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Old 02-11-2017, 02:31 AM
Tigrath Tigrath is offline
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I've got a few ideas

NPC non-clan quests for off-map factions
Fluff-wise these NPCs represent powerfull factions that need specific things. One type needs lots of food or potions, so he offers several quests to give him 25 units for 25 gold. Another needs lots of a certain type monster drop and offers crafting materials for 100 of them. One wants maps of the whole region. Another wants a specific NPC killed, or a clan attacked and a number of its members killed, or a whole clan eliminated.

Alternate start: Escape
You start in a prison cell, inside a city that will fall to the undead tonight. No clan or any of that, just you with a new character. The jailer is your old drinking buddy, so he lets you out after killing a zombie and becomes your first party member. For this large urban area you can have up to 6 NPC followers. Your main quest is to reach one of several exits before they are overrun. Mobs of weak diseased peasants clash with mobs of zombies as the city burns and panic sets in.
Sidequests include finding food, gaining powerfull and usefull followers, rescuing your/their family members, looting armories and merchants and temples. At most of those exits, you'll have to fight your way out and the longer you wait the harder it will be.

I've got some new or tweaked skills for the necromancer that I like.
1 cost
_____Summon Ghost_____this ghost is about the size of your character, moves 50% faster, and has a cold aura with 25% chance of slowing movement and attack speeds at melee-range
2 cost
_____Summon Skeleton___gave it attachments for shields, helmets, and breastplates, then gave it a monster version of SkillRampage
6 cost
_____Summon Skeleton Mage____gave it EnhancementColdResistance1 mainly for the visual effects, monster versions of SkillArcaneSwarm and BoneShatter, and tweaked versions of the SkillMonsterHorrorLightning/Ice/Fire skills.
12 cost
_____Summon Skeleton King___start with the SkeletonWarrior, give it EnhancementAuraUndead, EnhancementGiant2, and a pair of enhancements to give curse auras. One cuts attributes by 25% at 500 range, the other cuts them by half at 100 range. Attachments were tweaked to only use two-handed maces, axes, or swords. Then I gave it monster versions of the SkillCleave and SkillSavageStrike.

New skill tree: Warlock (yes I renamed the existing tree to Summoner)
This guy specialises in curses, alchemy, and tattoos.
1 cost
_____curse bolt (same as old warlock skill)
_____Rage Tattoo____+10% to skill, spell, and physical damage
_____Entangle______simiar to the NetTrap skill
2 cost
_____Evil Eye______slows attack and movement speeds and does direct damage
_____Ivy Tattoo______+1 vitality, +10 Fire/Cold/Poison resistances
4 cost
_____Bewitching Tattoo______passive aura charms enemies into attacking random others
_____Cold Potion______skill version of throwing cold bombs
6 cost
_____Poison Cloud______similar to disease cloud
_____Revenge Tattoo______similar to shield of fire, does 10% lightning damage on hit
8 cost
_____Abyssal Gaze_____paralyzes as it damages their soul
_____Conversion____turns the enemy into a spider, drastically reducing its size, health, and damage

New Class:
Mad Scientist or Evil Genius or Drox Operative

Fate has marooned this poor fool on a primitive magical world during a Zombie Apocolypse. Murphy's Law gives him -20 penalties on NPC happiness and insanity, -100 on magic find, and -20 on all resistances. Limited to cloth armor, can use shields and any one handed weapon, poorly.
His skills mainly involve technological items salvaged and repaired from his crashed starship. They are a raygun, a portable scanner, a loader exoskeleton, and a pile of broken robot parts.

Robo-Supremacist Skill tree
1 cost:
___Spiderbot_____1-4 lightning damage melee attack, 2 second stun, 20 health
________________per level, 1-2 lightning damage, .25 sec stun, 5 health, .2 extra spiderbots
___Micromissile___projectile, 3-12 physical damage, 6 second reload time
________________per level, 2-6 physical damage, .2 extra projectiles
2 cost:
___Heavy Robotic Armor_____+12 armor, +5% health
___Electrified Robotic Armor______robots inflict 1-4 lightning damage per level when hit
4 cost:
___Hoverbot______Launches Micromissile with 12 second reload time, 10 health
________________per level 3 health, .2 extra hoverbots
6 cost
___Corrosive Missiles_____all micromissiles inflict status effect 4 poison damage/sec for 4 seconds
______________________per level 4 poison damage per second
___Improved Robotic Agility_____+10% attack/defense/level for all robots
8 cost:
(Primus is your masterpiece, your greatest creation, and your best robotic agent. It has 3 modes and these skills function like the Warlock's demon summoning skills, these skills also share skill points and have a 30 second cooldown)
___Primus Assault Mode______agile melee attacker, fast movement and attack speed, energy shield adsorbs 40 damage
___Primus Artillery Mode______launches 4 micromissiles (behaves like Arcane Swarm) with 12 second reload, flamethrower general attack, energy shield adsorbs 80 damage
___Primus Support Mode______ranged stunning attack, aura decreases enemy defense, melee-range ally heal

Avatar skilltree---starting from the clunky old worker exoskeleton you eventually upgrade it into powerful combat armor
1 cost
___Chainsaw _________melee attack, 8-12 physical damage/level
___Lights_____passive bright lights for nights and dungeons
______________active_____Magician SkillBlindingFlash
2 cost
___Integral Armor_______+10 armor, +10% health
______________________per level, +10 armor, +5% health
___Structural Frame Redesign_____+5 strength, +10% movement speed
______________________per level, +2 strength, +5% movement speed
4 cost
___Mana-Furnace Reactor_________(passive) +20 Mana/level, +1 mana regen/level
________________________________(active)+10 mana regen/level, -3 health/sec, 30 sec duration, 5 min cooldown
___AutoPharmascope_________on hit, 15% chance heal 2 per second and 15% faster attack and movement speeds for 10 seconds
__________________________per level, heal 1.2/second, 2% faster speeds
___Grenade Launcher________ranged AOE attack, 2-8 fire damage/level, projectile radius 150
6 cost
___Flamethrower_________4-12 fire damage/level 20 degree cone of fire
___Neural Interface_______+10 Critical Hit/level, +30 Evasion/level, +10% attack/defense
8 cost
___Retaliation___________on hit, laser ranged attack 4-12 damage/level

Space Villain skilltree (need a better name) (Scanner skills are toggleable, but only one can be active at a time)
1 cost
___Blaster__________ranged attack 4-12 lightning damage/level, 2 sec cooldown
___Scanner Radiation Sensors______+12 Magic Find/level, -20 food sense/level
2 cost
___Big Bomb________________trap 5-25 physical damage, 300 radius explosion, hits friends too
___Stun Grenade________thrown, 100 area explosion, 1-4 fire damage/level, 50% chance stun and minor distraction for 6 seconds, 8 second reload
___rapid fire___________toggleable skill 2 extra projectile, -30% damage, -20% attack for fire blaster skill
_____________________per level 0.2 extra projectile, +5% damage, +4% attack
4 cost
___Scanner Biomass Sensors______+12 food sense/level, -20 Magic Find/level
___Charged Blast_________Ranged attack 18-24 lightning damage/level, 100 radius explosion, 3 sec delay, 30sec recharge
6 cost
___Scanner Target Analyzer_____25 Armor Piercing/level for blaster and charged blast
8 cost
___Stealth Field_________escape notice
___Scanner Combat Analyzer______+20% combat experience
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Old 02-11-2017, 11:01 AM
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Destro* Destro* is offline
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Wow. Those are actually some really impressive suggestions imho. I love the level of detail on the classes. Very nice.
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Old 02-11-2017, 11:24 AM
joku joku is offline
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I quite like the sound of a Drox Operative class.
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Old 02-11-2017, 01:23 PM
Mithur Mithur is offline
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Please don't mix Drox Operative and Depths of Peril worlds,both have their uniqueness,which may disappear when merging.But if you choose to make Depths of Peril/Zombasite or Din's Curse kind of games in Drox Operative universe then of course use Tigrath Mad Scientist/Evil Genius/Drox Operative class.

-Depths of Peril/Zombasite kind of game in Drox Operative universe can been happening on not inhabbited planet,1) on which few of DO races ships crashlanded because of the anomaly that located on planet surrounds whole sector or 2)explorers from different races racing each other to search rare resources or ancient tecnology wonders that deep space scanning found on it.So crashed ships crew/explorers must find out dangers and wonders of this new world.
-Din's Curse kind of game in DO universe can take place on unknown abnormally gigantic space station that appeared on edges of inhabbitated space,in sectors of space filled with dying stars and dead worlds, it start sending highly modulated signals through hyperspace that causes many deadly anomalies to appear around many sectors which causes a lot of damage to every race,so when singals were tracked back to its location,DO races create united task force to deal with this threat.After a months of dangerous journey UTF spacefleet finally arrived.But while UTF spacefleet conducted landing to strike and research teams at the station,a fleet of unknown origin attacked the ships orbiting the station and they are forced to retreat,remaining inside the station units of UTF have to survive while friendly spacefleet can break blocade, and until that happend try to find and destroy an unknown threat at the station.

Last edited by Mithur : 02-12-2017 at 02:16 PM.
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Old 02-13-2017, 04:54 PM
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In the Zombasite expansion there will be way more variety in town guards (traps, totems, etc) and you can place them anywhere in town.
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
Wishlist Din's Champion
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Old 02-13-2017, 11:33 PM
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Really looking forward to updates to the guard system ^ (and everything else ofc, but this is an area of the game that I feel is lackluster, so cool!). It would be nice to actually have guards that aren't useless and don't serve as only an invasion delay mechanic.
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Old 02-14-2017, 02:32 PM
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In the Zombasite expansion, the large crystals that are here and there in the world will have powerful auras that apply to everyone nearby.
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
Wishlist Din's Champion
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Old 02-15-2017, 05:08 PM
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Today I'm adding some ruins levels to the Zombasite expansion.
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
Wishlist Din's Champion
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Old 02-17-2017, 03:39 PM
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In the Zombasite expansion, town layouts will have way more variety.
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
Wishlist Din's Champion
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Old 02-18-2017, 12:26 AM
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Environments, monsters, encounters, classes, clans... Jeez, that's quite a lot of stuff covered already!

Because it's a Friday night and I'm bored, I decided to try to figure out the areas left within the game that you can touch upon. And, I'm down to items (bases (touched on with guards), mods, set+ gear and vendors), monster affixes, quests, difficulty mods (if I'm bein' picky (which I am)) and maybe different area tilesets (you're adding ruins now so perhaps you're already touching on that).

But, aside from those, I'm out of ideas for what per-existing content can be changed/improved.

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