items that pop up, and it would be better if the pop-ups disappear when you pick items up to place them.

When I am in a town, and I go into a hut I can't see anything. Shouldn't the roof be translucent so I can see inside the building?

Similar to Drox, I'd love a * next to quests for the area I'm currently in.

Fun weirdness: I was out & about with 2 people in my party. I sent 2 guys from my town out to hunt. The 2 people in my party died horrible painful deaths. I went and found the 2 hunters. I was able to get 1 hunter to join my party but not the other -- although he did follow along and stay pretty close to us most of the time, but he couldn't follow us through gates. he did follow us to other areas. Eventually I lost him somewhere and he zombied and died.

Gotta say, not doing very well! lol
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Old 10-13-2015, 11:21 PM
Zengrath Zengrath is offline
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I've played about 2 hours so far, only bug i've noticed so far is that when i was being raided by a faction with 1 guy left, they had a faction portal in corner of my grid on my side of the border/wall, the raider spawned on other-side of wall in next grid over but close to the portal which was on my side. even though i was being raided he just stood there against the wall, i couldn't attack him threw the wall as well, i ended up going into the next zone over and navigated my way to him and killed him which ended the raid and that faction. So there may be some bugs with how raiders spawn causing them to spawn on wrong side of the borders.

Last edited by Zengrath : 10-13-2015 at 11:23 PM.
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Old 10-14-2015, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Castruccio View Post
Ok I think the overheating problem is definitely a frame rate thing.
You could turn on monitor sync or change the maxFps user var directly (console or cfg file).
Steven Peeler
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Old 11-04-2015, 10:32 PM
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Default Mac Bug - "Stay Still Toggle" broken

At least on my mac it is.

Default settings with Dvorak keyboard layout chosen.

When I click Control my Character freezes in place. I've gotten unstuck by mucking around some. Happened again today so I went and checked the stay still toggle, to see if I could get Unstuck. And that was strange -- with the stay still toggle turned ON, pressing control allowed my character to move, and if I let go my character froze in place. That's the opposite of a toggle.

The problem I had had where I was standing still with the stay still toggle OFF went away when I un-checked the stay still toggle.

I have a feeling there's a bug there somewhere....

So: everything's OK until I accidentally hit Control (trying to stand still). Then my character stands still and can't move at all. I expect press to stand still, release to resume movement. That's how it used to work.
Then when I check the Stay Still Toggle in the game options, it has the opposite of what should be the normal behavior. I was stuck in place when I went in. Now I have to press to move, and when I let go I'm still stuck.
So I uncheck the Stay Still Toggle and I can move again -- but I don't dare press Control again and get stuck

Last edited by Crisses : 11-04-2015 at 10:36 PM.
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Old 11-06-2015, 08:12 PM
Professor Paul1290 Professor Paul1290 is offline
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Visibility is a bit better since see-through roofs are back, but it would probably help for it to apply to trees as well since those obstruct the camera a lot in certain areas.
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Old 11-07-2015, 02:47 PM
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My clan seat is called Bulgar, and my arch enemy's name is Diavol (Дявол) which means devil. Has your RGN picked up a Bulgarian dictionary or something?
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