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Old 11-24-2012, 03:43 PM
random_rolle random_rolle is offline
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Default Time for some suggestions.

Been playing the beta for a while now, and time to lay down my thoughts on balance and general.

First of all, game is awesome. Its superb, all my suggestsions are really minor adjustments.

1. Missiles, now that anti-missile weapons are automatic, missile weapon projectile speed needs to increase. ALOT. Both player and npc launched missiles are to slow, way too many enemies that actually outrun missiles. Imo that should not be really viable unless its a superspeedy boss. Anti-missile weapons should be the defense of choice. Not just speed.

2. Class/Race balance. Some of the racespecific slots are very underpowered compared to others. Usually because of "crappy" slot progression. Example, the shield active boost in cortex ships, it starts out great but even if you have a high end one after level 30 or so, your shields quickly outgrow it, making it restore something around 20% of max shield once a minute. Compared to extra reactor slot or some sort of weapon its very underpowered.

3. Quest and races. My opinion is that any quest that involves killing monsters/bosses in a system should ALWAYS give a positive result for ALL races living in that system, even if the questgiver and secondary race are enemies. Reasoning: Anyone with colonies in a systems should be happy with a threat removed.

4. Win conditions, i don't know if i am playing this game wrong, but to me diplomatic and fear are SO much easier win conditions than legend/economic. Maybe adjust numbers slightly?

5. Specific Modules:
EMP, was overpowered, recent nerf was too much, maybe adjust the damage drop off to somthing around 35-50% at max range, 10% makes it too limited.
Freeze Ray, Increase the movement debuff slightly, as it stands now, you are better off just using pure damage in most cases.
Missiles: See above.

Resistance Modules: Generally speaking, i suggest an increase in resistances, both for single resist modules and all resist modules. As it is now, its always better going for defense than resist in the terms of defense power gained.

Edit: Some numbers on defense layers effectiveness/weakness to different damage types would be appriciated too.

Edit2: Something vs mines would be nice, either being able to detonate them by quick runby without damage, or with aoe damage or something. Even anti-mine module would be somewhat useful

Last edited by random_rolle : 11-24-2012 at 03:46 PM.
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Old 11-24-2012, 08:18 PM
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I agree with all of these, except with the win conditions. The Legend & Economic win conditions were recently made more difficult to achieve. Although, it can really vary on what the game deals you for quests. I had a lvl 40 ship and got a Legendary quickly (like 10 mins on a lvl 42 sector) because of the number of bosses and veterans I tackled. Economic is still more difficult to achieve IMHO, but then again it's more fun blowing the crap out of everything as opposed to hocking info, so I generally don't try for an Economic win anyway.

As for what's resistant/vulnerable to what, floating over the Structure, Shields, Armor in the character menu will tell you what's resistant to what.

Last edited by Zillion : 11-24-2012 at 08:23 PM.
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Old 11-24-2012, 08:59 PM
random_rolle random_rolle is offline
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Originally Posted by Zillion View Post
I agree with all of these, except with the win conditions. The Legend & Economic win conditions were recently made more difficult to achieve. Although, it can really vary on what the game deals you for quests. I had a lvl 40 ship and got a Legendary quickly (like 10 mins on a lvl 42 sector) because of the number of bosses and veterans I tackled. Economic is still more difficult to achieve IMHO, but then again it's more fun blowing the crap out of everything as opposed to hocking info, so I generally don't try for an Economic win anyway.

As for what's resistant/vulnerable to what, floating over the Structure, Shields, Armor in the character menu will tell you what's resistant to what.
I know what is resistant / weak to what, i would like to know how much though. As in how much weaker IS shield to kinetic. Would make choices over kinetic resist / all resist module more informed.

Also, the suicide bombers on expert or higher diff really needs to be toned down abit. You cant outrun them even at top speed, and they basically oneshot me through 1k shield at level 30
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Old 11-25-2012, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by random_rolle View Post
Also, the suicide bombers on expert or higher diff really needs to be toned down abit. You cant outrun them even at top speed, and they basically oneshot me through 1k shield at level 30
I also think they're a little too strong now since previous builds. I have to really try super hard to keep my distance from those guys while attacking (even with low level characters), but half the time they obliterate my shields/armor when the explode. I mean, there are tricks to keep your distance, but it's pretty difficult especially when there's a hoard of ships. Either the radius is too large, or the explosions are just too damaging.

Either way, I agree. Tone them down a little.
Stephen A. Hornback
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Old 11-25-2012, 10:48 AM
random_rolle random_rolle is offline
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The tricks involving speed lowering weapons? or using gravity wells? sometimes those are not options. Especially when suicide bombers come in hordes of 10+ at times. And a single one can oneshot you.
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Old 11-29-2012, 03:37 PM
random_rolle random_rolle is offline
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Just adding another idea: How about SOME Info for fighters/bombers/raiders etc.
Knowing their stats would be useful, also some details if these fighters benefit from any of your stats or not.

I wouldnt mind if weapon damage on tooltip on weapon would show another number on the one that is equip, maybe in paranthesis after the base damage, and that is your current damage with bonuses etc

Anti-missile defense is now automatic, so should not be on the hotkey bar especially since you cannot remove weapon icons from there, meaning it takes up valuable space.

Would also appriciate to be able to MOVE the hotkey icon for a module from the hotkey bar to the rightclick choices, as it is now, it stays in both places, taking up room in main hotkey bar.
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Old 11-29-2012, 04:12 PM
Roswitha Roswitha is offline
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Originally Posted by random_rolle View Post
Would also appriciate to be able to MOVE the hotkey icon for a module from the hotkey bar to the rightclick choices, as it is now, it stays in both places, taking up room in main hotkey bar.
Hover over the hotkey spot and push DELETE.
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Old 11-29-2012, 05:07 PM
random_rolle random_rolle is offline
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Originally Posted by Roswitha View Post
Hover over the hotkey spot and push DELETE.
Doesnt actually work to remove fully, just from that spot, it just moves the icon to the first available spot. Can only remove from right click menu fully but not from hotkeys. (you CAN remove consumables, but not weapons from hotkeys)
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Old 11-29-2012, 05:38 PM
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Originally Posted by random_rolle View Post
The tricks involving speed lowering weapons? or using gravity wells? sometimes those are not options. Especially when suicide bombers come in hordes of 10+ at times. And a single one can oneshot you.
Tornados have been toned down a bit in the latest patches, but a repulsor beam is one way to keep them at a distance.
Steven Peeler
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Old 11-29-2012, 05:55 PM
random_rolle random_rolle is offline
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They are much more manageable since tonedown, repulsor beam is only an option vs a single one though.

However, getting drops from them is really HARD, since if they manage to suicide you dont get any drops it seems.

But the actualy damage is more realistic now, even though it still sucks that they are ALWAYS faster than you are.

Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
Tornados have been toned down a bit in the latest patches, but a repulsor beam is one way to keep them at a distance.
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