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Old 01-07-2009, 10:15 PM
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Exclamation Crash in Mac Demo - 2nd adventure

Was trying out the Mac demo before buying, and the game crashed when I entered the second adventure. At one sitting, I had played the tutorial, the 1st adventure, added a skill point, and had just started the second adventure.

My demo character had set of a couple of traps and destroyed a barrel (and maybe a candle (can't remember) when the game slowed/froze for a second, then crashed to the desktop. Attached is the crash log report.

When I restarted the game, I was able to start the 2nd adventure again, without losing the skill point I had already allocated or the credit for the first adventure.

Power Mac G4 1.25 GHz dual processor
OS X 10.3.9
NVidia GeForce 4 Ti 4600 128 MB graphics card
Quicktime 7.4.5 (PPC version)
3x 160 GB ATA hard drives
NEC 22" CRT Multisync monitor

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Old 01-08-2009, 03:33 PM
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Hmm, it looks like it crashed somewhere in the apple sound driver (or whatever it's called in the apple world . I'm not sure what the likelihood of me tracking this down is. It might just happen on the older G4s. If this happens more, please tell me.
Steven Peeler
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Old 01-08-2009, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
Hmm, it looks like it crashed somewhere in the apple sound driver (or whatever it's called in the apple world . I'm not sure what the likelihood of me tracking this down is. It might just happen on the older G4s. If this happens more, please tell me.
Hmm, I was thinking it might be a memory leak or something, since it occurred after playing a while, but didn't occur again after I restarted.

Apple has sound built in to their system software and hardware...

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Old 01-12-2009, 07:34 AM
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Default No more crashes so far...

I started a new player ID and played through all 6 levels of the demo without saving/quitting the game, and this time the game did not crash, but the music did stop suddenly at times. The other sounds kept playing normally, but the music would just stop in the middle of a battle. Later the music would play again, only to cut out at seemingly random times again.

Perhaps the problem is with the music files or the code that signals them to play or stop?

Anyway, I am seriously considering buying this game, but am worried about the crash. Is there going to be an updated version soon? If I buy the current Mac version, can I easily update it if a new version comes out?

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Old 01-12-2009, 01:42 PM
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The music is supposed to ramp up during battles and then eventually fade back out. It's not supposed to suddenly stop though. Is it really just cutting out on you or does it fade out and you don't notice until it's gone?

I'm not sure when the next patch will come out, but if you buy from us it is pretty easy to update to the latest version (just have to download and run the latest patch).
Steven Peeler
Depths of Peril, Kivi's Underworld, Din's Curse, Drox Operative, Zombasite, Din's Legacy, Drox Operative 2, & Din's Champion
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Old 01-12-2009, 09:44 PM
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It seems to me that the music just suddenly cuts out. It's not a serious problem, though, unless it is the cause of the crash that you said occurred becuase of a sound driver problem...

Good to know about the patches.


EDIT: Okay, I just bought the Mac version.
Jude's Wondrous Universe

Last edited by Jude : 01-14-2009 at 05:30 AM.
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