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Old 01-26-2024, 01:07 AM
Hoxatron Hoxatron is offline
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 2
Exclamation In my unending hubris, I have just made a SEVERE miscalculation

I was a rogue at level 49, 3/4's of the way to 50, but my world was completed with no more quests to be done, and I had exhausted every area in it of monsters, so there was no more XP to be had. I wanted to get to 50 so I could unlock the next set of difficulties, as I felt that the game was too easy around the recommended difficulty levels, so I said "Fuck it, Ima just make a world with everything cranked to the max, spend 2 minutes stabbing things to level up, and then dip and make an actual world."

So I did.

I made a world with very fast pace, dangerous monsters, raging hordes, huge size, and 8 clans.

Upon loading in, I noticed that one of my clan members, Margard, (who was recently married) looked funky. They're possessed.

"Oh," I think to myself, "that might be a problem."
I don't want their husband to be sad.

Then I check the clan info screen, and my heart plummets into the depths below.

Meyer is kidnapped.

Meyer is the priest with the level 12 hardiness blessing.

Meyer is the priest who triples my vitality.

Meyer is the priest who keeps me alive.


I check the quest screen to see what to do, and the situation gets even fucking better, as I see that not only is Meyer kidnapped, but they're also afflicted with Madness.

This is a level 50 death world, set to huge.

It is easy for me to shuriken everything in sight to bits before they see me.

I never take anyone out in my clan to adventure with me.

75% of my clan is still at level 40.

Since everyone is pretty happy, I have neglected my town and its members.

This is a divine punishment, by Din, to test me — I am an unstoppable force of death and destruction, but can I slaughter the hordes fast enough to rescue the most important NPC in my clan before they go insane and/or die in the middle of nowhere?

Oh lord, what have I done.
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Old 01-29-2024, 04:52 PM
Hoxatron Hoxatron is offline
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 2

i cleared it up in like 15 minutes nvm
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