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Old 11-18-2012, 02:35 AM
(name here) (name here) is offline
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Default My thoughts

Gotten a couple of ships through a few sectors.

So far, it seems like the starting ship should maybe have one more heavy slot, or the command cost to get the fourth slot should be lower. It's essentially mandatory to have an engine and a generator in the heavy slots, which means only one weapon slot that's really usable in the early game.

Fighter bays really need to drop more often, maybe displace the endless pile of functionally identical lasers.

It feels like I can't do enough to influence relations between races. This is particularly annoying on my attempts at a legend victory.

The green plus symbol seems to appear virtually at random sometimes, though it is pretty good about identifying superior things.

Could the various "Obtain X for planet Y" quests mark the planet you need to take it to once you get the item?
Player: alright, everyone, we're off to kill Draaien, the orc lord
Recruits: yes sir
Other covenant: (player covenant) is weak. ATTACK!
more covenants: we smell blood in the water, ATTACK!
game: the guilded coin are raiding (player covenant) the shining blades are raiding (player covenant) the black raiders are raiding (player covenant) (player covenant)'s life stone is threatened (at 75%)
Player: *&%#
Draaien: hey, where did they all go?
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Old 11-18-2012, 06:32 AM
Sedlex Sedlex is offline
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A couple of comments on your comments that may serve to clarify/help a little:

- There are weapons available for mid slots at a very early phase, including EMP blasts and mines. Having only one available heavy for weaponry is less of a handicap than you may think. If you enjoy having more than one heavy slot weapon, you might want to try flying a race such as Drakk, Brunt or Fringe. My current favourite ship is a Hive model with 0 points invested in command. I'm currently level 65, and I have three weapons equipped (granted, it was a personal challenge and hardly mainstream, but it's still viable).

- The green plus symbol is based solely off price. It's only really good for comparing items in the same rarity range, as higher rarity will skew the values substantially. In other words: it's mostly bull once you've gone past the first two hours of play.

- I soooo agree with your "obtain x for y" comment, and it was one of my first gripes too. Still hoping to see that fixed as it's currently the wrong way around.
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Old 11-18-2012, 09:36 AM
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Originally Posted by (name here) View Post
The green plus symbol seems to appear virtually at random sometimes, though it is pretty good about identifying superior things.
I agree and still would like to see these + signs appear based on the components main stat (such as DPS for weapons, thrust for drives, max power load for power components, etc.). Or maybe at least make a toggle in Game Options to allow the player to select this as an option. The game is getting pretty close to release though.

Originally Posted by (name here) View Post
Could the various "Obtain X for planet Y" quests mark the planet you need to take it to once you get the item?
I thought this was already there. Once you obtain the quest item and hover the mouse over that item in your cargo bay, doesn't it tell you at the bottom of the highlight text the planet and system that needs that item? Maybe I misunderstand the point trying to be made here?
Stephen A. Hornback
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Old 11-18-2012, 12:27 PM
(name here) (name here) is offline
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EMP and mines are nice and all, but they're not really primary weapons. I want to be able to have multiple primaries, because they're viable in different situations. I do like the Drakk fighter bays.
I thought this was already there. Once you obtain the quest item and hover the mouse over that item in your cargo bay, doesn't it tell you at the bottom of the highlight text the planet and system that needs that item? Maybe I misunderstand the point trying to be made here?
I mean like how you get the green asterisk and mouseover text on the system name.
Player: alright, everyone, we're off to kill Draaien, the orc lord
Recruits: yes sir
Other covenant: (player covenant) is weak. ATTACK!
more covenants: we smell blood in the water, ATTACK!
game: the guilded coin are raiding (player covenant) the shining blades are raiding (player covenant) the black raiders are raiding (player covenant) (player covenant)'s life stone is threatened (at 75%)
Player: *&%#
Draaien: hey, where did they all go?
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Old 11-19-2012, 12:49 PM
Roswitha Roswitha is offline
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Originally Posted by PixelLord View Post
I thought this was already there. Once you obtain the quest item and hover the mouse over that item in your cargo bay, doesn't it tell you at the bottom of the highlight text the planet and system that needs that item? Maybe I misunderstand the point trying to be made here?
Currently, when we hover over a map or wormhole and it says "Rebellion on Qui," it actually means:
This is the location of one of the planets that has the item that is the solution to the Rebellion on Qui. At least it was when the quest was issued; it might have been destroyed since then.

We would like it mean:
This is the location of planet Qui.
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Old 11-19-2012, 12:59 PM
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The green + shows up if the price is higher or the main stat is higher.
Steven Peeler
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