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Old 06-05-2010, 06:38 PM
calienon calienon is offline
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Default picking 3 masteries for hybrids...

I have this working now, (not exactly pretty, but it works lol).... here's a linkto it if anyone's interested. original message preserved below : ) oh and I should mention that I have included my tiny little mod for making deleting characters a much faster process.... don't click delete unless you really want them gone! : ) if you don't want that potential for disaster, just delete "Din's Curse\Assets\\UI\loadCharacte r.mnu" from the archive : )

Hi everyone : )

New here and to Din's curse about 4 days ago, and 2 days in I decided I wanted to be a hybrid instead of wizard only....

I quickly disliked it though as I couldn't stand the thought of only having 2 of 3 classes "specialization" skills the top though, so started trying to mod it to allow 3...

I quickly found the spot in "assets/databases/classes" for the hybrid that says "PlayerChosenSkillTrees" and changed it from 2 to 3... this seems to only make the game require 3 skills to proceed with character generation though...

I next went to "assets/ui/newcharacter.mnu" moved "select hybrid" "specialty1:" "choose" "specialty 2:" and "choose" up right under hybrid instead of spaced to the bottom and then created a "specialty 3:" section with a "choose" button right below using the "specialty 1 and 2" information in the file as a reference : )

however even though I changed all the "2"s to "3"s, a few things still didn't work:

1.) the third skill screen for the hybrid in game was still blank!
2.) when creating the hybrid, instead of saying "Specialty 2:" the label says "HybridTree3:"

so I'm assuming that somewhere there's a spot that tells the game that "HybridTree2 and 1" should be shown as "specialty2 and 1", and that doesn't exist for "HybridTree3"? if so, is that in a file somewhere I can edit?

I AM able to play a hybrid with 2 picked classes and 1 third static one if I change out the third "SkillTreeBlank" in the Hybrid section of the classes file to a real skill tree.... the game then ignores my choice for the third skill tree and gives me that one every time (plus the 2 I pick)

This is ok playing solo, but when I have friends over, and we all want to create a 3 class hybrid, won't the server's setting for 3rd skilltree override their local file?

So if anyone knows of anything I can do to make the third selection actually matter let me know please : )

Thank you all for your time reading this, I realize it was a bit lengthy! : )


Last edited by calienon : 06-19-2010 at 01:30 AM.
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Old 06-05-2010, 07:00 PM
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Hi, welcome to the forums. I know that hybrids are tough to choose for someone new at the game. But if you have 3 class hybrids, it just wont be fair. I'd like to help you do it, but I dont know any of that stuff.

If however, you would like to do a normal hybrid, I, and most people here can suggest a few ideas for classes. What kind of a class do you want to play- fighter type, Fighter/caster, rogue, Rogue/fighter, priest, archer? Most people here can give you an idea on what will work and what wont. Just feel free to ask.
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Old 06-05-2010, 07:34 PM
calienon calienon is offline
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it wasn't hard actually (made it to level 15 just as quick and easy as I did with my straight up wizard).... it's the KNOWING that I'm missing out on 1/3rd of my stat effectiveness...

Also, I reeeeaallly like the thought of a Rogue-Thief/Wizard-Ice Mage/Conjurer-Necromancer class lol : )

I also want a Wizard-Magician/Wizard-Ice Mage/Conjurer-Sorceror hybrid....

as far as I'm concerned, taking a class that has different stat bonuses than the other skill trees is already enough of a sacrifice as your "gain/stat point" goes down considerably....having a rogue/wizard 2 class hybrid would make it so that points in INT are about 1/3 as meaningful as a pure wizard, my way at least lets me choose one stat or the other and make it 2/3 effectiveness (except in my 2nd hybrid choice which has many of the same perks being an INT based caster tree like the wizards...)
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Old 06-06-2010, 01:07 PM
timeh timeh is offline
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...that's the tradeoff

good luck with your mod tho
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Old 06-07-2010, 10:11 AM
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I think having the hardcoded 3rd tree is the best you are going to be able to do because their isn't a stat field to save a 3rd skill tree in your character.
Steven Peeler
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Old 06-07-2010, 10:48 PM
calienon calienon is offline
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ok, kind of figured it would turn out that way....

you kind of teased me with the file though by having 3 "skilltreeblank" lines and the "playerchosenskills 2" line lol : )

Thanks for the confirmation so I can give up on that for now : ) Now I'm playing around with trying to add +skills and +magic (spell) damage for gear lol.
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Old 10-13-2010, 09:14 PM
ThrinticusZG ThrinticusZG is offline
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Anyone else that uses this mod having difficulty with 1.007 and lockpicking? My thief hybrid doesn't seem to unlock things, even when there's a 100% chance of success.

edit: nvm - in my moronicity, I forgot it wasn't a passive skill.

Last edited by ThrinticusZG : 10-18-2010 at 01:39 PM.
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Old 12-14-2010, 07:34 AM
Laborer Laborer is offline
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hi can somebody mediafire or megaupload it? Rapidshare kinda hates me. and when i say kinda hates me what i really means is super f***ing hates me. Am i allowed to use vulgarities here like that? I dont know. Oh well
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Old 05-05-2014, 05:43 PM
Tonlee Tonlee is offline
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Any chance of reposting the vanilla game 3 masteries hybrid mod Calienon or does anyone have a working link?
Thanks in advance.
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Old 04-18-2018, 08:09 PM
NewYorkerguy88 NewYorkerguy88 is offline
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Any chance for a re up of this mod?
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