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Old 06-29-2020, 07:48 PM
Raserei Raserei is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 29
Default Few questions!

1.) Do you get any skill or stat resets?

2.) How many total skill points can we get by level 100?

3.) Do skills have a cap?

4.) How can I get more crystals? I tried recruiting a few guards and I ran out so fast.

5.) When I raid someone, do the guards I hire attack with me at there base or do they ONLY guard?

Last edited by Raserei : 06-29-2020 at 09:53 PM.
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Old 01-01-2023, 10:30 PM
Derpomancer Derpomancer is offline
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Noob here. I'll see if can help.

1.) Do you get any skill or stat resets?

Stat's don't reset. You can reset skills by spending gold. It can clean you out in the early game if you move a lot of points around.

2.) How many total skill points can we get by level 100?

You start with 2 skill points per level, going up one point every five. So at level five, you get three skill points. I'm too lazy to work out the math to level 100.

3.) Do skills have a cap?

Some do. Others don't. It usually says on the skill description.

4.) How can I get more crystals? I tried recruiting a few guards and I ran out so fast.

Crystals are part of the DOP economic mini game. I think your taxes go up with influence. Anyway, the best strategy I found starting out was to buy low-cost guards going in, and increase number and level as my tax rate grew.

5.) When I raid someone, do the guards I hire attack with me at there base or do they ONLY guard?

They only guard.
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Old 06-16-2023, 10:39 AM
Jasones Jasones is offline
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Originally Posted by Derpomancer View Post
Noob here. I'll see if can help.

1.) Do you get any skill or stat resets?

Stat's don't reset. You can reset skills by spending gold. It can clean you out in the early game if you move a lot of points around.

2.) How many total skill points can we get by level 100?

You start with 2 skill points per level, going up one point every five. So at level five, you get three skill points. I'm too lazy to work out the math to level 100.

3.) Do skills have a cap?

Some do. Others don't. It usually says on the skill description.

4.) How can I get more crystals? I tried recruiting a few guards and I ran out so fast.

Crystals are part of the DOP economic mini game. I think your taxes go up with influence. Anyway, the best strategy I found starting out was to buy low-cost guards going in, and increase number and level as my tax rate grew.

5.) When I raid someone, do the guards I hire attack with me at there base or do they ONLY guard?

They only guard.
Are you sure about the point #5?
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Old 06-16-2023, 03:51 PM
Derpomancer Derpomancer is offline
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Originally Posted by Jasones View Post
Are you sure about the point #5?
If OP is referring to the monsters who guard, then yes. If he's referring to the barbarians you recruit, then no.

Recruits go with you on raids, if that's what he meant.
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