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Old 03-09-2012, 08:59 PM
Elafar Elafar is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 21
Default Possible bug


I've Started a 2 days ago to play your mod. I have chosen hybrid Assassin-Weaponmaster. I hitted lvl 12 and so far it feels quite good.

However at some point I realised that I lost all my gold...not a clue how ( I had about 1G +),
and it wouldn't be that big deal if it weren't the fact that my wealth was showen as an negative value while opening trading screen ( something about - 216745 G ), so what ever I sold from that time ended always me being at zero, meaning couldn't buy or repair or anything).
After I restarted game, all my huge minus resseted , and I ended at only comforting 0.
Could you please point me location where are usually characters saved, so I could make backup from time to time in order to avoid bankrupcy ?

Thx in advance and keep up with your good work,
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Old 03-10-2012, 12:53 AM
Elafar Elafar is offline
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Default Lost Gold ?


I am playing your mod anout 2 days. So far it's realy feeling good.
However today it happend that all my money ( 1G and few S pieces ) disapeared.
It happend on the same character, lvl 14 Assassin/weaponmaster.

Not only that I've lost money, it also showed on Merchant trade screen that my welth was more than 200k in in the same session I couldn't possibly sell and earn enough money for repair or food.
After I restarted game..I was back to zero gold. Since it happend twice I wonder if this is some kind of Death penality ? ( it may happend after I died few times).

I hope you can help with this, and if it's a bug maybe even fix it

thx for your nice work, keep it up
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Old 03-10-2012, 08:11 PM
Bluddy Bluddy is offline
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Originally Posted by Elafar View Post

I am playing your mod anout 2 days. So far it's realy feeling good.
However today it happend that all my money ( 1G and few S pieces ) disapeared.
It happend on the same character, lvl 14 Assassin/weaponmaster.

Not only that I've lost money, it also showed on Merchant trade screen that my welth was more than 200k in in the same session I couldn't possibly sell and earn enough money for repair or food.
After I restarted game..I was back to zero gold. Since it happend twice I wonder if this is some kind of Death penality ? ( it may happend after I died few times).

I hope you can help with this, and if it's a bug maybe even fix it

thx for your nice work, keep it up
Wow -- really weird. Sorry about that. I'm not really sure what in the mod could cause that. Especially to go negative... I haven't experienced that in any of my test characters.

Backing up your characters is good idea in any case. On Windows, you'll find them in /users/your_user_name/Local Settings/Application Data/DinsCurse/User/chars. I just create a /backup subdirectory in there and copy all the files into that directory.

Again, sorry. I'll look out for anything that could cause this issue.
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Old 03-10-2012, 10:23 PM
Elafar Elafar is offline
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Default thx for your replay :)


Here I do have another piece of info that may help you track this down ( hopefully).

I made another char reached (Lvl 8 ), and all was fine untill I saved town. Again I've chosen to stay and clear all remaining quests. ( I remeber doing this also on earlyer case too ).

So quest after that happend was donating some silver to starving person. However , I donated him a gold before I accepted the quest, and than I talked to him and got quest done. Imediatelly after I noticed that all money was gone and I ended in Negative 200k+ . Maybe this was somehow bugging element?. I will test this further if I end in similar situation. (saved town + starving person + taking in advance quest ). This time I will try first to accept quest and only donate after that.

It was enough to exit and fast resume to bring it down to -1c.
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Old 03-10-2012, 10:52 PM
Elafar Elafar is offline
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Default repair all

This time it happend after I've done identifieing and repairing all....

My bet would be that repairing all ,

I will post you all my items so maybe some of those are bugged on repair all costs ?


Soft Leather Shoulders
Rarity: Rare Basic Type: Leather
Durability 39 / 39
6 armor
+11 Fire Resistance
-5 Cold Resistance
+6% Find Items Chance
+8% armor
+32% durability
Requires level 3
Requires 4 Strength
Requires armor skill: Leather
Sell value: 61CP
Retail value: 2SP 57CP

Cloth Shawl of Stimulation
Rarity: Common Basic Type: Cape
Durability 43 / 43
4 armor
+1 Mana Regen
+3% armor
Requires 1 Strength
Requires skill: Cape
Sell value: 20CP
Retail value: 83CP

Leather Vest of Hoarding
Rarity: Common Basic Type: Leather
Durability 39 / 39
13 armor
+8% Find Items Chance
+3% armor
Requires level 3
Requires 4 Strength
Requires armor skill: Leather
Sell value: 51CP
Retail value: 2SP 14CP

Alexandrite Cloth Cuffs
Rarity: Common Basic Type: Cloth
Durability 31 / 31
5 armor
+11 Poison Resistance
-5 Lightning Resistance
+3% armor
Requires level 5
Requires 4 Strength
Requires armor skill: Cloth
Sell value: 46CP
Retail value: 1SP 90CP

Cloth Gloves of Fortune
Rarity: Common Basic Type: Cloth
Durability 35 / 35
3 armor
+4% Magic Find Chance
+3% armor
Requires 1 Strength
Requires armor skill: Cloth
Sell value: 9CP
Retail value: 38CP

Soft Leather Belt
Rarity: Rare Basic Type: Leather
Durability 36 / 36
4 armor
-3 Fire Resistance
+3 Cold Resistance
+17 Perception
+8% armor
2.9% chance to cast level 2 Disease when hit
Requires 1 Strength
Requires armor skill: Leather
Sell value: 52CP
Retail value: 2SP 17CP

Buckskin Leggings
Rarity: Very Rare Basic Type: Leather
Durability 30 / 30
16 armor
+2 Attack
+10 Fire Resistance
-6 Cold Resistance
+6 Perception
+10% armor
Requires level 6
Requires 6 Strength
Requires armor skill: Leather
Sell value: 1SP 3CP
Retail value: 4SP 45CP

Soft Leather Boots (Ego)
Rarity: Rare Basic Type: Leather
Durability 47 / 47
5 armor
Ego: +25% armor bonus
-3 Poison Resistance
+3 Lightning Resistance
+5% Find Items Chance
+32% armor
Requires level 2
Requires 1 Strength
Requires armor skill: Leather
Sell value: 15CP
Retail value: 62CP

Ciglio's Silver Ring
Rarity: Set
+1 Dexterity
+1 Intelligence
+6 Magic Resistance
+9% Magic Find Chance

Ciglio's Set: Ciglio's Braided Belt,
Ciglio's Robe, Ciglio's Gold Ring,
Ciglio's Silver Ring, Ciglio's Charm

With 2 items:
+15 Intelligence

With all 5 items:
+40 Intelligence

Requires level 8
Sell value: 1SP 75CP
Retail value: 8SP 4CP

Rarity: Elite Basic Type: Bow
Durability 56 / 56
5 to 20 Damage Speed 1.00
12.5 damage per second
+2 Attack
+2 Maximum Mana
+25% damage
+3 to 9 Lightning Damage
Requires 3 Strength
Requires 4 Dexterity
Requires weapon skill: Bow
Sell value: 1SP 33CP
Retail value: 5SP 88CP

My bet would be either Elite bow or Ego items.

However I will continue to monitor if it happends I will report any other findings
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Old 03-11-2012, 12:26 PM
Bluddy Bluddy is offline
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Elafar, I'm just going to confim some basic things... You have patch 1.024 installed, right? And you have no other mods installed?

Guys, can anyone else confirm Elafar's problem exists in the latest version of the mod?

I'm going to have to dedicate a play session to look for this bug. It seems like it crops up fairly often, so it shouldn't take too long to find.
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:04 PM
Elafar Elafar is offline
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Default yes, patch 1.024

I have a proper patch, and only other mod beside is your new UI mod. ( I assumed that those two should work well together being made by the same modder ? .

After yesterdays few incidents I got a several hours of playing with no problems at all. Tipically, because I am now very obervant on what I am doing and how is my welth after each action in town.

Every time when that happend, and It has to do something with conditions when are town saved...

....Unless I menaged to have so huge repairs expences that I ended into negative ? what could be that expencive to repair I wounder ?
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:26 PM
Bluddy Bluddy is offline
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Originally Posted by Elafar View Post
I have a proper patch, and only other mod beside is your new UI mod. ( I assumed that those two should work well together being made by the same modder ? .

After yesterdays few incidents I got a several hours of playing with no problems at all. Tipically, because I am now very obervant on what I am doing and how is my welth after each action in town.

Every time when that happend, and It has to do something with conditions when are town saved...

....Unless I menaged to have so huge repairs expences that I ended into negative ? what could be that expencive to repair I wounder ?
There are a few possibilities for this bug that I can see. One is that it's a random bug -- one that's in the code, and is somehow triggered by something random that I'm doing in the mod. That'll be very hard to track down.

Another possibility is that there's some item that I changed in the mod, and which now causes the repair evaluation code to go bonkers once in a while. This should be a little easier to find if you (or anyone else) can locate the point when this happens.

There's also a possibility that some quest monetary reward got messed up, though I just went over those and I couldn't find anything specific -- there's one entry that was messed up and I fixed it for the next version but I doubt that was the problem.

I'm guessing the characters that lost their money were started in the vanilla game?
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Old 03-11-2012, 06:27 PM
Elafar Elafar is offline
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Posts: 21

Both characters was made fresh for your mod exclusivelly.

Since items that are used on those 2 characters are different we could cafely conclude that there is not an speciffic item that causes that.

It may be Rewarding mechanics ( if that has anything to do with it) when towns are saved, or in combination with repair costs or donating to NPCs ?

I will keep monitor all my actions and I am quite sure I will spot it egsactly next / if and how that repeats and will report back to you.

In any case I am now making backup of my chars every level or so, so even if it happend again it will be not an end of the world

thx for your good will and time spent to help and assist on this problem


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Old 03-11-2012, 09:02 PM
Bluddy Bluddy is offline
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Originally Posted by Elafar View Post
Both characters was made fresh for your mod exclusivelly.
Oh... I guess my item guess was off. Oh well.

Since items that are used on those 2 characters are different we could cafely conclude that there is not an speciffic item that causes that.
Right. I was thinking it was some item (or item category) from vanilla that got messed up. I guess not.

It may be Rewarding mechanics ( if that has anything to do with it) when towns are saved, or in combination with repair costs or donating to NPCs ?
None of those should be causing problems, which makes it seem like it's a random bug. Maybe it has to do with selling an item that has a negative price (because of very low durability?) I haven't tried doing that yet.

I will keep monitor all my actions and I am quite sure I will spot it egsactly next / if and how that repeats and will report back to you.

In any case I am now making backup of my chars every level or so, so even if it happend again it will be not an end of the world

thx for your good will and time spent to help and assist on this problem
Excellent. You've definitely been an extremely helpful bug reporter/tester and I'm glad you're enjoying the mod in general (especially despite this issue). I'm sure we'll figure out this issue pretty soon -- even if it is a random bug in the game.
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