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Old 12-04-2022, 07:29 AM
Draconus1993 Draconus1993 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 5
Default Few suggestions about future games

So I got more than 100h in a week and started modding the game by myself, so I think I got the essential of the thing and I should be able to contribute with some feedback.

First thing first, I loved the game. Obviously it's useless to suggest improvements on aspects I already like, so I'll focus on what I think is susceptible to improvement.

1) graphics. I searched in the Soldak's interview and I was able to understand that the Dev consider better graphics a gamble that could possibly bankrupt the company. He is probably right, still the graphics sucks and I was unable to get my gaming group on the game just because of that, even when I offered to gift the game to all of them (3 people). Now just to be clear graphics doesn't need to be photorealistic, but a lot of little indie ARPG games like sands of salzaar or champion of alaloth manage to get a simple yet nice graphics. The big problem here is that the graphics are messy and from the early 2000. I would suggest less clutter first and foremost, even if that results in less graphic feedback when changing equipment (es. Fixed character model).

2) lack of persistence. For a game that is that big on a living evolving world there's a severe lack of persistence between games, which usually lasts 2-4 hours. You can't get emotionally involved with different clans etc because you are always switching map and resetting everything. I now this isn't the case for every soldak game, but I would suggest for future zombasite-like installments some easy yet effective role playing corrections. First thing first, since you are always switching map you shouldn't have a city, but a camp. You role play as a wandering clan/mercenary group/whatever. there should also be an option to carry over some consildated allies/enemies between games. That would help so solve the alienated "black state" issue at the start of every game. A little bit of extra lore, even fan-made (like the early elder Scrolls) would also help to get emotionally invested.

3) it would be nice to have some degree of control over the camp layout. The next game is going to be a 2d side view, which is something that I absolutely dislike, bit at least it will introduce some control over terrains and construction. I hope this will be introduced as a future feature in the fantasy classic Soldak's ARPGs.

4) some text from the NPCs. I looked in the modding files and while I understand that those are there to help the modding and they are not the actual code, it's extremely clear that most of the Soldak's games are iterative and derivative. So it wouldn't hurt to add some basic text for the various personalities/archetypes, similar to what did Kenshi. I am not speaking about complex dialog trees, just some little flavour text to help flesh out NPC's and get invested.

That's all for now, I will add to the topic if I come up with more suggestions. Congrats for the fantastic game and good luck!
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