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Old 06-15-2018, 09:36 AM
Exovi Exovi is offline
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Posts: 13

Thanks for the in depth breakdown! I didn't at all realize how the multipliers would affect them; haven't messed with many mage classes. I like the idea of separate scaling - would it be possible for the Might passives to apply different multipliers for different spells? I do like you system as you have it, especially with the mana cost trade-off, but only now realize the balancing problems.

Minor nitpick on mana cost - Frostbite has base 10 power cost *(equivalent to Ice Storm) AND per level mana cost scaling, AND is affected by Frozen Might. You might consider dropping it from the Frozen Might skill - it becomes insanely expensive for a single target debuff! Ice Prison has the same problem.

As far as biting off more than you can chew, yeah, maybe, but most of your changes are really solid! Shadow is probably really busy with the new game, but he might shed light on creating a new stat for AoE damage

EDIT: After playing to 25 and reaching higher levels of Int/Spirit/Mana Regen, that mana costs are entirely negligible even with Frozen Might, Mana Shield, and several draining auras - I should probably play a mage more before I give any feedback.

Last edited by Exovi : 06-16-2018 at 01:51 AM.
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Old 06-16-2018, 02:36 AM
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Destro* Destro* is offline
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Nah it's fine.

Mana costs are weird because I want 'mana shield' builds to be balanced. So, I have to balance around having player cast speed, the potential for mana shield and the spell casting rotation one may use's mana cost. Overall, mana costs are not meant too be too difficult to manage. But, I do want getting some source of mana regen to be necessary for mages.

edit: Got some more ideas for balancing spells I'm going to implement. Will need more time. Sooooo, yeap. Should be some good changes coming up soonish (tm).

Last edited by Destro* : 06-24-2018 at 09:50 PM.
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Old 06-25-2018, 04:14 AM
Exovi Exovi is offline
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Default Venom Might

Venom Might doesn't seem to be working at all, damage on Nature's Might, Blight, and Wampir Blood are unaffected even when setting PassiveDynamicStatMultSpellDamage and PassiveDynamicStatMultPoisonDamage to 100.0 per level

Even when fixing the RequiredSkill values, no change at all. Not sure what the issue is, I will have to check the vanilla versions later.

	Base BaseSkillPassive
	BaseName	"Venom Might"
	Desc	"Become more skill with poison and at spellcasting, massively strengthening your spell and poison damages. (Grants global spell damage and poison damage while increasing the mana cost of all poison-based spells and skills.)"
	TextureName	Textures/Icons/Items/wands_archmage.tga
	PassiveDynamicStatMultSpellDamage	1.0
	PassiveDynamicStatMultPoisonDamage	0.07
	DynamicStatMultPowerNeeded	+1.0
	Skill			SkillWampirBlood
	Skill			SkillAuraOfPoison
	Skill			SkillPoisonArrow
	Skill			SkillNaturesRevenge
	Skill			PlayerShadowBoltSkillName
	Skill			PlayerDeathRuneSkillName
	RequiredSkill-One	PlayerArcaneBlastSkillName
	RequiredSkill-One	PlayerHolybolt
	RequiredSkill-One	PlayerArcaneSwarmSkillName
	RequiredSkill-One	PlayerBoltOfGloomSkillName
	RequiredSkill-One	PlayerDeathRuneSkillName
	PerLevel	SkillArcaneMightPerLevel
	BaseCost	1
	Base BaseSkillPerLevel
	PassiveDynamicStatMultSpellDamage	100.0
	PassiveDynamicStatMultPoisonDamage	100.07
	DynamicStatMultPowerNeeded	+1.0

	Base BaseSkillPassive
	BaseName	"Venom Might"
	Desc	"Become more skill with poison and at spellcasting, massively strengthening your spell and poison damages. (Grants global spell damage and poison damage while increasing the mana cost of all poison-based spells and skills.)"
	TextureName	Textures/Icons/Items/wands_archmage.tga

	PassiveDynamicStatMultSpellDamage	100.0
	PassiveDynamicStatMultPoisonDamage	100.07
	DynamicStatMultPowerNeeded	+1.0
	Skill			SkillWampirBlood
	Skill			SkillAuraOfPoison
	Skill			SkillPoisonArrow
	Skill			SkillNaturesRevenge
	Skill			SkillBlight
	Skill			SkillFoulStrike
	RequiredSkill-One	SkillWampirBlood
	RequiredSkill-One	SkillAuraOfPoison
	RequiredSkill-One	SkillPoisonArrow
	RequiredSkill-One	SkillNaturesRevenge
	RequiredSkill-One	SkillBlight
	RequiredSkill-One	SkillFoulStrike
	PerLevel	SkillVenomMightPerLevel
	BaseCost	1

Last edited by Exovi : 06-25-2018 at 04:18 AM.
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Old 06-26-2018, 07:23 PM
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Destro* Destro* is offline
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Thumbs up Fixessssss

Alright, I've managed to implement everything that you have pointed out so far Exovi except for Venom Might not working. Thanks for your contributions. I can tell you seriously scanned these files! :O

For Venom Might, it seems that the skill or required-skill sections are stopping the passive damage bonuses from working, because as soon as I remove them, the damage scaling works immediately.

This is a interesting problem I'll have to investigate very in depth on the weekend because the skill/required-skill fields are used to scale mana cost (at least I think). So, I'm not sure what I can remove safely versus not. And, in fact, I may need to use a different system for poison that I am now remembering (which is why I didn't implement Venom Might with the other mights I'm realizing).. but that'll be a ways off in any case if I decide to do that system....

In the worst case, I can just implement venom might as a permanent status effect buff. But, I will try to avoid that and use the most simple, intuitive and cohesive solution once I figure it out.

Also, for spells, my most recent solution flopped, so I still think the current 'might' system is about as good of a system as I can get. I really can't do much more than that. :*( In any case, I'm compensating Mage's with double base spell damage in the next patch. Yay!

So, the current plan is to fix this venom might scaling in depth and then I'll shoot out the next patch (probably Friday night). Also, I'm really confused why so many spells are not included in my skills file. I know I siphoned a bunch out to put into my separate files, but I'm surprised by how many wound up missing. I think I might have copy-pasted skills into a file that was overwritten at some point, which would explain why random skills are gone (like poison arrow isn't in any file atm, which is fine because it's a status effect, so maybe it was intentional... but still).
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Old 06-27-2018, 04:38 AM
Exovi Exovi is offline
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Looking forward to the patch! It's a shame not many know about Zombasite, it's a solid game and I quite enjoy how easily moddable it is.

Do you think it would be possible to give Might-affected spells separate scaling? Spell A scales by 120% per level, while spell B scales at 75%?

My changes to the Wear-All skill on recruits is a little odd. Generating a new character gives most of the recruits the Wear-All skill and ~6 other skills, but as soon as the world is reloaded they're saddled back up with the Basic skills. They do retain those other skills, though.

Either way, the UI supports more than 8 skills - while you can't see them while directly selecting the character, they're visible when hovering over their name in the clan menu.

Last edited by Exovi : 06-27-2018 at 04:41 AM.
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Old 07-04-2018, 08:30 PM
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Destro* Destro* is offline
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Happy 4th of July! Woo! Patch is uploaded.


* Doubled base spell damage of all spells!
* Removed mana cost from Venom Might so that it actually works. Also, mana cost increase on poison skills is kind of meh, because they aren't spammed really. So, not a big deal.
* Fixed everything that Exovi pointed out on forum thread.


So, this is going to sound really anti-climatic... but.... this is the final or 2nd to final (at most) patch for this mod.

I say it seems anti-climatic, because well, this patch is only three lines long. And, considering how many behind the scenes hours were invested trying things out between 2.0.4 and 2.0.5... I really wish I could have produced 'more'. But, well, most of the things I tried didn't work out as I had hoped or didn't work at all.

Soooo, yeah. Overall I'm very satisfied with what I managed to accomplish with this mod. I mean, I feel like I furnished a kind of old-fashioned house into a super modern villa. My four goals on the front page have been achieved (more stuff, real difficulty, balance, reduce cheese). And, Zombasite feels like a completely different game with it added.

Anybody else is welcome to continue to work on it if they want, as I'm going to start working on other projects. I'd pretty much only do a 2.0.6 if there is some game/mod-breaking issue that really needs addressed.

As a final note, funnily enough, I've yet to beat this mod on hardcore yet! But, I will one day! (Monsters get SCARY!)

Best of Luck! And, see you all around on the forums! Enjoy!
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Old 07-16-2018, 09:31 PM
scrangos scrangos is offline
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Does this mod remove the attack scaling for crit? it seems to stay at 0 all the time.

Edit: By the time this got approved i went through the files, it does seem it does but makes the other crit benefit (or just item ones?) 6.66x

Seems the deathknight poison aura doesnt scale with... even the venom might? or anything else. Add blight to that, the +poison from venom might works but i have no idea how to scale it otherwise. By lv8 its feeling pretty bad.

On a side note..was it on purpose the rogue's critical strike has a 1 second cooldown but a .66 second cast time?

Last edited by scrangos : 07-18-2018 at 04:07 PM.
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Old 07-21-2018, 01:13 PM
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Destro* Destro* is offline
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Hello @scrangos,

I'm going to respond to your post with some comments in the hope that it helps you look into the issues to fix yourself or others if you'd like. My disclaimer is that I'm not supporting the mod anymore and won't be releasing any patches for any reason as I'm working on higher priority projects (gotta make that $).


I only tested Venom Might with Poison Arrow when Exovi made his reports and it worked, so I kind of assumed it would work with everything else (because why wouldn't it?). I've no idea why it's not working with DK poison aura or blight.

For rouge's critical strike, it wasn't on purpose. One of the sweeping changes I made to rouge was reducing the cast times on skills to .66, so I just made that change without reducing the cooldown. I would not be surprised if there are other oddities in rouge as I don't play it very often (I think I mentioned in some old post here I don't really like rouge). Oops.

Both interesting finds.
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Old 07-25-2018, 01:30 PM
milithien milithien is offline
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I very like this mod, but I have a question: did anyone play this longer?
When i play some hours
I am start randomly kicked out of the game.
When start crashing, have more frequent crash. sometimes half an hour, sometimes 5 minutes.
even if I stay on the menu and do nothing (clans and monsters are fighting in the background)
Oddly enough, it also crash me out during the pause.

the console shows some critical errors in this mod.
"Unknown CharacterStat name Disabled"
"Unknown DamageType name"
"Unknown StatusEffectType name"
"Unknown StatusEffectType ArmorAuraFriendly"
"Unknown StatusEffect name"
"Unknown SimpleEvent name"

I search this lines using notepad++ but everything is only in
zombasite.exe except "ArmorAuraFriendly" This one line is in Mod files and delete it "fix" error in debug console.

Do you have the same problem?
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Old 09-23-2019, 04:09 PM
ulk_underscore ulk_underscore is offline
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Originally Posted by Destro* View Post
I only tested Venom Might with Poison Arrow when Exovi made his reports and it worked, so I kind of assumed it would work with everything else (because why wouldn't it?). I've no idea why it's not working with DK poison aura or blight.
I tried to fix Venom Might and it's complicated. I could not reproduce issues with Mana Cost increase causing modifiers not to work. However, it turns out Spell Damage doesn't increase a spell's Damage over Time when dealt with a status effect.
I'll make another post to discuss the underlying mechanics because the first draft of this post got way out of hand.
Anyway, here is the best fix I could come up with.

Install by putting it in the assets folder together with assets005 from the download in the first post. The fix has to be alphabetically after the Zombasite More Mod (I think, not a problem anyway if nothing was renamed).


-fixed Venom Might by adding Skill Damage and EnhanceStatusEffect to all Poison Spells that were included in 2.0.4 (includes Poison Arrow but not the passives from melee).
-readded Mana Cost increase to Venom Might
-Other Damage over Time spells do not scale with their Mights (this is not new, it just hasn't been reported before)

Also note that Paladin Auras are broken (at least the armor and healing one, haven't tested the others) and the Bard class wasn't rebalanced (I think), so avoid these if you are trying to play the mod as it was designed. Sometimes the game crashes with the mod like the post before this mentioned, but it's not game breaking.


@Destro: 1. There is no stat inflation in your Mights like there is in vanilla Masteries. Am I right to assume this is intentional to make the game harder and harder in higher levels?
2. Do you mind if I copy&paste some of this mod into my own projects that I may or may not release at some point? With credit of course.
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