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Old 08-07-2010, 02:37 PM
jakobrogert jakobrogert is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
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Default [Released] CowardsDieInShame

Hi there,

Since I got so great help making these mods, I thought I'd share them if someone else would like a more deadly, difficult experience:

The Cowards Die In Shame Mod is a small tweak to a number of rules and variables. My goal was to tilt the play of the game towards roguelikes and the addictive Last Stand Mode of Dawn of War 2, both really difficult experiences. I only play this on hardcore and I recommend you do so too.

In Cowards Die In Shame, I wanted each single fight to feel deadly. Instead of having 20 fights you knew you would definitely win in a row, you need to think about survival every time you go into combat.

The result is that combat (and traps) is really dangerous and you will be struggling to get by even during the first levels of each dungeon. This forces you to play more as a team in multiplayer - going alone is really hazardous once you meet the trickier monsters. Elites and Champions are usually a real challenge.
On top of making monsters more dangerous, I also removed a lot of the combat regeneration and reduced the frequency of items appearing. Getting in and out of combat is more important.

Finally, food and water regenerates you at a much lower pace.

The experience, is in my mind, more meaningful decisions during play, since you definitely need to consider each fight you are going into.
I've noticed that whenever the monsters send a high-leveled champion to town, you are usually just better off abandoning the town, since you won't stand a chance. (I haven't reached really high levels yet and seen how this pans out.)

Changes in short:
  • Food and Drink regenerate slower
  • Monsters are deadlier and can take more punishment
  • Players regenerate next to nothing during combat
  • Players regenerate slow outside combat
  • A lot less loot

It would be fun if someone else found these changes to make this already great game even more enjoyable!

Last edited by jakobrogert : 08-09-2010 at 02:52 PM.
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Old 08-09-2010, 10:48 AM
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Sounds like a cool mod.
Steven Peeler
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Old 08-24-2010, 06:20 AM
aurora123 aurora123 is offline
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You should rename the mod to "Masochist's die hard". Maybe a cool mod, but definitely not for me.
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Old 08-24-2010, 03:44 PM
jakobrogert jakobrogert is offline
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Nah, I do realize it's not for everyone as it treads quite a bit from the traditional hack and slash formula.
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Old 09-16-2017, 10:08 PM
Pritchard Pritchard is offline
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Originally Posted by jakobrogert View Post
Hi there,

Since I got so great help making these mods, I thought I'd share them if someone else would like a more deadly, difficult experience:

The Cowards Die In Shame Mod is a small tweak to a number of rules and variables. My goal was to tilt the play of the game towards roguelikes and the addictive Last Stand Mode of Dawn of War 2, both really difficult experiences. I only play this on hardcore and I recommend you do so too.

In Cowards Die In Shame, I wanted each single fight to feel deadly. Instead of having 20 fights you knew you would definitely win in a row, you need to think about survival every time you go into combat.

The result is that combat (and traps) is really dangerous and you will be struggling to get by even during the first levels of each dungeon. This forces you to play more as a team in multiplayer - going alone is really hazardous once you meet the trickier monsters. Elites and Champions are usually a real challenge.
On top of making monsters more dangerous, I also removed a lot of the combat regeneration and reduced the frequency of items appearing. Getting in and out of combat is more important.

Finally, food and water regenerates you at a much lower pace.

The experience, is in my mind, more meaningful decisions during play, since you definitely need to consider each fight you are going into.
I've noticed that whenever the monsters send a high-leveled champion to town, you are usually just better off abandoning the town, since you won't stand a chance. (I haven't reached really high levels yet and seen how this pans out.)

Changes in short:
  • Food and Drink regenerate slower
  • Monsters are deadlier and can take more punishment
  • Players regenerate next to nothing during combat
  • Players regenerate slow outside combat
  • A lot less loot

It would be fun if someone else found these changes to make this already great game even more enjoyable!
I don't suppose anyone has a copy of the mod .zip on their harddrive? Link is dead
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