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Old 04-14-2017, 03:37 PM
pseudo310 pseudo310 is offline
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Default Mission to make one species the most powerful

What have you folks found is the most effective way to do this, particularly on larger maps? On smaller maps it's usually as easy as blowing up the planets of the competition, but that's an uphill battle on the larger maps, especially if they're the species ahead of them are heavily established - they recolonize faster than I can blow them up.

Supporting a species by questing for them helps to a limited degree but it can be slow going. I'm thinking a combination of that and starting/supporting rebellions to splinter the leading species into smaller factions is the way to go but haven't tried it yet.
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Old 04-01-2019, 11:07 AM
Bluddy Bluddy is offline
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Necroing this thread. I think this is one thing that could use improvement in a sequel. The original Drox essentially has only one resource, which is planets. Therefore, once a race dominates planet-wise, it's near impossible to set them back. The potential sequel should have other empire-wide resources, such as metals, food, and fuel, which would be required for ship creation and such. Taking out the planets that produce these things for the empire or sabotaging them would allow for crippling advanced empires. Also, if some planets were factories, and others were government planets, those would also be good targets for elimination/sabotage.
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Old 04-01-2019, 03:10 PM
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The first Drox actually had Food, Minerals, Technology, and Money as resources. Some of it was not terribly visible to the player though and might have needed to be more drastic. Knowing that a race is getting almost all of their minerals from one planet would give the player some interesting options.
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
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Old 04-01-2019, 05:01 PM
Bluddy Bluddy is offline
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Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
The first Drox actually had Food, Minerals, Technology, and Money as resources. Some of it was not terribly visible to the player though and might have needed to be more drastic. Knowing that a race is getting almost all of their minerals from one planet would give the player some interesting options.
Yeah definitely. I actually sort-of forgot that was the case. Some UI showing a race's known planets and their basic properties would have helped with that, and I agree with making it more extreme.

In general, one thing that was hard to get a grip of was planets, since there were so many of them in aggregate. There could be a sortable UI (much like Zombasite's) that lists all known planets and their properties, and then the ones occupied by races and their properties. You could then see if a race you like has a mission to colonize a useful planet, or if an enemy race has a similar mission you could avoid. You could also see if your allies have specific resource deficiencies and then look for planets that could help with those. Within this UI, hovering over the planet would show you additional information, such as the quests available at that planet.
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Old 04-01-2019, 06:30 PM
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Yeah, having better ways to look at the info and ways to get more info would be cool.
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
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