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Old 07-17-2016, 09:29 AM
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I bought the game again (i bought it twice before, refunded twice, but i still want to like it, hah ! I feel the article from Rock Paper Shotgun was quite accurate, according to my feeling).

This part is really bothering me, so i copy/paste it from Destro

not being able to free cast abilities without a target is hand-holding to me.

The same goes for the auto-aim/homing targeting.

I'd much rather have no projectiles in the game lock onto targets, while the existing projectile speed modifier is used universally to increase accuracy.

Though, I understand that homing/auto-aim is a core part of the game that has been around since Din's Curse and likely won't be changed.

That's just a 'dream' of mine.
Any chance to see it changed to a more "classical" way ?
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Old 07-18-2016, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by ( Tchey ) View Post
Any chance to see it changed to a more "classical" way ?
I might change it so that if you don't have a target it just goes straight towards the cursor.
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
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Old 07-19-2016, 06:45 AM
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It would be a great improvement for general feeling of ranged battles, according to me and myself.

Basic attacks, and skills, right ?

Then, what happens if i fire an arrow without target, and a target moves into the arrow's path ? Hit ? Miss ?
* Errance sur la Terre, de la Laponie à l'Anatolie, et + si affinité... *
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Old 07-21-2016, 08:53 PM
Professor Paul1290 Professor Paul1290 is offline
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Not exactly that important, but could there be an option to disable the blocking of long messages during combat?

We've had a couple players express irritation at a lot of in-game texts being blocked by combat.

Personally I don't understand why one would want to be reading with enemies nearby, but a couple people have brought it up frequently enough that I guess I might as well mention it.
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Old 07-26-2016, 01:33 PM
Zangi Zangi is offline
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Been playing this a bit. Only up to level 14-ish.

Quality of Life 1:
Allow players to set some sort of parameters for minion/clan member gear. By parameters, I mean setting something like a minimum stat to have in total, example being happiness.

Lets say I set the parameter to minimum +50% happiness. It would mean that when I throw gear at the clan or when they go to scavenge, they'll try to acquire/keep a minimum of +50% happiness per person from the gear.

Individually set parameters would be awesome, cause troublemakers/cowards/insane, but its fine if its one size fits all.

Quality of Life 2:
I don't know why minions choose some gear over others. Also, some feedback on who gets first pick and so on.

I get pretty annoyed having to micromanage my rangers to equip bows rather then much weaker DPS daggers... Plus ya know, range.

Question 1: What is the point of sending NPC on Adventure expedition? ... Actually, I havn't done it yet.

Scavenging expedition which only costs 10 points does all the good stuff... looting/distributing/scavenging everything so that you don't have to. Well, helping to kill stuff ain't a bad thing either.

Question 2: +food sense and other gear buffs worn by minions stacks with yours when at the same location/region?

I find it pretty awesome that NPC clans are actually wearing what you've sold to them.
Source: Heart of Gold has tons of moolah, I couldn't make em like me. (Game actually crashed mid-raid. They've got a ton of people and won't stop coming into my meat grinder. Seems more like a suicide run rather then a proper raid...)
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Old 07-27-2016, 11:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Zangi View Post
Question 1: What is the point of sending NPC on Adventure expedition? ... Actually, I havn't done it yet.

Question 2: +food sense and other gear buffs worn by minions stacks with yours when at the same location/region?
1) The do more on adventures like try to solve quests and they won't come home early because of a little damage.

2) Currently you will get half of your first followers food sense and item type of stats.
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
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Old 07-28-2016, 02:35 AM
Zangi Zangi is offline
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Hmm... first follower is always the 'top' one of the two?
And adventuring expeditions also do the scavenging stuff?

Either way, kinda paused playing cause I'm in the middle of some raid wars, the game keeps on crashing after 15-20 minute session of fighting off raids/looting.

... Would I be able to save a clan if I adventure with them and keep the 1 person alive, while the rest of the population gets wiped out? (Assuming their hearthstone is protected/safe.)
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Old 07-28-2016, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Zangi View Post
Hmm... first follower is always the 'top' one of the two?
And adventuring expeditions also do the scavenging stuff?

Either way, kinda paused playing cause I'm in the middle of some raid wars, the game keeps on crashing after 15-20 minute session of fighting off raids/looting.

... Would I be able to save a clan if I adventure with them and keep the 1 person alive, while the rest of the population gets wiped out? (Assuming their hearthstone is protected/safe.)
Yeah, I believe the top follower is the first. I'll probably change it soon so you share all of the stats with all of your followers though.

Adventuring expeditions don't pickup all of the loot use high end stuff.

Can you email me your save game so I can see if I can reproduce your crashes?

That would work if you could keep the person with you, but they will probably leave to go protect their clan.
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
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Old 08-30-2016, 03:39 PM
Notorious Notorious is offline
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Default Interface suggestions

I bought this game last weekend and played for about 10 hours. I'd like to see a few quality of life improvements to the interface. Also, when there's a lot going on, the interface cues need to be more obvious. These may have been mentioned before but I haven't read all 30 pages of this thread.

- When hovering over an area name for a gate or an expedition, make the popup window with info text aligned at the top not in the middle of the popup. When there are a lot of quests the top of the window disappears off the top of the screen, and that is precisely where the relevant information is, such as expedition percentages or highest priority quests. Alternatively, don't list quests when giving area information for hunting/gathering expeditions.

- The same area info popup window obscures the list of gates/areas when it is a over whole screen long. Offset it to the right of the list so you can still see to select another area.

- Make an option for the area info popup to only list quests from my / selected clans. I don't want to help everyone all the time.

- Don't block potion or item names in combat. When I have 3 green potions I need to be able to see which one is zombie protection and which one is poison to take it asap, even if a monster is attacking me. Same if my weapon breaks.

- If an item can't be repaired, make the sound cue a more obvious "fail" sound (thunk), pop up text "can't be repaired" and don't use up scraps. It took me a lot of scraps to realise why my item failed to repair.

- Why do some other towns' gates show up in my list while others don't? Even after I use them the first time I cannot always go back to them from my town.

- At one point my bow simply vanished in the middle of combat. Why? Even broken items don't just disappear. Bug or feature, I have no idea.

- Name the town doors "North door", "South door" etc. Is North the top one? This may sound stupid but I wasn't sure I was guarding the right one and was trying to match the layout on the pedestals with my town layout.

- Make it more obvious that searching for a target costs money. Put it in the button with the cost or as a popup. If it's already there, I missed it.

- In the crafting station, can the spacebar work as a quick "move to armory" button like the sell button to vendors works? Dragging items across is slow.

- I would like to be able to sort the items in my bags by type (potions, weapons, ...) or rarity (grey, yellow, ...), value (high to low), damage, defense or usable/unusable by me.

- I would like to be able to destroy items from my bags, instead of dumping them on the ground and having to not accidentally pick them up again a bit later.

- I would like to be able to sort my accepted quest list by clan, location or priority.

- I would like to be able to tag quests in my accepted quest list so I can remember which 1 or 2 I had decided were my current top priority. Or have a note box in the quest list where I can leave a note to myself.

That's it for now. There may be more later. Thanks for reading!
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Old 08-30-2016, 04:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Notorious View Post
- Why do some other towns' gates show up in my list while others don't? Even after I use them the first time I cannot always go back to them from my town.

- At one point my bow simply vanished in the middle of combat. Why? Even broken items don't just disappear. Bug or feature, I have no idea.

- In the crafting station, can the spacebar work as a quick "move to armory" button like the sell button to vendors works? Dragging items across is slow.
Clan gates show up in your list when you have a mutual protection pact or alliance with them

If your weapon disappeared you probably accidentally hit the W key which switches to your 2nd weapon set. Hit W or the switch weapon button to go back to your bow.

Space does actually quick move whatever item is currently highlighted to the clan armory.

There was a bunch of good feedback in the stuff I didn't quote BTW.
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
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