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Old 01-28-2020, 04:39 PM
fulano5321 fulano5321 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 32
Default Can you "remove" parameters?

I'm wanting to change several stats in Din's Curse to passives, like the Paladin's Regeneration skill.
I see passive skills work rather differently than spells and active skills.
So far, I've just used the override command to add "Passive 1" and "Spell 0" to the entry. This creates some interesting bugs though, especially if I try to use two of the skills in a hybrid. They still act like spells, and don't stack (which I want, but don't want them to act like spells).

So my guess is I'll have to just create my own skills.gdb file and replace the skills that were in the vanilla game to do this in a non-janky way?
Is there any issue with breaking saves if I do this? Like what would happen if I removed the mod?
Also, if I do this, will this mean the skill will stack in a hybrid character?

What if I did something like change the skill length to -1 so it goes forever? Would that be a simpler fix?

Also, the game expects certain data to be in specific files, right? like I can't put skill data in a random .gdb file, because the game won't see it as skills? Or do all the entries get read pretty much the same no matter where they are in the data folders?

Last edited by fulano5321 : 01-29-2020 at 12:04 AM. Reason: Completely changed the post.
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