Originally Posted by Bluddy
Version 0.77 is a small revision with some more big changes.
I've increased the chance for smiths to know how to fix items. But that's the small change. The big change is an experimental one, and it concerns fire, ice and lightning mages. The masteries are now no longer present as regular skills -- they rely on fire/cold/lightning resistance to go up in level. Since mages are currently the least balanced class, I feel that this is the time to try experiment to get them to be more interesting. One of the problems of the mages is that they're so detached from items. By making mastery rely on resistance, it makes items much more valuable for mages, or at least I hope it will. Please try out a fire mage/ice mage/sorcerer even though it's not balanced yet and let me know if this new mastery seems like a good idea.
Also, I couldn't get rid of the little plus buttons on the mastery skills, even though you can't click on them. Sorry.
This is going to be insane. I will try it out though. What will happen to all the points I put into my mastery once I install the mod? Should I remove them first? Also, how much resistance to a given element does it take to get an additional level of mastery in that element?