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Old 11-20-2020, 06:50 PM
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Default Spying! Drox Operative 2 patch 0.826

Patch 0.826 of Drox Operative 2 is now available. Changes can be read here.

Spying! This patch adds spying to give the player more ways to cause havoc and allow another way (other than treaties) to get information on what the races are up to.
Steven Peeler
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Old 11-22-2020, 11:59 AM
Bluddy Bluddy is offline
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Very cool!

Suggestion for the current implementation (if I understand it correctly):

Rumor is the one thing that applies to the entire race regardless of how big they are (I guess espionage too, but it's more minor in the game). As such, it would be good if there was some reason to plant more than one spy on a huge race -- it should take more than one planet spied on to sway a multi-planet race. I don't know that there's any mechanic for that right now. Using a spy rumor on one planet should therefore have a very small effect on a huge race.

Alternatively, the spy points should recharge relative to how many spy planets divided by total race planets you have on a race. This may be a better choice, so the player doesn't get frustrated by having actions with no visible effects. This will also fix any issue with espionage (stealing technologies).

It's also important to keep in mind the balance between spy networks and paying for the actions directly without spies. If you're going to keep the latter around, you may want to raise their cost even more or reduce their chances further: they're a last-ditch effort when you can't afford to do things the 'proper' way with spies, and as such, they're likely to fail. If they're cheaper or easier than spies, then spies won't be used by players.

Also, now that spy networks are in the game, it would be nice to give some bonuses for them in the relevant skill trees.
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Last edited by Bluddy : 11-24-2020 at 04:33 PM.
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Old 11-22-2020, 10:35 PM
Gribbly Gribbly is offline
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Default map screen bug

Since the new patch the sector map screen is no longer dragable with the left mouse button. clicking the left mouse button sets the position to the top left and sometimes it gets stuck there. it can be moved sometimes by the slider bars only. one time all the systems disappeared too and would not come back until i restarted the game. it was fine before. just thought i would let you know. thanks for making such an addicting game!
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Old 11-24-2020, 04:51 PM
Bluddy Bluddy is offline
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Thinking about it some more, I think the effects should be scaled:

* If a race has 10 planets and you have spies on 5 of them, a rumor is 50% effective, etc.
* Sabotage is not scaled if you have a spy on that specific planet. If not, the percentage chance is reduced by the ratio as above, deducting percentages from the chance of success.
* Stealing tech is always reduced by the ratio of planets you have spies on.

* It would also be nice if your inactive spies could have a chance to pick up on a 'crackdown' the race is performing to flush out spies.
* Once you know of a crackdown, you can have a command to 'lay low' to prevent being found.
* Other races are also spying, and can have their spies flushed out and such. Spies cost them money as well.

* I would recommend to get rid of the non-spy ways of doing rumors/propaganda, to emphasize the spy system and its novelty in this game.
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